Hungarians civ concept

I’ve been wanting to make this concept for a while because I wanted to make my own Hungarian civ concept. Also, I want to thank @GeerOfWar1426 for letting me use his concept as reference.

The Hungarians represent the namesake group of people from Hungary during the medieval era. They migrated from the East and would go on to conquer the Carpathian Basin and establish the Principality of Hungary, which would then be succeeded by the Kingdom of Hungary.

  • Year span: 895-1526 CE
  • Focus: Agility, Cavalry, Immigration
  • Difficulty: 2/3


  • The Military Academy technology can be researched in almost an instant.
  • Stable technologies, Horse Archer upgrade, and Biology are researched 20% faster.
  • Horse Archers are created 15% faster.
  • Fishing Boats are 15% faster

Influence: Immigration

What does the Immigration influence do: Houses build within the influence of Immigration Centers increase the amount of immigrants that are automatically spawned from each Immigration Center. Monasteries are also affected if the Golden Bull technology is researched. The units spawned by the Immigrant Center changes throughout the ages.

Unique Units:

  • Magyar Huszar - Light melee cavalry with better stats but higher cost. Replaces the Horseman.

    Magyar Huszar portrait from AoEII : DE

  • Arquebusier - Ranged infantry that is armed with an arquebus and carries a pavise shield. Replaces the Hand Cannoneer.

    A miniature replica of an Arquebusier carrying a pavise.

    A portrait of the Borgia Arquebusier from Assassin’s Creed (this one carries the pavise).

Unique Buildings:

  • Immigration Center - Building that creates various immigrant units.

Unique Technologies:

  • Hospes Privilages - The speed of Immigration is increased. Available at the Immigration Center starting in the Feudal Age.
  • Enhanced Hastiness - Mounted units are 20% faster. Available at the Stable starting in the Feudal Age.
  • Golden Bull - Monasteries become affected by the Influence. Available at the Immigration Center starting in the Castle Age.
  • Recurve Bows - The projectile speed of Horse Archers is increased by 50%. Available at the Archery Range starting in the Castle Age.
  • Siculi Army - Magyar Huszars and Horse Archers are trainable at the Keep. Available at the Stable starting in the Castle Age.
  • Diet of Temesvar - Magyar Huszar gain +2 LOS and deal +2 bonus damage against villagers. Available at the Stable starting in the Imperial Age.
  • Corvinus Management - Immigration Centers and Markets can generate a trickle of gold. Available at the University.


  • Cheftain’s Tower - Landmark that acts as an Outpost that can train Spearmen, Archers, and Magyar Huszars. Based on the hill forts built by the Magyars during the early days of the Principality of Hungary.
  • Basilica of the Assumption - Landmark that acts as an Immigration Center. Nearby houses can heal units. Based on Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Diosgyr Castle - Landmark that acts as a Keep. Keeps are capable of creating immigrants. Based on the building of the same name.
  • St. Michael’s Cathedral - Landmark that acts as a Monastery. Relics garrisoned in this building can increase the production speed of Stable units by 5%. Based on the rebuilt iteration of St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica.
  • Raven’s Keep - Landmark that acts as a Keep. All Military units (except for siege units) are available at this building and can be produced 150% faster. Based on the Hunyadi Castle.
  • Grand Library - Landmark that acts as a University. Technologies researched there can each increase the immigration speed by 10%. Based on the Biblioteca Corviniana.

Wonder: Buda Palace

Units that are expected to become shared units:

  • Horse Archer - Ranged cavalry that is to become shared among civilizations that historically used them.

Architecture: Designs of the Árpádian’s Age would be seen in Age I and II while appearing different in each of both ages. Age III would be using Hungarian Gothic style while Age IV uses Renaissance style.

Language: Old Hungarian would be spoken throughout all ages.

Proposed Stats for each unique unit:

[Magyar Huszar]

  • Cost: 110 Food and 30 Wood
  • Training time: Same as Horseman
  • Hitpoints: 135 (Regular), 165 (Veteran), 190 (Elite)
  • Melee armor: 0
  • Ranged armor: Same as Horseman
  • Attack: 11 (Regular), 13 (Veteran), 15 (Elite)
  • Attack bonus: +11 vs. Ranged (Regular), +13 vs. Ranged (Veteran), +15 vs. Ranged (Elite)
  • Torch damage: Same as Horseman
  • Upgrade cost: Same as Horseman
  • Upgrade time: Same as Horseman


  • Cost: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Traning time: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Hitpoints: 140
  • Melee armor: 2
  • Ranged armor: 2
  • Speed: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Line of Sight: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Attack: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Range: Same as Hand Cannoneer
  • Rate of Fire: 2.105 seconds

How the Hungarians could be added: Either the campaign-only civ, Kingdom of Hungary, gets reworked and turned into a base civ or the Kingdom of Hungary gets removed and gets completely replaced by the Hungarians, with campaign scenarios that feature AI players who’s civ is set to Kingdom of Hungary have their civ become Hungarians.

If you want, check out my other civ concepts as well:

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