Ideas for new DLC aimed at the americas

If there was a new DLC aimed at American civilizations (North, South and Central America), which civilizations should be present, in your opinion?

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Chimus, Muiscas, Taino, Araucans.


That is the perfect South African DLC I imagined. If devs release 2-2 civs each time, then: Chimu-Araucans and Muiscans-Caribs with 1-1 new architecture.

Walls of the Chimu capital city, Chan Chan: image
Inca architecture:
Muisca village:
Carib Karbay:


Inuit and mississippians.

But from a european view the major 3 empires are already covered.

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The only civ interesting to me (thats not already in Game) is the araucanos


I would like to see with the following civilizations: 1 Sulamericana: Mapuches (Araucans), using a new Andean architecture and sharing with the Incas. 2 or at least 1 North American: with an exclusive architecture native North Americans Iroquois or mississippianos (my first choice because I haven’t been represented in any game yet) or Pueblos or some other North American native. To have a balance two civilizations from each america (south, central and north american). For those who say that this would make the game anachronistic, who said that the developers could not work with new expansions, beyond the period of 1500 AD (it is an expansion and therefore it can go beyond)? they could also work with new units as a new update for the hand cannon (as an example: arcabuz). but I would like to hear more ideas from you too. what would you like to see besides civilizations? which unique technologies? which unique units?


I would also love to see the Mapuche in the age of empires 2: they are a warrior people that still fight to this day (From the Inca expansionism to today).


YOU must find a wonder for it,if it does not have a wonder these civs can impossible be released,and there is no need to discuss.

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The Huns do not even have a Wonder. Their Wonder is a sacked Roman Victory Arch.
So you can perfectly have civs with no real Wonders.

I think people underestimate how much Huns bent the requirements to be a civ in AoE2, and the precedent they set.


Indeed the only line we can draw is that the civi had any contact with two or more ingame civis.Even that is debatable sometime with meso civis.


Not even that. The Incas are very isolated in the AoE2 world. They are nowhere close to the Mayans or Aztecs, nor have they ever truly fought them.

The only real requirement, is actually having relevance to the period, and whatever the devs want to introduce.


Must admire him for making such a long list.


Juggernaut helped with this one, only the shorter one before was mine :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


None. The American tribes aren’t relevant enough in the timeframe of the game to appear, and I say this as a Latin-American myself
Hell, even the Aztec, Maya and Incas are ridiculous enough with their full plate champions, crossbowmen and trebuchets
Also, most big players of the continent are isolated or their neighbors aren’t distinct enough, like, just look at the Pachacuti campaign, it’s literally just Incas
I’d rather have more Asian, African and even eastern European civs in AoE2, you should suggest civs from the Americas for AoE3
That being said, Mapuches for AoE3 would be sick, I mean, I would love a whole new Age game about the Napoleonic Era and the revolutions of the countries of the Americas (I mean, I know of both AoE3 mods that covet this, but it would be cool to be official, kinda surprised they didn’t do what they did with FE for them and included them in AoE3:DE, but I’m getting off topic)

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But they are.

Gameplay conventions. AoE3 tried to do it differently, and got even more ridiculous, with Aztec Skull Knights going naked into battle, taking a cannon ball, and not even slowing their stride.

I guess the Blood God shields them, or something…

North American civs would be majorly distinct from Meso and south american civs.

AoE3 is a failure, and the less effort devs put into taht game, the more they can put into AoE2, which is actually the best in thr franchise, and the easiest to sell DLC to.

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I humbly disagree with you regarding AoE 3 as a failure. It may not be a blockbuster but it is a game of its own. Tbh AoE 3 DE should be the one getting more civs than AoE 2 DE.


I disagree. With it’s rapidly vanishing playerbase, any expansion to AoE3 DE may not sell very well, while with AoE2 DE, DLC is sure money.

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I mean, I’d rather have civilizations that actually interacted with other civilizations that appear in the game, that’s what I mean by “relevant”
The civs from the Americas didn’t interact with any other civ in the game until after the main timeframe of AoE2

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I’m not thinking in terms of profit this time despite its importance for Microsoft. I’m saying that AoE 3 can still have a decent community of its own despite the popularity of AoE 2. In terms of DLCs, AoE 3 is the one that really requires DLC the most without dividing the community. Just look at the backlash at the choices of civ and the implementation of new civs between AoE 2 DE’s community.

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It’s not just Incas. It’s Incas, Chimus and Chankas.