If you could have an Aoe 3 unit in 2, which one would you want?

A great bombard. Has to be deployed like a trebuchet, slow rate of fire, but merciless damage vs buildings.


It would be a different beast, the bombard cannon is supposed to be a jack of all trades, good vs buildings and units (though lacking the sheer efficiency of trebs and onagers respectively), while a great bombard would be utterly rubbish vs troops, for the same price you could have who knows how many smaller guns that are reloaded faster instead of a monstruous single shot that takes the afternoon to reload.

Maybe an unique replacement for the trebuchet ?


Is that the one that poison damage?

With the announcement of AoE3’s new civilizations, anything is possible at this point.

Picking the Maltese as a civ is jumping the shark indeed, even though they did also own Rhodes for a while xD

Meanwhile, still no PLC

Lanzadores de fuego griego bizantinos

They already have a bonus and an unique tech for their fire ships. And there is no Byzantines in AOE3

They’re a minor house now, if I read it right. House of Jagiellon, I believe…

Vasa* but I bet they’ll eventually come with Danes in a future DLC.

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Vasa? That’s the Swedes. He was talking about the Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth, they were ruled by the Jagiellons.

Yeah I know but the Winged hussars are trained from Vasa (I’ve asked about Jagiellons aswell)

btw if we’re talking about things from AoE2 to AoE3, I’d love to see Persians and Burmese there too…Well Safavids/Afsharid Persians ofc

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Wait, they seriously placed the Winged Hussars under the House of Vasa, when they had the Jagiellons added right with them?

Oh, thats definitely gonna bug me…

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Indeed, I was confused too…

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And getting back on topic, gatling guns! No real reason for them though, I just enjoy using the unit in general…

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Well, thanks for letting me know, now I won’t be taken off guard when it drops lol

Having them as a minor house is much less than having the PLC as a playable civ. The PLC was on the top of the list of european civs to add, alongside the Italians and maybe splitting the Germans into Germany/Prussia and HRE/Austria

Yes it is. Poison arrows were also commonly used by tribal peoples of Southern China and SE Asia.


Notably by chu-ko-nu users since the bolt themselves would cause very little damage, not a lot of energy in them compared to a regular crossbow or even a hunting bow.

The big thing that stops me from playing AoE4 is that I don’t like the look of it. I really like AoE2 DE’s style and if it was possible, I’d an expansion pack which adds the discovery and explorer age because I like Aoe3 units, buildings, mechanics but never been a fan of its style. I also enjoy the scenario editor in AoE2 and could spend hours making a city especially with the new assets.