If you could include new mechanics, features or functions in AOE-3, what would you implement?

I would like to be able to rearrange the order of my decks, be able to watch a player’s match history and a new observer mode for watch recorded game and live game ( more detail such as the cards sent or the resource panel of the 2 players in real time without having to switch a player’s point of view each time )


Hmm… Rework older Age up bonuses to unlock units and techs, rather than just deliver shipments. On older civilizations that is.

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I would like some lore for many cards. It’s good to know a little about the background of the cards.


¿Algo parecido a las cartas nuevas de España? (Virreinato, Reconquista, Etc.)

Yes, something like that.

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asians consulates :=

Imagino que España tiene varias tarjetas posibles con historia, en especial las de virreinato.

Virreinato del Río de la Plata
Virreinato del Perú
Virreinato de nueva granada

Quizás algunas tarjetas sobre acontecimientos con los mapuche.

Batalla de Reinohuelén
Las unidades de caballería tienen un aumento de daño del 25% durante 6 minutos
Nota: Muy útil si se utiliza con las revoluciones de chile y argentina.

Creo que de la Guerra de Arauco se podrían sacar varias ideas para nuevas tarjetas.

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Personally I would like to see a new game mode similar to mode that was implemented in LOTR RTS. It was called “War of the Ring” If I remember correctly, basically it’s mode with world map where you can conquer territories, build additional buildings in it that can help you with deal with enemies. My knowledge of english isn’t good enough to fully explain to you all features that this mode potentially may offer. If you want to know more about this mode just google it and you will get my point on how this could work.


I would make two types of walls: makeshift but flimsy wood walls, and earthworks. The earthworks wouldn’t actually block enemies, but instead would slow them down and provide bonuses for defenders placed behind them.

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I would like them added at the same time as Argentina and Colombia, sharing a bit of mechanic with the cards as mwxican haciendas.

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Creo que una variante sobre esta idea para darle funcionalidad a los pilares de muralla sería la capacidad de convertirlos en bastiones de muralla que puedan albergar a una unidad del juego que pueda seguir disparando desde au interior. Esto no rompería el balance, pues no se agregan fuentes de daño nuevas, solo una forma de darle más duración a una unidad de juego, y le daría un uso a esos pilares que actualmente no sirven para nada más que gastar recursos.

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(This is a translation to English of my comment above) Maybe wall pillars could serve as mini wall bastions where you can garrison a ranged unit that can fire without receiving damage as long as ir remains within the pillar and as long as the pillar stands. I think this would give you a reason to consider leaving some pillars up.

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No es necesario que te preocupes por traducir tus comentarios, la propia pagina tiene un traductor incorporado.

No es el mejor traductor del mundo, pero es algo. :laughing:


Eso, no lo sabía. Vaya que se aprende algo cada día. Gracias por el dato!


(My suggestion of increasing military selection by 95 was heard tysm!)
Something small and simple that would be nice, is having the ability to tribute resources without taxes; the current tribute tax rate is 12%, meaning that tributing 100% resources will cost you 112%, so adding an expensive tech in the market or the capitol to have this tribute free of taxes in age V, this would avoid OP team strats of some sort in supremacy.

Besides all this, the only thing i can see it can have a small impact is in team trade in Treaty, were team trade would be even more viable, currently, as there are two exchanges, for ally to trade card bearer, and from this last to ally, the total tax is 125.44% and as the card exchange is normally 125% then the ally would get almost the same, just slightly less than what he has, but just converted, and having with the free takes not just converted but also the +25% would be kinda Big but don’t thing it would be OP. Or at least reduce the tax with that tech…

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try this
maybe not useful in chat in game

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Sorry, what? Didn’t understood what you wanted to say

Could there be a game mode where 2 players share the same base like SC-2’s ‘archon mode’?

This consists of two players controlling the same base and civilization (The same entity that would be controlled by 1 player, would be controlled by 2 players in this game mode).

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Import the bell of the villagers’ automatic refuge to AOE3 .There is also an introduction to the encyclopedia of the unit, and a lot of guide articles are omitted by the decision version.


Algunas de las unidades de las Casas Reales tienen la capacidad de “Subir de Nivel” como en BFME II, creo que esta mecánica que propuse se podría extender al resto de las civilizaciones menores. :smile:

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