Hi devs welcome i will try to explain you the unfairness against ottoman unique units i hope this enlightens you i will star from less complicated to comlicated.
This one is so simple they have fortitude ability when they activate they attack faster but also take %50 more melee damage.I think that %50 more damage taken removed and ability must last like 5 seconds because we are not seeing anything like that at other unique units for example french knights get bonus damage for 3 second when they charge to enemy and they dont get any penalty for it and they are stronger than normal knights and they cost same here is the comprassion:
I found this very unfair while some other unique unit costs the same and they are much stronger then their origins and they dont get any penalty for it.Its like that for other unique units too but when it comes to ottoman sipahi you guys are trying balance something i dont find it right thing to do.So that %50 melee damage taken need to be removed and they must cost same as normal horseman or i will think this is not fair and you guys are picking sides.(Also english archers get same kind of ability too(%70 attack speed) and they dont get any penalty for it)
Great unit looks so cool act so cool but there is a thing they do less dps to buildings than normal bombard i can tolarate this because unit is cool but it still seems wrong to me here is why:
They cost 500 resource more and 1 more population and in return they get ver cool features but why do they deal less dps to building why is this taken from them while the other thing getting paid.
Normal bombard dps to building(without chemistry):510/4.25=120
Great bombard dps to building(without chemistry):770/7,75=100
so in my opinion they need a +100 more damage to buildings but even if we add that normal bombard still do more damage:
but at least it is getting close im ok to even that some people now gonna say “but you can put units ###### #### to shoot faster” cheapest military unit 80 resource and 1 population should i need to pay more?I already paid them a ton so this thing here just seems not right to me.And they both die to 2 shots from culverin(they can die i have no problem with it but damage to building bothers me i wanted show health wise they dont have much difference).
Edit:I made a mistake normal bombard attack speed was 5.38 so correct math is this
Great Bombard DPS VS. Buildings = (190+580) / 7.75 = 99.355
(PUP version)Bombard DPS VS. Buildings = (100+410) / 5.38 = 94.796
In that case im totally fine with great bombards.
castle age janissaries become a problem for me they are so weak so im going to compare them to crossbows resource wise:
crossbow 80f 40g =120 res , 80 health , 14 max attack ,5 range , attack speed 2.15 (castle age)
janissary 60f 100g=160 res , 90 health , 16 max attack , 3.5 range , atttack speed 1.75 (castle age)
Health of janissary what it should be: 80x160/120=107
Attack of janissary what it should be: 14x160/120=19 jan has 1.75 attack speed so 19/2,15x1,75=16 also they have 1,5 less range
as you can see castle age janissary should be like this
if we do the imperial verison it is:
janissary health:127 (normally 105)
janissary attack:20 again they have 1.5 less range but luckly you added janissary guns tech which give +3 damage
thats what it should be you devs made the attack math but you forgot to give them health to a unit with such a low range.Janissary is a unique unit like the other unique units i would expect them to be stronger but if we do these things they are resourcefully equal of the crossbow at least at castle age may be you can make a 2 janissary gun tech that first one at castle age gives +1 damage, imperial one gives +2 damage like the blacksmith tech does.
And im not comparing them to another unique unit Streltsy they have everthing and they are also better against horseman than janissary
Guys what is this maybe russians getting their unique unit late but you killed the janissary in comparison and i dont want them to be super strong like streltsy just give them the health boost they deserve i dont know what to say maybe they can get a melee armor too since they get countered by range they need to stay strong against melee units and i hope that %50 thing doesnt apply to siege weapons because i saw one mango shot lowered their health to 1.If they take %50 more damage from siege too nobody is gonna make them and this is very sad while other unique units costs the same and far more stronger version of their origins this is unacceptable.
This is not a complaint more like a request Ottomans are a horse archer civ this guy made a very good post about it so i will share it here too:Ottomans Lacking Horse Archer [Serious]
If you guys are not gonna add horse archer if you are saying its too much work we need a new model for it ext. ext. i have a solution at age 2 stables are gonna have tech to turn scouts in to horse archer called akinci and they will be able to shoot while moving,they will have 4 range,their attack will be same with scout(2) with same attack speed but they will do +3 more damage to villagers,at castle age they will get a another thech which give them another +5 damage to vills and one more of the same thing at imperial age best part is they will not gonna get upgrade they will only kill villagers i think this is a amazing idea or just add a proper horse archer this unit is a must without a horse archer this is not a ottoman just a civ devs randomly created
Despite you ruined the unique units of ottoman i thank you units look amazing,architecture looks on point and amazing,im so suprised by the sound of the ottoman units you did very very good job i wasnt expecting from you i wish that if you just made the ottoman unique units better like the other unique units i would be so happier i hope you right your wrong but i really like the look and sound you obviously have put a great efort to this so i thank you
If im wrong you guys can explain me where im wrong