Game music stops playing around the 7 minute mark. If menu music is supposed to loop it doesn’t. Also, any time I go to a results screen that music plays all the way through regardless of if I stay on that menu. So if I lose a game then hit replay the “defeat” music will play over the normal game music. This makes for extremely obnoxious couple minutes, and then once I hit the 7ish minute mark it makes for a very boring game.
Reproduction Steps:
I guess just play the game. I’m playing through the campaign and started with the Egypt Tutorial campaign and I noticed this happened on every map when the game was lasting long enough for it to happen on. I’m not doing anything special, just playing the game.
I seemed to solved the issue. I did a full reinstall of the game and now it all works just fine. Not sure why the issue was present to begin with. So I guess if anyone else has this issue, that might work for you too.
At most times a cold reboot solves this problem too.
I think you also can reproduce this issue if you would switch to another account and start the game below that account shortly after the game below the primary account was closed and that user did not sign out.
This definitely needs fixing. At start it will play a soundtrack, but one only. Ofcourse I could listen to the YT soundtrack in the background, but this needs to be fixed and I’m surprised this bug still exists after a year of release!
I also reinstalled the game; the music is working in the first match, then it disappears in the next match. So this is still an ongoing issue in my experience. Let’s hope this gets fixed in a new update.
I have this issue too, since Update 36211. It happened to me in other campaign, it was either The Rise of Rome or Ave Caesar. I believe it happens with every scenario, and not just with a bunch of them.
Yeah, I really want this problem to be solved… I mean, it wasn’t there previously, at least to my knowledge. Have you guys experienced it before April 15th update?