Inca team Bonus

Not sure if that’s possible (or easy enough to implement) from a technical perspective but apart from that sounds like a good idea!


Way too strong. You can pump out bad dark age farms throughout upping and early feudal, that gives you easy food income to research collar and then those farms aren’t bad anymore! Especially on a civ that can still go #yolo.


The “Incas not a team game civ” is exactly why a good TB would make it a good team game civ.


nah it is fine you are exaggerating man.


Kinda true but you could make it a resgular bonus (not tb) instead.

Tg perfomance is mostly about units and eco not the tb. In tg you wanna play knight or xbow so eagles are somewhat misplaced here. Mayans are great tg civ bc of archers. Aztecs have their uses here oder their on ultra aggressive maps but Incas won’t picked even on those unless it’s about towers. And as we all know this part has been drastically nerfed for them. So to be useful you’d have to add something like that again which would feel weird and also would only benefit niche purposes.

Let’s be real here, the current tb isn’t an eco bonus. You save a few seconds building a farm but the food production rate is the same for the next few minutes. In exchange your and your allies’ good habits become bad.

I like this one as far as farm bonuses go. Removes a lot of chances for heraSnipe. One idea I had is unbuilt farms start on 4x farm hp, fully built have 5x farm hp. Or less, I don’t care about the exact number, the point is to make eco damage by killing farms much harder.

It doesn’t have to be a farm bonus though. Now that the vil buff doesn’t apply early, moving it to tb is viable - or the tb can be an extra smaller vil bonus like +1 pierce or mentioned +5 hp. Obviously not +1 melee, that helps in vilfights immensely.

Still too strong since “civ that can go yolo” is incas, not allies.

nah it’s not fine man

Franks have free farms, Burgundians have like them too with their eco in dark and you think this bonus broken for incas!!!


Burgundians are broken. Franks need to wait for feudal.

yeah so what?! I am not saying they will take for free they will still pay for the tech but at least they will not need to reseed their farms with this bonus to take the farm upgrades again.

You’re basing it on the current “archers/knights” meta though. Incas is the quintessential “counters” civ and is a great civ to have on your team regardless of it lacking a straight fit into the meta because they have strong counters to anything.

A good team bonus does pump up the amount of people that use a civ in team game, or at least with certain pairings. An example is the Burmese team bonus + lithuanians to get sight of relics. Portuguese are surprisingly common in low ELO team games because of their carto bonus which is good for new players, not just because they can mass arbs.

I think the goal of the devs is to make civs that are playable 1v1 and team game, not resign themselves to “these civs are team, these civs are not”.

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A better TB won’t make anyone want to pick incas in 1v1 though (nor team tbh, they don’t offer anything that the other two meso civs can’t do better)

They’ll pay for the tech at the point where they have more than enough food income. Possibly after clicking castle age.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an inca main. I’d love such a bonus. However, it’d just make other people saltier than yolo towers did. It’s too far in the other direction, instead of a tb that makes your eco management harder you get a tb that makes it effortless.

bro this bonus will be helpful only in early game not in castle/imp so don’t worry it will be fine. Franks have free farms, you can say same for Burgundians, Sicilians too with their +100% more food same, so Incas as a team bonus to have food instantly to farms will be fine.

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Yes, it’s early game unbalance that’s the problem. I already replied about franks, burgundians. Sicilian bonus isn’t about early game either.

Stone gates have 6 LOS, maybe it could be that Stone walls have 6 LOS as well? So like you say: Stone walls have +4 LOS.

Its a mediocre eco bonus but it may end up having a larger effect than you imagine. If played correctly it can be a better Chinese eco bonus who is already a nice bonus on itself

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Yeah but it’s not just current it has been the meta for a very long time and I don’t see how that is gonna change. Counter units are great for 1v1 but for tg the don’t play an important role. Maybe in late game but then it’s because of lacking gold which is just as bad for Incan counter units. There are some exceptions but adding a tb for these is probably way worse than keeping the current one.

For Porto it makes sense bc they are one of the best tg civs on water and are pretty good on land map tgs as well since spend less gold for archers and even scale better into imp.

Sure but due to game mechanics there always will be civs that aren’t good for tg. Like meso bc of eagle instead knights (unless your name is mayans and you are a top archer civ ofc).

Every civ can go yolo11 Cheaper towers is nice but it’s not that much of an advantage. Like look at teutons: They have better trush now I’d say and the cheaper farms behind that is a way better eco bonus than the proposed farm upgrades affect already build farms. This is pretty mediocre compared to top ones.

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Do you think that’s good balance for teutons?

sure, i think that could be somewhat useful