Is anyone else seeing insane memory utilization playing DE?

Yes, in both instances loading times dropped. Roughly by 25-50%. It is difficult to put an exact number on it, but it very noticeably dropped.

My CPU is a i5-6500, GPU a GTX 1060 6GB. But the GPU is not relevant. Use a GTX 960 and you will get the exact same performance.

Also check my topic with tips:

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I m have the same problem with age of empire 2 DEc
I start play after work 10min the game take little by little all ram usage to close the game


that much memory, you using enchanced graphcis? i’d recommend restart game after 2-3 games or so, especially long game sessions.

I don’t understand why anyone would risk lag or crashes just to make the game look prettier. Set everything to Low, lowest possible graphics, turn off all 3D settings, weather, water etc. Even with everything on low it still looks great.