Hausa has 4 cards that affects mine rate - Silversmith, Established ironmonger, Pulaaku code & Massina Madrasahs - combined for +85% gather rate
In terms of techs, again hausa has 4 - 3 market techs and akan gold economy, which gives another +50%
in total that is a +135% gather rate on mines (plus a bit of yield)
and then there are the beber vils - things to note about the berber vils is that their base rate is the same as normal vils, its that they effectively have a tech on them that makes them gather +33% faster on natural res. Meaning that techs and cards improves them less when compared to their base rate
This means that the max rate of berber vils on a lategame salt mine is only +13% compared to a normal vil
This is however still better then a maxed out vil on fields ( and when taking into account movement and such the comparison is even better)
so if you ever managed to max out on berber vils on a salt mine with air beber, then i think maxed out salt mine with berber vils is worth about 27 vils maxed out vils set on fields
I read through this thread today and it’s nice to see at least a handful of people taking such a deep interest in the African civs. Although they aren’t very popular overall, I think the African civs are a really impressive bit of game design from the developers’ side. They are really remarkably different from anything else in the game and despite everything that sets them apart, they still land not too far off from the other civs in terms of balance.
1 nerf that surprised me was the nerf to the age 1 card that gives mountain monasteries an extra 1k coin, nerfing it to 900 coin. That card is the only way to consistently get influence as ethiopia by destroying and rebuilding monasteries repeatedly so you get another 1k coin and can continue gathering influence with the abuns otherwise abuns become useless once natural mines are exhausted. I’d like it if you could get some age up or upgrade that allowed abuns to gather just influence from monasteries that don’t have a coin mine.
I think hausa needs some eco buffs for food gathering too, fields are already terrible and 2 cards that buff field gather rate by 10% is abysmal, combine both of these cards at least and ideally buff it to 1 card giving 25% faster food gathering.
yeah that is exactly how it is used and its good enough since you can trade cows to get wood and have safe in base mine rate gathering without map control
But it’s a really stupid and probably unintended design to be constantly destroying and rebuilding in order to avoid a unit becoming totally useless. A card/tech that restricts them to influence only but with Abuns still able to gather would be a more sensible alternative.
The Tabot card (All your existing and newly constructed Mountain Monasteries contain additional coin) should place a button on the Mountain Monasteries that allows you to recharge them with coins in exchange for 150 wood, once they are depleted.
well there are 2 things you need to kind of do for maximum abuse it
1- get cree ally and get the cost down to 450
2 - stack yield upgrades (US has a card that increases base yield better stacking)
So you get more like 2250 food for 450 wood ( which you can just set factories on or even have vils gather them cause you gather food at like x2-3 speed of mills) - its decent for volunteer spam
The other way to abuse is is that if you are italy playing team games
Interesting, I will try it out thanks. I guess you can further decrease tc cost from the capitol wagon tech as well. Once at max villagers you can do this with several tcs at once to speed up the process, might be good late game.
Yeah of course. I don’t see any problems here. European civs get 20% food card and 25% coin card. Africans get 10-15%. Perfect right? What’s the issue?
Notice european civs also get 15% attack and hp card on multiple units in age3. Africans? 5% 10% cards. Yeah it is totally fine. The final age 5 eco upgrade for african is 30%, not 50%. So everything seem to be just as intended, and need to be inline with each other.
The problem with the Berber salt mine is that it needs a lot of cards and you also have to keep an eye on it when it runs out. I think it’s a non-ideal solution to Hausa’s low food/coin pickup in late game/treaty.
It also doesn’t represent a big buff, finally, u can use only about 20 settlers in that source of coin at the same time. The field gathers rate needs a little buff for Hausa, is kinda low.
Yeah particularly the food gathering rate where you have 2 10% faster food gathering cards and yet they have 1 card that gives 25% faster coin gathering, they should merge the 2 food rate cards into 1.