Maltese villagers limit

The regular musketeers shot all the veteran sentinels. ALL of them. Even though there were fewer of them according to the limit.

title please before speaking troll

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Anyone can watch the video themselves. There it will be clear whether I am a liar and a troll or not)

youve already been called out as a troll and bad faith poster several times by several people in this thread. im using your own standards, post your own vids as qualifications to speak or use my title

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The video shows how 39 veteran sentinels lost to 53 regular musketeers under TC. It’s a fact. Who I am is not important.

You see the same thing as I do.

If you’re speaking of the fight under my TC, maybe use your brain to see the 12 jagers. Another morning another lie by juan the bs’er

(I know you dont know anything about aoe3, so for reference those funny hat green guys are called jaegers, who are really good units vs maltas non existent musk.)

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And 12 hussars who scared the Jaegers and distracted 11 musketeers.
If everything is so good, why did Lion Heart lose?

Lol caught in a lie and still try to obfucate. They got off several rounds.

No juan the liar, showing another vid is just further goalpost moving from a man desperate to avoid admitting hea not qualified to make posts. Where are your vid? You clearly arent capable of being honest or reading a game at my level, so no point in bringing up other games. Would be like asking a 5 year old thoughts on picasso.

Also you never showed us a video of you. Why? Scared? Clearly you cant watch others

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What exactly should I show hahahahahaha?) How I lose with sentinels?

I won the game, 2v1 towards the end with rockets pure sents vs musk art uhlan with high score. If you werent a pathological liar and watched it all you had seen that. Maybe you did and decided to keep lying that is how you are being here so would make sense here an end game screenshot without edits

Now where are yours? Oh there arent any cause you lack the skill and know youd be mocked for having way more mouth than brain. Ill wait for it until then ill make sure every time you post people will know who the liar you are :slight_smile:

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I showed you the lion heart. I’m waiting for you to call him a noob.

Im calling you noob
Please post your own vids to demonstrate any capacity
Until then keep your lies up troll

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Are we talking about me or the sentinels?

You should also show how you beat the Swede who doesn’t collect resourcesby torps. The dude played through cattle on Spain. This is madness. He built lamas instead of soldiers.
I would like to see your fight with normal Spain, like in the lionheart video.

Post your vids then, or stop speaking to stuff youre not smart enough to understand (like pre nerf logi spain)
Thay guy would demolish you and was 250 elo higher than you now so maybe speak to your betters with less lies and igorance, juan the liar
Bonus for avoiding the “non existent musk” usage demonstration you got caught lying about

Damn thars alot of non existent musk vids winning games

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Very bold from you to use the “authority argument” when you called some top players gameplay as “noob” on your russia thread

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Your cavalry is so weak that it withstood 6 shots from the French dragoons and did not die.

The French dragoons are again no match for your hussars at age 4.

It seems to me that the battle under fire from the Carolines, who act like dragoons, showed that the hussars did an excellent job.

No comment.

Poor gendarmes(

Going in masses of cavalry against a crowd of Carolines is not the best idea. But even here you did a great job.

And again your dragoons shot down the gendarmes despite the Carolines.

In conclusion, the following can be noted. Why go to the mass cavalry against the Carolines?

It is also worth noting that taking the Boyars into the team instead of the Kamchatka expedition is very selfish)))
Just don’t be offended by my remark, it’s really funny.

I haven’t been caught on anything. It’s a well-known fact that there’s no point in building sentinels after the second century, because dragoons appear, which perform the anti-cavalry function much better, and cost the same amount of limit. I haven’t said anything new here. But you’re trying to argue with that.

However, I would like to hear an “authority argument” why Lionheart lost using Sentinels.

Everything you posted is basically cope and not even worth discussing duento how bad you sre at reading the game. Just like when you missed 12 jaegers. Honestly youre cope isnt even worth a response now
Again post your vids and stop lying about sentinels or keep being the laughing stock of the forums

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This guy said that sentinels are complete crap and he doesn’t understand where to use them.

I didn’t miss any Jaegers. I ignored them just like the 12 Hussars and 15 Lancers who also took part in that battle.

Why should I post any videos? I live in the 21st century, not the 16th. I have the Internet and thousands of videos that show everything I’m talking about. I don’t see the point. Wasting time. What I’m talking about is visible even in the videos you posted yourself.

Basically everyone else every time the have to read more of your dumb and untrue statements like

Forgor the jaegers so thats another lie

Translator note- wheels is villager in juanese

Not since RE
Thats enough lies, can we just nuke this thread or i guess its juan contaiment now

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