I was able to capture it as seen here:
I shot this with my iPhone 12. Since youtube only outputs 60 FPS (as far as I’m aware) it’s kind of hard to notice it during the first part of the video when the footage is playing full-speed. But when it’s slowed down, you can clearly see a stutter occur around the 11 seconds mark and again just before the 20 seconds mark. It might happen more than this (in this example) but those are the two most egregious instances (in this particular example) that I can see.
It does seem to happen fairly often but where and when it stutters seems to be random as far as I can tell. Sometimes I can pan across the map for a couple seconds without any noticeable stutters, and other times there are three or four. In this example I’m using the arrow keys so that it moves at a constant speed (though it seems to occur with the mouse panning as well).
I made a new bug report here: Map/camera pan stuttering