Map scrolling is choppy/sluggish & stuttering

These problems existed in the beta for months. I complained in the survey every time they sent one out. it was never addressed. Lazy developing for sure. Thank god these guys aren’t working on AoEIV

after the last patch map scrolling lag is back.

really frustrating…

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Hey, I know this is a bit old but for anyone looking through later:

was able to minimise the issue by going from fullscreen mode to full desktop mode with vsync off. Furthermore, you can combine this with hitting “Windows key + P” and disabling a second monitor if you have one.
There’s still a little bit of stuttering but it has been greatly reduced for me using these steps.

The issue was fixed for me, has been fine for like 5 days until the release of a patch today. Now the problem is back.

Came here to add myself to the list. The stuttering came back with the update.

I do want to add that it is less noticeable at higher scroll speeds. It’s still there, but that makes the game playable for me.

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Can anyone make a video of the stuttering? preferably with the advanced FPS display on ( hotkey: F11 )

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Enhanced Graphics Pack: OFF
GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
CPU: i5-7400
Windows 10 1909
1920x1080 60 hz monitor


Thanks for the video! This appears to be fixed internally so it should be out in the next couple of updates.


It’s really strange, it was bad at launch, then after first patch it was good, then next patch it got bad again, and recent patch (today) it got abit worse. Why didn’t it stay good when it was good.

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Sometimes in a large project like this a fix for one problem will unintentionally create or unveil an issue somewhere else, so occasionally there can be a bit of a back and fourth while we uncover all the related issues before we can get a proper fix in to address everything at the same time.

It’s complicated and we are doing everything we can.
The best thing is to keep posting detailed bug reports, that helps us so much in getting things fixed.


Hi Neros; just want to say I also have noticed this issue. I really hope to see it fixed soon as it’s quite jarring!

Here’s a video I made:

what version and build number are you on?

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This it?

I’m actually refraining from playing until this is fixed. Maybe I’m more picky than some but it’s just really immersion-breaking. Everything gets super blurry despite the fact that I’m running at ~120 FPS (on my 165 Hz monitor).

You said it’s fixed internally, so panning is smooth?

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The original issue was a stutter caused by an asset loading issue which has been fixed.
The choppy-ness of the camera panning in your video seems to be something else, I will pass this along to the other devs, thanks for the video!


I see… Well, that doesn’t instill confidence, since I’ve heard it was this way on the HD edition and it was never fixed (though that’s anecdotal and I’d just have to try it for myself). I hope that this can be rectified. Do you see this as something “wrong” that will be addressed or is it something that the devs don’t see as a priority item?

We have an idea of what it is and is looking into it.
In the mean time can you try toggling vsync and see if there is much difference?

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Vsync doesn’t anything in this game except make everything worse by (1) not matching the displays refresh rate (why the ■■■■ does it always drop the FPS down to mid 40s) and (2) not resolving the frame skip issue.

I’ve tried 3 different PCs, and the frame skip is always there regardless of resolution, vsync, or any other options. Manually toggling vsync from the nvidia control panel doesn’t do anything either.

My 3 PCs - (1) 8700K with 1080 Ti, frame skip and abysmal performance on 1440p;
(2) 6700k and 980 Ti, frame skip and abysmal performance on 1080p,
(3) 9900K and 2080 Ti, frameskip and you get the picture.

The frame skip / choppy camera is completely destroying the experience here and needs to be fixed ASAP.

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There was an update for vsync recently on the internal build, hopefully that comes through soon and you can test it again.


Appreciate the update Neros1700, I will have my fingers crossed.

I’ve tried various combinations of graphic settings, v-sync on/off, etc. Doesn’t seem to make a difference.

I should also mention that I use g-sync. Though, I’ve tried with g-sync disabled, too. Also doesn’t seem to make a difference.

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