I experienced this issue last night – ~10 ranked 1v1 matches in a row over a 2 hour period all were stuck on “Waiting for Other Players” for 5+ minutes before I had to alt + f4.
The problem persisted after the following diagnostic measures:
Restart PC
Verifying file integrity
Change Steam account
Reinstall AoE3 DE
After doing this and failing another ranked 1v1, I joined an unranked 1v1 match in the Game Browser which successfully launched. After that game I queued 2v2 in the ranked search and my 2v2 game launched, and then I transitioned to 1v1 which began working again.
I opened a support ticket months ago on this. What kinds of logs do the devs need for this? This has been happening consistently for months across different PCs and even different ISPs. It’s definitely this game. How can we help you, the devs, figure this out?
I’ve been having a similar issue, but in my case I get stuck after the map has loaded, right before the map show in screen there’s a loading screen with British soldiers, and it stops there. I’ve just created a topic about it, maybe they’re related somehow?
This is been extremely common for me since the latest patch. And unlike the more rare occurrences on previous patches there doesn’t seem to be any consistent fix or workaround. This really needs to be addressed soon, I think a lot of people are experiencing it more since the last patch.
The bug itself is also inconsistent; sometimes it will show 0/2 ready and nobody loaded into the lobby, sometimes 2/2 ready and nobody loaded into the lobby, sometimes 1/2 and just yourself loaded into the lobby, etc… before getting stuck indefinitely. Quicksearch is practically unplayable getting this bug often.