Mongols are killing the 1v1 for me

I know that they will be nerfed, yam network is a little bit strong. And mb the stone price will be higher on units, but i don’t know if its a good idea, its already quite expensive.

it only takes one major tournament for the pros to see how OP Mongol is, you might not agree or it’s gonna take longer time for you to see but it doesn’t change the fact the pros are calling the nerfs and the devs seems to agree.

Yeah, Mongols shouldn’t have that option in the third age, but bump to Imperial might be reasonable.

Yeah if you let them get to imperial you might wanna change your approach, you shouldn’t even let them get to castle without huge eco damage.

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Against HRE as Mongols build springalds or and/or crossbows, try to deny relics. HRE doesn’t have much going for them in feudal where Mongols are very strong.

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I’m not saying they are perfect the way they are and don’t need anything to change. Of course I think they need a nerf. Every pro only needed to start playing to know French are OP, but sourprise, after they thought about how to countered, it asn’t as OP as first because other civs stil unexplored and maybe they can do good counters in some maps or situation. Still this, I think french need a nerf, they got too many bonuses for free while others they haven’t or they need to invest a lot of ressources to get similar bonuses. Mongols need a nerf, mostly to not have that big advantage in dark age. But look now, one week ago was delhi increasing, now is china, people are discovering the civs and playing better. HRE too has many possibilities. What I state is that maybe a big nerf can destroy a civ mainly because the others are more difficult to play or because need more time to learn and play properly. So we must be careful. erf springalds, nerf Hulk, nerf mobility, nerf stone gather early with ovoo, nerf all the too obvious things that brokes the game, but as a players we must be aware that maybe we don’t know enough of the game to do some proper balance.

No Mongols are broken, french too but less by a lot, and others civs are under all of them.

Hello, I have more than 300 quick games played, and every time I play against a player who uses the Mongols 99% of the time I lose, instead against other factions my W / L rate would be 1.

Having explained the above, I want to make the statement that this civilization is broken, I simply cannot defeat it.

the only viable option is to use that faction but for me all the grace of the game is lost.

I hope the developers look at the win vs. loss statistics for that civilization and realize that they win the game almost every time, it’s a very simple way to see that it is unbalanced.

I like this game a lot but between this bug and the bugs I think I’ll stop playing it

History repeats itself.


I am bit gonna lie, I am struggling a lot against mongols too.
I just don’t know how to play against them yet, but I also can’t say that they are too strong yet because I have seen high level players being able to deal with them and it could be that I just need to learn how to play against them, although some of the pros have said that they are S tier.
So far what I have learned is that scouting them very early is key. In fact mongols is a civ that you really need to make use of your scout and if you manage to take the offensive you gotta keep the pressure up all the time.
The few times I won was when I used my scout well and somehow managed to take the offensive against them.
Maybe a good way to learn a counter is learn to play the civ and try to find out its weaknesses.

I’m a Mongol main so I’m biased but I think perhaps people who struggle against them should try playing as them to see their weaknesses? The way they work is very different from every other civ. It took me a bit of time to get used to them but now I only play as them. In fact I’ve probably played as non Mongols 3/4 times max. English longbow ram rush in feudal for example is very effective against Mongols. If you can destroy their ovoo (stone thing) in dark age/feudal that also cripples them a lot.

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It’s curious, i find the English to be a lot more abuser than the mongol in the feudal age. They have better archers, heavy infantry since age 1. Try to face a feudal rush from them with 2 battering rams, Man at arms and longbowmen with a faction that hasnt access neither to heavy knights or heavy infantry (Hello Delhi) now that the light cavarly has been nerfed and then tell me how it is funny. :slight_smile:
Mongol rush could be annoying but if made with mangudai (the most common one) you simply shread them with archers gaining a great advantage in term of resouces spent. Every type of mongol rush in the feudal age could be repelled with trash unit and a good micromanagement.


I agree with this post except for the mangudai bit. Mangudai are rarely made by Mongol players as they’re pretty poor for their cost. They cost gold but are outperformed by Rus cav archers which don’t cost gold. They have their fire while moving ability but they are still destroyed by archers. They are just a very niche unit.

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Every civ is very strong against Mongols that has early heavy units. And scouting is important, if the Mongol player is able to achieve the map control with outposts and scouts, then with mangudais and fast moving units can pressure your economy a lot and won’t let you expand. In that case it’s very hard to do something against them, as it’s possible that the trade line is also in progress, or already working.

Yeah, good to have an Isight from a mongol player too.
I have been experimenting with trying to destroy the ovoo on the dark age with spearman and it seemed very effective. I lost that game though but that was probably because I was playing as the chinese and went for song dynasty instead of adding archers and keeping the pressure up which just gave my oponent too much time to remass.

If you can hit imp (maybe a big ask in most matchups) your fire lancers are especially effective against Mongols as we have no walls so you’ll find it extra easy to destroy all the landmarks.

Also, I can tell you guys, wall is extremely strong against Mongols :smiley: :D, I know battering ram can destroy it etc, but most of the early aggression can be held up. I was able to win this way against Mongols with Delhi (Edit: not with the current one ofc, I couldn’t win with Delhi at all since the new patch).

yeah if you can somehow wall off most of the map too denying our map control that is effective. Had this done to me a few times on confluence so I’m confined to only 1 or 2 of the 4 squares.

I dont think turtling and walls is the best play though since mongols scale really well. They might be effective at the start against raids but if you just stay in base you will get punished hard.

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It can work for HRE if they have relics. They can hang on like a cockroach!