Original thread: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved - ESOCommunity
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, more than one year later. To start: it may be said that it’s very valuable and pleasant of Microsoft that DE still gets so much support and love. The official devs try to make us happy with roughly one patch per month, and that’s awesome, whether you agree with the changes or not. However, while I’m sure that the balance aspect of the game will keep having everyone’s attention, I do have to say that I’m quite upset to see barely any (online) interface/menu improvements. In this case, I’m mainly talking about the online aspect and the overall menu interface. Why is this important? First impression, usability and (nostalgic) feeling of this game are crucial and always part of the game. It makes the game popular and gets people returning and playing again and again.
Let’s take a look at ESO. The place where we previously met, chat and shared our time together. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Outdated? Yeah. But characteristic? Cozy? Sociable? In the end, ESO worked and we loved it!
Now, let’s take a look (below) at the online interface the Definitive Edition uses. I do have to say that, of course, I appreciate the effort the devs put into making the “new” multiplayer interface, but I hope they are starting to see and realize that the new interface comes nowhere close to the reason we used and loved ESO. The new multiplayer lacks characteristic, the social aspect and most important: overview. Also… Important features are missing. Why isn’t it possible to view who’s online and who’s not? Why is it not possible to see who’s in-game? Why is it not possible to do something else while waiting for a game in quick search? Why is there a bigger threshold to whisper someone than on ESO? What I’d like to see is a social online interface with overview and additional features like a ranking & award system, on front friend list, easy to find other players, online/in-game statuses, ladders, clans and many chat options. Basically, a more updated and modern version of ESO.
I’ve not been the only one posting about it. I’d invite you to (re)read this thread: viewtopic.php?f=982&t=21742 A guy called Arc_gu1ll3_sp clearly explains why we love ESO and focuses on some great options in the ESO interface.
Why is (or was
) AOE3 multiplayer so great. In ESO one copy or CD key of the game is linked to one unique player account. That is your account, people know you by it and you know people by theirs. You get to know players, what civs they are good with, how they like to lame or not and so on.
Let’s continue with how easy ESO makes it to be aware of who is online, what they are doing and interacting with fellow players. Chatting, finding games, inviting to games or clans or getting info from any existing account is super easy and straightforward. Your list of friends is visible no matter in what tab of ESO you are, even if you are in a game room. There is a green circle if they are online, red if they are offline and a AOE3 symbol if they are online and playing. You can chat, check the profile or invite to a game in just 2 clicks on any of the names in your list.
I want to focus specifically on the multiplayer “social side”, which is the main reason for me (and probably for many) for loving AOE3 multiplayer.
Last but not least… (We are talking about the UI’s and interfaces anyway ) Here, on the official forums someone posted some community-made rework suggestions of a new in-game menu. What do we think about it? Look at the suggestion and current situation below. I’m not saying we should exactly copy this interface, but look at the additional potential features! A queued game, friend list, news/updates, rankings, etc. All on the front! Should we want something like this? I’d like to hear your opinion!
Post your opinion about ESO and the DE online interface below and tell about your preferences and what you’re missing! Do you also have examples from other (online) games? ! I’d also really appreciate if the devs would take time looking into this and perhaps, improve the online interface, making it less anti-social and use the good features of ESO.
Want to read more about the potential new interface? Watch this thread: New UI and features ideas - #26 by BonnyMountain91
Original thread: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved - ESOCommunity