According to the stats, they suck… although I would nerf the Hussite Wagon speed, because you can dodge mango shots super easily with them and give them something else to compensate (cheaper castle age UT for example), because that unit is too fast
Mangonel projectiles should be faster. it’s purpose is to counter clamps of armies, and seeing a few xbows grouped outmicro 3 mangonels without much issues (provided the player pays attention) does not help it.
Slowing down hussite wagons would make them totally useless, even for arrow sucking since they need at least something because rams are produced by siege workshops, and hw need castles…
Yeah, that’s basically my only issue with HW. 3 of them can one shot a mango, but they actually move faster than archers. Just an ever-so-slight nerf to their speed would be fine. And give them some cheaper castle age UT or cheaper Elite upgrade to compensate for the minor nerf.
Right now, if you dont have redemption, then the HW is ultra toxic to deal with.
I really don’t have a problem with the rest of the civ, even the mining upgrades, albeit a very strong bonus imho, I can live with it. Just hate when it’s so hard to counter a specific unit.
Well don’t know if they are actually OP in Arena. I don’t play this map usually so… But I can imagine that their bonusses work well there.
But it’s also important to note that they don’t have a booming bonus, so they are maybe a bit too much geared towards clowning which would make them predictable there.
But Im not an expert of arena by any means, so we maybe should just wait for aoestats to give us more info about that specific map.
Edit: Isn’t there a clown cup atm? What do the clowns think about bohemians in arena?
I think we should be extremely skeptical of their current winrate of ~48.5% and really take into account that this civ is at that winrate with Arabia being the most popular map in the pool, with no bloodlines, and no thumb ring. Every meta option they have is lackluster at best in the castle age.
That leaves Gunpowder, Siege, and Monks. Monks are easily the least popular, and most difficult strategy in the entire game to utilize effectively, Siege is an expensive, slow investment. Gunpowder in castle age is strong, but on Arabia? There’s more happening in this civ that can be explained by the winrate, and I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest to see this civ taking a lot of heads.
They are definitely not OP, however if they nerf them it definitely wasn’t because of their winrate, but rather because they were “frustrating” to play against. Cause they are balanced ofc - so why would they nerf them
They cant be OP, i mean we only know the winrate, cause well, he didn’t release the total numbers of Bohemian games and how many of them resulted in a win.
Also they dont have any narrative to lie, as they don’t gain everything from lying to us
If anything. Bohemians need a buff those are statistics 2 weeks after release
After playing the Bohemians quite a bit the wagons feel a bit too powerful. With that being said though, I don’t make too many. I prefer to have 4-10 in my army to soak range damage and prefer to create a deathball. Plus Bohemians aren’t the most flexible civ. If they’re only sitting at a 48.5% win rate though it is not very much. Just some Shower Thoughts from a newb.
1st one is to Remove Halb upgrade. Result would be that Bohemians Pikes are still effective vs Calvary. (Not as effective as Halbs) but in Imp you get your trash monks to help as well with paladin spam. Or we can remove Blast Furnace. (Weakens infantry and Calvary). Problem is this would really pidgeon hole them into another archer civ with subpar archers late game.
You can nerf Hussite Wagon’s base movement speed so it is easier to use siege to counter. I dont know why people say they want them to slow down for archers to counter, HW are a direct counter to ranged units outside of siege. I have also been wondering about giving them a slight negative modifier against melee units. This would open fast infantry units as a possible counter to smaller HW masses. Personally I have found Monks do very well against them in Castle age (with redemption). I personally feel this would be best however if they’re at a 48.5% win rate I would want another Buff to compensate.
For Buffs, I personally am very happy with the Bohemians. They’re one of my favorite civs and I would rather them be untouched as much as possible. With a 48.5% win rate though I’d say they sound very close to balanced. Maybe even a very slight buff though I wouldn’t know where to start.
@TautAnteater3831 Agreed. Bohemians are in a good place right now. Well balanced, actually. Strong on arena and decent on Arabia. Definitely not OP.
It’s Poles that need a nerf.
Wagons aren’t too powerful at all you just have to make counter units against them (siege, monks, cavalry, eagles, etc). People just love ranged units so much they tend to die to these wagons, lol. And anything that discourages the archer meta is good in my book because melee units need a buff anyway.
But what Kind of nerf, they have really big holes in the tech tree plus quite weaker imperial age without Halbs, Ring Archer Armor and Plate Barding Armor.
Maybe doing something to the Obuch (and even still don’t feels that needs a nerf now) and a cost adjustment to both UTs
Their Szlachta Privileges could be nerfed in Castle Age but their Imperial Age is seriously lacking power, for every unit type they miss some essential upgrade. Poles could use a late-game buff in return.
Right now they can’t specialize in anything but trash units and even that just moderately.
No, it is not fine. They lack all essential techs/upgrades to have a unit type to go for in Imperial Age (no Siege Engineers/Onagers, Ring Archer Armor, Halberdier, Plate Barding Armor, Paladin etc.) and have an almost too good Castle Age with plenty of cost-effective options there.