Nerfing the Chinese, Vikings, Mayans and Aztecs

So few days ago I wrote a topic about tweaking the Burgundians (Check: Tweaking the Burgundians). Unfortunately, many people went off-topic and started to say " why didn’t you say anything about other S civs like Chinese? ". I told them many times yeah they need a nerf but the topic was about Burgundians.

Anyway for a long time the meso civs and Chinese and Vikings take the main role on the battle field with their insane bonuses and getting banned/picked every tournament so here are some suggestions to nerf these civs one by one:

Note: If you see these nerfs are overkill then make them as an options so pick what will be better.


  • Town centers no more support 10 population. This suggestion will make their start worse and harder since now they will send some of their 6 vills to build houses rather than sending them directly to collect food from sheep.

Here some options to nerf their tech tree:

  • No more access to plate barding armor.

  • No more access to plate male armor.

  • No more access to Halberdier upgrade

  • No more access to heavy camel upgrade.

  • Their team bonus now make farms with +30 food instead of 45.

Now lets tweak the technology bonus:
I have many suggestions to tweak this bonus like:

  • 1st Option: the reverse effect: so it will be 20%, 15%, 10% feudal, castle, imp. Since the eco grow each age, the cost should be higher not lower or cheaper.

  • 2nd Option: Technologies 15%, 10%, 5% cheaper feudal, castle, imp.

  • 3rd Option: All technologies 10% cheaper all the ages.


  • Handcart no more free.
  • Handcart upgrade cost no food.


  • Now start with -100F, -50W.
  • Resources last 12% longer (was 15%).


  • Military units created 10% faster (was 11%).
  • Team bonus: Relics generate 25% more gold (was 33%).
  • Monks gain 3 HP for every researched Monastery technology. (Was 5 HP).

General nerfs for the meso civs

  • Starting Eagle scout, no more be able to garrison in TC.
  • Eagles now cost 40F, 45G (was 20F, 50G).
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I don’t think Chinese deserve to lose technologies if their technology bonus is nerfed since it will be harder for them to get them anyway.

Those proposals for Aztec and Mayans are just overnerfs, especially for the Aztecs since they already got the two biggest nerfs among those civs. Also how is it even relevant that the eagle scout can garrison in the TC?



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This has to happen in my opinion. They’re way too flexible right now and historically they didn’t even use Camels in fights.

10% throughout all ages would be nice I think.


Hmmmmm seems good, maybe 15% all?

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Indeed at least they should lose the heavy camel upgrade and maybe the last infantry armor.

That would be a buff in Feudal Age. I don’t think that’s needed. I’d prefer 10%.

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I agree with you, but the reverse effect seems maybe good if it start 15%, 10%, 5% what do you think? Or what do you think about the reverse effect in general for the same ratios? I mean 20%, 15%, 10% ? Do you think they will still have the same role?

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Of course you would save less resources in total, but saving 20% in Feudal Age might (at least in some cases) be more important than saving 20% in Imp. But I think it also is just easier to say “All techs are 10% cheaper”. Period.

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I agree with you, I will add your suggestion to the options above.


All these suggestions are bad, and these civs need no nerfs.


How these suggestions are bad and how these civs don’t need a nerf? All these civs are S/A tier civs.

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Which means nothing, because none of them have over 55% winrate.

S tier, A tier… these things mean absolutely nothing.


99% of the community think these civs need a nerf and you say they are fine?! All of them are fine?! If you said Vikings fine I will let this pass, but Chinese, Mayans and Aztecs fine? Noway.

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Vikings eco bonus fits perfectly to fast imp arbalests, so maybe nerfing their arbalests in some way could help (like removing thumb ring or last archer armor).

I like no free hand cart though.

You forgot to overbuff the Saracens and Mameluke, whole.


got a source for this claim? don’t get me wrong, i think aztecs, mayans, and chinese need slight nerfs. but saying 99% of the community thinks they need a nerf? that’s a bit much.


If you remove Free Hand Cart from Vikings you have to give them better units in Imp, because they have the worst tech tree in the game. Reverting the Chieftain nerf could work. Or make Berserk upgrades cheaper. This would make Vikings more fun to play, because they would be an Infantry civ, that uses Infantry frequently.

No need to nerf Eagles, they are annoying to play against, but they are certainly not OP.

Didn’t you say Chinese and Mayans need a nerf?!

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Eagles in general need a tweak.

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