New Ability, don't attack buildings

coh2 is a game also created by Relic, the game has an ability so that tanks do not attack infantry (prioritizing other tanks) unless given the order.

Something similar can be implemented in aoe4 so that you don’t attack buildings, docks (or farms) unless given the order, currently we see that attacking the enemy base is poor because they attack buildings and not units.


  • If it is necessary to implement
  • No, I’m a God of micromanagement

0 voters

  1. Easy and fair way reduce a dumb part of the micro.



IMO The target priority system needs to be optimized. Another thread has been open suggestions such.

Yep, the code sucks BIG TIME and was already criticized in early betas.
Game is doomed


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Wait… you’re saying Archers aren’t good at destroying buildings!? But… that’s impossible…

did you read? that’s not what the post is about, it’s about attacking buildings instead of units

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Yeah and archers targeting buildings is the worst because they do 1 damage per shot. You’re even showing it in the image. At least other units get burn damage even if you don’t want them to focus the buildings. How does that not pertain to what you’re saying?

I’m saying it’s super annoying is all…

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I wanted this for AoE2.

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the cavalry is a clear example, when you flank with the letter A, they will attack the nearest building, it is somewhat deficient

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the vote is over, it only remains in the hands of the developers

I would like to clarify that it is not necessary to imitate the yellow icon that coh2 does, I am only interested in the ability


If they were able to implement that change at sea, it’s the same idea for land units to prioritize attacking units over buildings, either by hotkey or by default, thanks

Good idea! Stances should be added … reducing unnecessary micro is always good.

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I’m ok with this but first they need to nerf archers dps, and reduce their accuracy.