New "Campaign Focused" Expansion Contains 0 Campaigns

you are rewarding this behaviour with your purchase.
please wait until one day before release with your pre-order. steam says the pre-order sale is on until march 14th. that way you are at least sending a small message that they need to act better


We should complain to the FTC about this false advertising.

Oh no actual campaigns with consecutive missions as part of a larger story? That’s a bit disappointing, I was hoping for campaigns


MS took a calculated risk. Many players don’t like mods or fan made content in general and prefer official stuff. So the largest part of the playerbase don’t even know these scenarios. Heck, many haven’t even clicked the Mods menu button.

For most, this DLC will be in fact brand new. A huge load of new scenarios, doubling the number of Historical Battles, and consequently, well worth the price tag. They don’t feel fleeced and will buy it.


weird that you’d be hoping for campaigns from the “campaign focused” expansion. What made you think the “campaign focused” expansion would feature any campaigns?


“Campaigns” was a strange choice of word to refer to single scenarios but what I don’t like is the price strategy. I mean, not the price, which is affordable, but the fact they value this and other DLC equally is wrong.

That for me is the main issue. People who have never heard of these scenarios won’t care much maybe save for the fact it lacks new civs which was a feature in every DLC. But to pay for 19 scenarios, many of them reworked from unofficial stuff, feels like overpaying.

I just hope this doest not herald future DLC being more expensive but hey, I’m being naive I guess…


I’d have expected 7-8 eur/usd for a proper campaign DLC for east asia (a campaign for Korean, Japanese and Chinese each).
whatever this is I’m barely willing to pay 5 eur for


But this is so unfair! I mean, I dedicated months to create scenarii for free and I have no rights over them? How can this be even remotely acceptable?

It’s one step away from stealing intellectual property or making you work for free idk…

The only “positive thing” about all this is that maybe more people will try custom content but still… :persevere:

I honestly feel I wasted so much time and they get more and more rich doing nothing, because it’s not that the last DLC and Ror were exactly masterpieces of creativity… Still they’re all overpriced with no new architecture, very few scenario objects and now not even new civs… I mean they’re just selling fan mods… Next step is selling what, a box of thin air with a logo? Or a game made by someone else?


They could just say unofficial content people loved will be brought officially into the game, redone and upgraded to high standards. We would like, no one would get disappointed. But the way the whole stuff was sold, making us attached to the product then delivering less than we expected? Just a bush league move. Marketing people are becoming very unethical these days.


“strange choice” is a generous description.


Yeah, I’m being generous because sometimes stuff in AOE looks very lazy and dettached from actual fans needs and suggestions. It sounds like they wanted to hype up stuff too much. They could just have said HISTORICAL BATTLES and people would get equally curious.

But in this case I find way worse the fact the campaigns (sic) are just old, unofficial content, reworked. If they were new ““campaigns”” I wouldn’t mind the “mistake” of calling scenarios this way.


They should allow modders to charge for their creations in a sort of marketplace inside the Mods section.

Or maybe offer prizes for whoever designed the best scenario making the best one official later.

There are many ways for MS to make money at the same time modders get their fair share too.

But I believe virtually all of these DLC scenarios were made by their campaign designers. It’s everything in house, as long as they don’t steal from anyone.

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…honestly IDK how I’d have felt in that alternate reality.

I’ve made a big deal about the lie aspect, but perhaps if they were all new, or like 30+ scenarios, or if it was $3, or something, maybe I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was an honest mistake.

But it’s a regular DLC’s worth of scenarios that are recycled for nearly regular dlc price (more if you think the $10 of LOTW, DOTD, and DOI is what aoe2 dlcs “should” cost) AFTER they mis-characterized them as campaigns.

Altogether It’s a bridge too far for me.

If they had just said it was “single-player focused” from the get-go i’d have been mildly disappointed but still instantly forked over the $13.


I would pay for campaigns designed by the guy who created the Aegidius campaign.


Terrible pricing for just “campaigns”…Even Mountain Royals and Return of Rome are much more worth than this (sorry Filthy, I love your scenarios but I think the pricing is too much) :smiling_face_with_tear:

At least add more scenario units/buildings/objects.


I wish they had made full, original campaigns instead of whatever this is…


The pain was bad when I heard it was supposed to be a campaign only dlc then they drop this. I’m not buying and I hope everyone else is the same cus this is madness. If it has a lot of scenario editor assets, that’d be cool.


Yeah, I agree. Old stuff, scenarios instead of campaigns they TOLD us, the pricing. Just too many wrong stuff in this.


I think that in MS’ internal parlance these terms (campaign and scenario) are probably interchangeable to them, which caused some of the backlash. In the menus the current single-game items aren’t called scenarios by the game; they’re called “Historical battles” in the campaign section of the menu. Given that they probably consider them campaigns too, just one game campaigns instead of multiple. Granted you’d hope the devs would be in-touch enough with the community to realize there is a parlance difference in the community and market accordingly, but I mean ah well. I would’ve liked to see the traditional story campaigns instead as well but I can work with these scenarios too personally.

I mean, this describes me pretty well. I do think its a bit overpriced but I can live with it personally.


I’m kinda against the price for the DLC, what do you think about the price