New campaigns for which existing civs?

Yeah, the Oda clan is definitely covered by the Japanese. It was just an idea, you could give them interesting bonuses and UU’s. I imagine the Oda Clan having really cool pikemen, and other Ashigaru units.

Perhaps there’s a better idea for a DLC faction, but I feel that a campaign from that region would be cool. Burgundy was also part of France… but I don’t really want to get into that debate, it was just an idea :slight_smile:

Well,it will be half complicated since you would need to put them in new expansions to make it profitable (let’s remember that good campaigns are difficult to do with the limited time and budget that FE manages)…I think that with the historical battles it is more than enough…for example in aoe 3,the only civs that did not come out in the campaigns were the Portuguese and the Dutch and with the historical battles and the art of war that was solved…

We can totally give campaigns to most of those.

Honestly your arguments dont make much sense

Well,as I said,by power they can,but you saw the time and the budget can play against them…

But making full campaigns in the format of Age 2 (text narrative + 2D scenario + predefined assets) must be a lot easier than building 3-D scenarios with cinematic introductions for Age 3.


Of course,it is much easier,but it is not a plan to put campaigns because yes…there has to be a more coordinated way to put campaigns that are interesting and that at the same time connect with other campaigns,as happened with the lord of the west dlc…there a Viking campaign with Harald Hardrada in the eleventh century (1030-1066),a Japanese with Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1560-1592) (where you could have Portuguese allies who give you hand cannoners in exchange for gold)…and a Korean with Yi Sun-sin (1592-1598) at the end of the sixteenth century could let you pass them as a dlc single player type “The Campaigns of the Conquerors” or something like that…

Not to mention both aoe2 expansions were way lighter in other content outside campaigns when compared to the African DLC

Of course,for the theme of the maps for the multiplayer,with the minor natives and the treasures…

If you’re looking for a potential new civ from Japan, I’d suggest Ainu or Emishi – although they’re both probably too minor, really. I think Japanese cover any other possibility pretty well.

Personally, I’d like a Japanese campaign, but the downside is I can’t any reason you would use Samurai in any historically accurate civ matchup – and having a campaign where you’re better off never using your unique unit would be kind of disappointing to me. I guess maybe the upcoming buff to Samurai might change that, though.


If you need a Japanese dramatic character to make a hero and his campaign, Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村) is really a good source. The story of the Sanada clan and the bond between Yukimura, his father Masayuki (真田昌幸) and his old brother Nobuyuki (真田信之) are fantastic and so popular in modern Japan that lots of dramas, literary works, manga, anime, video games basing on it still have been created after 400 years Yukimura dead, like Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada.

The player has to lead the weak Sanada clan survive in such the Sengoku period within 6 scenarios.

  1. Start at the time Masayuki working for the Takeda clan in the Battle of Kawanakajima (川中島の戦い).
  2. Experience the decline of Takeda after the Battle of Nagashino (長筱の戦い).
  3. Survive by speculating among Uesugi, Hojo, Tokugawa and other forces during the period of the Tenshō-Jingo Conflict (天正壬午の乱), and finally gain independence and become a daimyo by the First Ueda Conflict (第一次上田合戦).
  4. Subordinate to the Toyotomi regime, participated in the Siege of Odawara (小田原征伐), and the world was temporarily peaceful.
  5. Before the battle of Sekigahara, the brothers and father made their own decisions, and became opponents in the Second Ueda Conflict (第二次上田合戦).
  6. At the Siege of Osaka (大坂の陣), Yukimura, who fought loyally and bravely, finally won the respect and admiration of the Japanese.

The Byzantines have Justinian & Belisarius, Heraclius, Basil II (to which Nikephoros Phocas could be an intro on the first mission as he was a regent during Basil’s childhood), even the reconquest of Constantinople after the 4th crusade could be great. Instead, only having a fictional family in a remote secondary theater of the empire is very underwhemling.

Other than that, the Turks (the Seljuks, Rise of the Ottomans), Chinese (resisting against the Mongol invasion, or reconquering China as the Ming), Slavs (Alexander Nevski, or later pushing back the Mongols) and Persians (Khosrau II, the Khwaresmian Empire) could also have some great campaigns. The Vikings would be more about pillaging but could also be interesting to see a lot of different lands.

I fear Japan would suffer the same fate as Pachacuti, if this is not about the invasion of Korea (I’m not counting that time the Mongols tried to invade since the weather did most of the work) then you’d only fight Japanese. The Mayans would suffer from the same problem, only 2 quite similat civs for the entire campaign since it would be centuries before the conquistadores.

I don’t know much about Hungarian history (maybe Matthias Corvin or expanding Honfoglalas ?) or Korean history (expanding Point Noryang as the full Imjin War ?) to judge. The Celts seem doomed to have a small scale campaign, maybe fighting the Romano-British and the Anglo-Saxons to control the islands so that they do more than be bullied by the English ?


Devs could show some love for turks so we can play seljuk style or heavily in gunpowder in others

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Celts could have a Battle of Clontarf single-scenario campaign like the conquerors/forgotten battles where they fight the Vikings but their leaders die afterwards after winning/outro cutscenes.

The Rise of the Ottomans would be perfect for that, the final mission being the siege of some obscure city in 1453. If you want some heavy artillery, you’ll get served !

Interesting choice, The Dublin Onager Massacre as it would be ingame xD

There’s more freedom in choosing historical battles since they don’t require the same amount of material as a full campaign

There was a Rise of the Ottomans campaign back in HD, it could be remade for DE :wink:

Yes,it serves me…but it reminds me of a Japanese version of the Black Family,plus the siege of Osaka was in 1615 (already within the time period of aoe 3)…at least my Hideyoshi campaign is similar to Edward Longshanks’ campaign and serves as a link to Kyoto, Noryang Point and the Tokugawa campaign in aoe 3, which would start immediately after Hideyoshi’s death.

That’s why I proposed a Korean campaign with Yi Sun-sin; although also a campaign with Harald Hardrada is also valid and that connects with the Hautevilles and the Battle of Hastings…

Sekigahara (1600) could be a good end for a Japanese Sengoku campaign, right at the limit for AOE2

Heraclius campaign would be great. Second would be that of Justinian! I am for byzantium :slight_smile: