New Civ Icon Idea



Isnt that the Benin Kingdom flag?



It’s attributed to Benin but on lts wikipedia page it’s actually unclear who exactly had this flag

I know nothing about them, but I found some images for Mixtecs



It’s too complicated, I think I need to take a break…

Alright. Rest well.

I think you could use the pattern in the guy in the middle in the third pic, or stretch the circle in the vase in the first pic and use just that

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like this


This logo is somewhat in-game already

What is that?

(20 characters)

The flying horse logo

Burgundians and Congolese


This must to be the mongol ship flag. It even haves their symbol! (the central asian one)

I was asking what ship is that.

Also, this is the current progress on my world map, in case anyone cares. I hope I put the Rapa Nui in the right place, because Easter Island really isn’t visible in the map I’m using as a base. I also wasn’t sure where Pannonia is located or where to put the Cumans.

I tried looking for something for Hawaii, but I couldn’t find anything I could tell for sure isn’t a modern stylized design.

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Pannonia = the Hungarian plains. For its limits, it’s more or less the Carpathians so the Polish-Slovak border, then cut through a little bit of Ukraine (the region called Transcarpathia) and an arc in Romania to include Transylvania.

As for Cumans I placed them around the lower Dnipro river, so South-East Ukraine, on my map, that’s their starting position in the Kotyan Khan campaign. But that was a personal choice, you always have room to “cheat” with nomads :wink:

Interesting call for Crimea for the Goths, that’s where their language survived for the longer, up to the 16th century.

And let’s be honest, as soon as we reach the steppes, real estate is no longer a problem for our map.

It’s not so interesting since I did it for the reason you stated xD

I also out Byzantines in Greece (instead of Constantinople), and Kurds in Cairo (since Saladin was a Kurd)

The reason why I did NOT put the Goths here is because most had fled the area to flee the Huns, with the Wisigoths and Ostrogoths doing their things in the Roman Empire. By the time of AOE2, the very first campaign chronologically (Alaric) the Goths are already in the Balkans. But your map, your rules :slight_smile:

As for Kurds, they are an ethnic minority mainly in SE Turkey and northern Irak, terrible choice for that one :wink: Saladin was not born in Egypt, he first served under a Syrian lord then as vizir in Egypt, where he took power to replace the declining ruling dynasty.

On the contrary, putting the Mamelukes there is a good call, while they were Cuman slaves brought from Eastern Europe. The difference with Saladin is that Saladin was only one man, not a population relocated that eventually took power and a new identity, the Kurds didn’t move from their lands when Saladin did.

I’ll move the Kurds upon your suggestion, but I think it’ll be hard putting Goths in the Balkans with the Huns and Slavic nations already beaing there.

The Goths were definitely the hardest choice. I eventually settled for Narbonne in southern France since it was the last capital of the Wisigoths, and seems well centered for both the Wisigothic and Ostrogothic kingdoms (it’s on the coast near where the arrow ends). Final advantage, southern France was quite empty, even after adding the Occitans, much more room than in Iberia, Italy or the Balkans.


Toledo was the capital of the Wisigoths for a longer time but it also was the main capital for Castille/Spain starting in the late 11th century, and it’s very close from Madrid anyway. They also had Toulouse (gave it to the Occitans) and Barcelona (to the Catalans/Aragonese).