New Civ Icon Idea

I just noticed nobody ever suggested anything for Norway, so here’s something

Let’s split the Berbers a little bit

The Andalusians

Keeping the central crest on a white background (remove the green top and bottom bars) to have a layout similar to the Saracens :

I’m not sure how historical it is, found it on Google Pics and the central shield seems the same (different colours though) as their flag in EU4.

I was wondering. I had never heard of the Waris before, but did they really have this type of shield?

Edit: nvm I was mixing them with Wari’.

Found something for Hawaii. You can use the Spanish Emblem shape for it.

Maybe the most players here regard the Vikings as the Norwegians, like the Scots are still the Celts at the present time.

An interesting and reasonable solution is that we can adopt the “Revolution” system from AoE III. So we can regard the original civs in AoE II as the main civilizations, and regard these new-created civs belong to their sub-civs (of course there are many the brand new civs which couldn’t be classified as branches or successors of any official civilization or cultural group).

Like AoE III, every sub-civ will gain and lost something, including features, units and technologies. Take the Malay as an example, they can advance to Malaccans or Tagalogs, even Acehnese, Chams or Sulu etc. To the Archipelagic states among these branches, their navys and the abilities of landing battles will be improved, and yet their battle elephants will be weakened. Maybe such a huge MOD will actually be released one day.

BTW I’d say Lantaka Gunner is more suitable as the UU of Malay than Karambit Warrior in my mind LOL

But is the raven banner exclusive to the Norwegian?

Not really. That’s why I put forward my following idea.

We can assume that the Vikings can advance to one of new sub-civs among the Norwegians, Swedes or Danes (plus the Normans in my opinion). Have abandoned berserkers and longboats, they’ll try new military units and tactics, as well as the economy and religion.

In a nutshell, I’m glad to see more available icons, however, I would still be surprised if the Bretons, Irish and Celts all appeared on the map as the parallel civs.

I hope Lord Seicing can make the Norwegian icon and adopt my suggestions to optimize the map.

I’m back



Let’s fill up the stepp as well.Alans Scythians Hepthaliets Saka.

The Hephtalites are sometimes called “White Huns”, what about making them a recoloured version of the Huns with a white horse ?

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white huns
good idea


New version of the map, part 1 : the Old World, this time without reducing the size of shields.

For obvious scaling version putting everything on a single map would be either nightmarish or very inaccurate. Mexico and Peru might need a zoomed map too considering the amount of civs, I’ll have to see in time.

I moved the Latin Empire to Southern Greece since it also controlled the area, and between giving Constantinople to either the Byzantines or them, come on is that even a choice ?

Also put the Norwegians in Oslo and the Vikings where the big norwegian fjords are, I’m sure they won’t fight (too much) about that.

Put the Seljuks in Mesopotamia since that’s approximatively the middle of the lands they owned, from Persia to later Anatolia under the Sultanate of Rum. Mesopotamia had been under Turkish control for 700 years of the last millenium, when looking at it.

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The Plantagenets : (also known as rebel french nobles that got kicked so hard they had to start embracing their english holdings)

Western Roman Empire (surprised no one proposed it yet) :

The Byzantine model (kite shield with a metal boss) would be perfect for this second roman faction
(now where am I going to place it on the map ?)

You might want to add:

  • Tibetan Empire / Tufan

And replace Han (which, as the Han Empire, is more an Age of Empires I era civ) with:

  • Jin or Jurchen or Manchu (which is already there)
  • Western Xia / Tangut Empire
  • Song (hard to find a people to match, I’m not a sinologist)
  • Liao / Khitan Empire

Han is pretty much the east-asian equivalent of saying “Romans”, “Merovingians” or “Habsburgs”. They’re everywhere in some form or another :smiley:

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Don’t worry about that, there is not a lot of consistency here for deciding what’s a civ, I even proposed some that I opposed as a real addition to the game (separating the italian city states) :wink:

Oh, this is more a roleplay thing then? In that case, thanks for adding the Vandals! Here’s some suggested icons for my idea:

  • Qiang / Xia / Tangut Empire:
    I was also going to make a flag based on that flower, as it’s the only nice flag symbol that I encountered in drawings/paintings from both disctintly Qiangzhu / Xia and distinctly Tangut sources. I would propose just keeping the flower and remove the characters. Make the flower pink/magenta with white/soft yellow border and the background a deep orange, to mimic the flowers on these dresses and the orange dress of officials at that time (similar orange to buddhist monk dress nowadays):

  • Liao / Khitan Empire: This was hard to find, but it appears there’s a symbol used by Khitan in most of their drawings, usually as part of their dress or to mark items like vases. Flags/banners in paintings/drawings appear to use yellow/gold, black, red and teal. The symbol itself appears most recognizably in this picture, bottom left:

Alternatively, these golden flame things also appear in both Khitan and Liao dynasty imagery and dress (including the royal crowns)

(As well as phoenix and dragon imagery.)

So here’s my template for the Tanguts / Xia / Qiang that you can iconify (probably needs some cleaning, I had to use primitive tools like vectr1.0 + mspaint :smiley: :

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CivIcon-Byzantinesno bond version


Actually, tufan and Khitan already exist,Tanguts i have no idea

The Plantagenets are placed in Anjou, their original lands, and the WRE in Ravenna, at least as close from Ravenna as I could