Since I, like a lot of people in this forum, seem to think that Brasilians will become a new civ sooner or later, I thought aout making a thread where we brainstorm ideas for the civ. I’ll start:
Starts with only with 50 max Settlers and 50 Fishing Boats, but can improve through the building of Captancies (see below);
Instead of aging-up with Federal States, ages-up with Imperial Provinces (ships a Captaincy as well as 3 new cards instead of only two);
Receives Paulistas (a weaker explorer), through Cards.
- Praça (replaces Musketeer, slower moving but with high attack and hp, Royal Guard: Guarda Nacional);
- Voluntário da Pátria (Skirmisher-like unit with low stats that costs food and wood, spaws a batch of five every time a Barracks is built);
- Halberdier.
- Voluntário Académico (replaces the Hussar, horseman with weak stats and 1 pop cost, gains bonus Hp and Attack each time there’s a tech researched at the Colégio (see below));
- Guarda de Honra (replaces the Dragoon, has very high stats (especially melee attack), but has 3 pop cost and can only be recruited from the IV age).
Unique Outlaws:
- Jagunço (Comanchero);
- Cangaceiro (Renegado);
- Pampeiro (Pistolero).
Other Unique Units:
- Jesuit (unique priest recruited at the Colégio that has an aura that buffs Native/Royal Units)
Royal Guards:
- Guarda Nacional (Praça);
- Matadeira (Falconet).
Unique Buildings:
- Engenho (replaces the Market, buffs the gather rate of Mills, Estates or Livestock Pens, can build Homestead Wagons (can also buil Brazilwood Camps));
- Colégio (replaces the Church and the Native Embassy, has some unique upgrades);
- Captaincies (functions as a different building depending of the nationality of the Colonists (Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, German, Japanese, Ukraynian, Lebanese, etc.) can recruit Workers (just Settlers with another name) and different Unique Units).
- Brazilwood Camps (functions like a Mill/Estate (Plantation) but produces Wood instead)
Imperial provinces:
- Age II: Maranhão, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Alagoas
- Age III: Pernambuco, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Pará, Piauí
- Age IV: Mato Grosso, Paraná, Paraíba, Santa Catarina, Goiás
- Age V: Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo
Anybody who wishes to add or make a modification, is welcome.