New surprise DLC on 25th anniversary?

I think they are the RoR ones. Plus perhaps the free ones.

Yeah that’s weird. It’s 2 more than Mountain Royals, so not quite a match.

Campaign for the juchens? Story overlaps with aoe3 time frame but we already have attila who overlap with aoe time frame.


Why? None of them are controversial. I see Khazars could be better candidate than Cumans. But rest 2 are the best fit for what they represent.

If you want to be reported clap your hands


I don’t say there are controversial nore that they don’t fit. I just didn’t expect the game to be so “deep”.

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I’m always amused how often people throw kind of semi (edited later to avoid flagging) obscure thoughts calling it serious information.

My situation now



No, it’s because I was aware of these civs. And I mentioned an edition.
But you said nothing about what I wrote about Tibet.
I’m sick of bad faith.

No these 20 achievements are just the duplicates of the 20 V&V achievements which were hidden before the release. Nothing new or important.

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At the meantime the new DLC keeps updating very often on steamdb. I don’t think the announcement/release date is far from now. Possibly the announcement will be a week after AoM retold release?

13 th September. Let’s go.

Then release in 27 or 30th September as the 25 years anniversary


Where can I go to see steamdb update information?

By the way, what would be the name of the current Chinese if 4 other Chinese gets added?

Probably the Han, which is the main Chinese ethnic group.

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You can still keep them as Chinese, as the others who are likely to be added are more “Chinese adjacent” or only have distant relations to them.

Well, it’s out today. So countdown from now.


They are none chinese so chinese can stay the same.


Nurhachi is past 1600. Absolutely after the AoE2 timeframe, even if just barely. He is certainly the coolest jurchen, but I also love the story of irreverence of Aguda and the capture of the Song emperors by his brother.

Currently playing the Temujin scenario and the narrator is practically screaming “THESE TWO SHOULD BE ANOTHER CIV” when talking about the Jin and the Xi Xia.

My suggestion still stands. Make an Anime Inspired Japanese Campaign. (That’s legally allowed of course with permission. Unlikely, but still would be neat.)

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Please give us Anglos, Saxons, Bavarians and Allemans

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