Next PUP is out

Great small thing. I hope they do the same with decks

Their water boom is sleeper OP right now. I’ve been calling it for a few months now. You haven’t versed a good India who also water booms, and properly.

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India on water was always good since legacy :confused: its just not many people realised that earlier, DE made that prowess a little more prominent, by reducing the boat costs (but thats for all the civs). India always has been a decent water boomer along with japan and others. LOL that still doesn’t mean it needs nerf, as there are many other limiting factor about India. India is a wood dependent civ anyways.

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What rank are you? I see you’re defending India to the death. They’re sleeper OP still dude. Verse someone who knows what they’re doing with the water boom.

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If the pro players (those that actually main India) think India is in a good place, then it’s good enough for me.

None of the Asian civs need a buff for gods sake…


@LevitexIslam @Kanoo14 @ScalierCactus96

And I guess that all of you dont play treaty, right??


Sorry, I was talking about India in supremacy which is fine as is. Maybe better pathing for Mahouts is all.

In treaty, they do require some fine-tuning for sure. I’m for it.


Bug with missing music in the main menu and missing voice acting in story-missions will be fixed too…? Please…

Seems over the top increasing the bolas warrior cost, the ff is already slowed by reducing starting food by 100 and is much less effective by changing the infinite cards to just 1 use, nerfing the bolas infantry multiplier in addition to increasing their cost is too much of a nerf.

Anyway so after playing some more with these builds, I really think that card is way overrated. You still get absolutely slaughtered by cavalry and you cannot train more of those guys without using another card.

If the card allowed training of iron troops (to save you from sending another card) then it could have been considered strong.

Granadero: Range reduced to 12 (from 14); cost increased to 150f (from 120); population increased to 2 (from 1) - Note: Granaderos can obtain +2 range from the Range Cavalry Caracole Arsenal upgrade

Ah shıt, here we go agaın.
¿Cuánto creen que tarden en volver a nerfear a los granaderos?

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Ya esta demasiado nerfeado, ya le gano al Carolino en tema de nerfeos.


Lo se, pero parece que los desarrolladores no lo saben. :sweat_smile:
Calculo que lo nerfearan de nuevo eventualmente, pero espero equivocarme.

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It was fine as it is, you already spend thousands of resources to just revolt.


Si, entre los recursos que gastas para revolucionarte y el coste de las unidades me parece un cambio excesivo.

¿Error de Traducción?:
Estaba bien como está, ya gastas miles de recursos solo para rebelarte.

¿Traducción correcta?:
Estaba bien como estaba, ya que gastas mil de recursos solo para rebelarte.

PD: Me sigue molestando que los revolucionarios no se pueden crear en los cuarteles.


igual no la veía tanto en ranked, sigue dominando la revolución de Chile hablando de España y en segundo lugar Perú.

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Yeah, i been really surprised when i saw Robroth (pro “spanish” player) playing with 7 hussars shipment in age 4 and is for this rev!

Small update to the PUP:

Fixed missing techs from Ethiopian tech trees
Fixed issues identified with Bahia, Savanna, and Unknown in the PUP
Fix for unit buttons not working properly when selecting multiple ships or buildings where one of them has garrisoned units
Fixed issue with Lake Victoria loading screen not showing the map of Africa
Balance adjustments to Ivory Coast, Lake Victoria, and Orinoco based on community feedback
Fixed Haudenosaunee War Hut’s upgrade buttons being misaligned in “Battle of Queenston Heights”
Adjusted the “Granadero” Argentinian cavalry unit to have its range reduced as intended by the new balance changes
Elite Holcan Javelineer BL increases by 2 everytime a card is sent if a Trading post is build in a Native Settlement
Fixed issue with natives on Lake Victoria, adjusted some nuggets for balance based on PUP feedback


The Chinese Iron troop card was changed as well to be 11 iron troops for 500 c with a -25% fire rate buff instead of 33%

And looks like blockhouse costs 225 e now