Next PUP is out

They also nerfed the viability of consulate card in Age I, reversed to 1 goat and no changes to crates or the other cards that people are not really talking about for a reason

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Manors House nerfed

And Dutch -50 food crate


all they did was reduced the export rate to 0.4, nothing strange, if anything its still a bit too much for the age 3 timing of china since you can get a massive timing mass with consulate redcoats, first summer palace + confucian academy skirms all popping at the same time.

the russian consulate change also just push back the blockhouse timing by like 10 secs, which is kinda needed since you dont want china to be able to just forward blockhouse and then immediately 7 steppe right into the opponentā€™s face at the beginning of age 2.

I am still in favour of maybe removing the trickle and maybe just give a flat 150 export or something if needed


neat quality of life change for mercs


Basically what many other civs can do with a Tower rushā€¦Russia itself included.

I can see the value of this only if they move the trickle to a separate card for 1export/s (no consulate).

indeed every card should have more info like that, for example. instead of saying it slow downs building work rate of an enemy, it should say slow downs by 10% etc.


Knowing in advance what units will be available is a great addition.


a) 7 steppe is better then 5 cossack when it comes to diving tc and tower fire cause of their siege trooper tag.
b) russia has 3 unit shipments in age 2, china has 5

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I once wrote about this. Great to see it implemented. :+1:


This is enough? I think it should be accompanied by one less villager shipping at age 2. Leave the 5 villager shipping and remove the 4 villager shipping.

I think that with this will have a very solid economy. Even so, I think it is above average in workers. I donā€™t know what you guys think.

ā€¦Or maybe remove the one from 8 villagers at age 3 and leave the rest intact. (?)

  1. BRITS: It is nice seeing a nerf but I always wonder if increasing the cost of manor would make Brits more balanced in a broad sense.
    I mean: it just forces players to manor boom even more and have Virginia Company 99% of the time. I wonder if +5s build time and less build XP couldā€™ve been better. Probably not.

  2. CHINA: In another hand: Iā€™m not fan of some of the new China cards.
    The recent ones made to Ethiopia, Hausa, USA and Aztecs were unique and filled the gap to some strategies.
    Those new chinese cards are mostly dry ā€œdelivers X unitsā€, it lacked a bit of creativity. Iā€™m mean: some are clearly related to Chinese New Year but some choices were more symbolic than balanced. Donā€™t take me wrong because I really like the updated cards but I was really expecting an improvement for Flamethrowers.
    The one Iā€™m digging more is the consulate card! They always needed a card like that!

  3. Temple of Heaven: Eeks! Now it doesnā€™t match the theme at all. Industrial Age has 3 rice paddy rickshaws?

  • Age 1 ā†’ Age 2: 3 Villagers (no change)

  • Age 2 ā†’ Age 3: 1 Town Center Rickshaw (previously 6 Villagers)- Iā€™d keep the 6 vils

  • Age 3 ā†’ Age 4: 3 Rice Paddy Rickshaws (previously 9 Villagers)- Iā€™d trade it for 2 Town Center Rickshaws (all cost the same: 1200w)

  • Age 4 ā†’ Age 5: 1200 Export (previously 11 Villagers) - Iā€™d keep the effect


I would actually flip the age 2 and age 3 for temple of heaven

1 TC for age 2 to 3

8 vils for age 3 to 4

But then their approach to avoid more than 99 vils in treaty wouldnā€™t be addressed.

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The age4 rice paddies are actually very useful in prolonged games.


Yep, thatā€™s why I said it didndā€™t match the theme anymore. Itā€™s probably very good for treaty and okay for Supremacy, although 2 TCs wouldā€™ve been better for Supremacy.

True but 108 vils isnt as OP as 111 vils I think, I feel like there could be some wiggle room .

I think the concern comes from the fact tat china has 220 pop space so overpopping vils isnt eating into military pop as much as for other civs

I just kinda think that the 1 TC in age 3 is much more impactful then 2 TC in age 4

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Nice catch!

Absolutely true.

Honestly, I always thought the British were a very hard civilization to nerf, so Iā€™ll reserve comment on that part.

But speaking of dutch, I think they could take a whole 100 food crate from him and he will still advance in age fast and be a solid civilization, dutchā€™s main problem in 1v1 and in teams, is mainly his skirmishes with 20 range If he was reduced to 16 or 18 like most ranged gunpowder infantry available from age 2, he would be very balanced imo. Then when advancing to fortress, that range automatically upgrades to 20.
How do I justify this nerf? Well, think about it, lately any unit with a rank of 18 available at age 2 gets its rank nerfed, the cree tracker, the cowboy, among other units. The gurka and the obus gun are exceptions, due to their prices and recruitment times.


I personally think taking a 100f crate (or at least 50f) away from Brits would be a good nerf. They age as fast as Ottos and have an excellent rush with a great eco, boom civs characteristically should be a little slower than their non boom civ counter parts IMO, what itā€™s worth.



Banks experience nerfed


Experience and HP of manors was buffed

EDIT: Ignore manors buff, dont change 21