November PUP is now available!

  • Tavern and Saloon: now have a default coin trickle of 0.6 c/s

  • Asian Monastery: Now trickles 0.7 XP/s

looks like these change is for empire war only

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thats is just nothing when u know how weak their base stat is

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i agree 20% less stat doesn count for 20% less cost ,

a unit with same attack and 20% less hp will be 20% weaker , should be cost 20% less ,

20% lesser hp + 20% lesser attack make the unit , arround 35% weaker


I think that cost and attack reduction should be added to that card for training them in age 2 from NHuts while removing WC boost. This way they will be easier to use in supremacy without hurt treaty.

An x% attack reduction is worse in natives cause plaza effect, they should have it in mind.


These changes effect all game modes, at the moment.

But were indeed made to make Empire Wars feel good, as the update notes indicate :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


time to build saloons in treaty

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That might be a nice change in general because mercenary buildings are still quite underwhelming for most civs.

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Finally a reason to make early saloon , most of the time people build saloon after getting age 5 and then find a good u it in saloon and regret not taking merc combact politician , not anymore .

A welcome change for treaty community.


Monasteries are like a hybrid between a tavern and a church (so to speak). Does your experience generation make up for the fact that taverns generate coins? How are American and African civilizations compensated?


Please consider keeping them for all game modes, it would be a welcome buff to merc builds.


Its decent, they have 17 base atk at max, which combined with the fact that they have 1.5 rof is equivalent to a skirm with 34 atk, though they don’t have increased multi which might hold them back.

combined with an extra 20% atk from the plaza ( 10 wp i think) and they have the same atk as a skirm with 37 atk.

It’s. O where equal , first of all u can’t keep fire pit on attack whole fight , specially in treaty , most of time it will be on fertility .

Secondly they have very low hp , even lower than stelet , they die very fast .

And 34 attack otantain slinger is far inferior than skirmishers , becoz skirmishers have comter infantry rifeling , and slingers don’t they do like 72-74 demage to heavy infantry , well ur erk can deal almost same demage .

Nerfed jpk hard , 35% weaker u it with arround 15% lesser cost ( food is way cheaper than coin in treaty ) , that is a big nerf ,

then in compensation they should give otantin 0.5 extra multiplier vs heavy infantry .

The JPK just needed it’s cost reduced, not it’s stats as well that combined with the small buff to speed was ok.


they have higher HP then strelet though (only like 3 hp higher) at max.

with the new card the difference becomes like 10, so its not much but its somehting.

So Strelets can get a 15% HP and Attack boost on AGE3 and most other civs have access to cards that boost 2 or more units 15% HP and Attack also on AGE3 (Ex.: Port get one for both Musk and Cassador), but Aztecs needs to wait to AGE4 to get less increase to only one unit?

I fail to see any logic in the creation of that new card.

Here are some ideas that would have made so much more sense:

  • Add extra multipliers to Otontin Sligers
  • Boost all War Hut Units (It’s only 3 units, 10% boosts and Age4…)
  • Reduce Training Times and/or costs of Knights units.

Seriously I appreciate the effort, but thinking that 10% boost to Otonlin is enough to change something to Aztecs Late game is ludicrous at best.

Also wondering why they did not reduce the price of Support shipments like they did with most of Inca’s ones.


I think the Aztec support shipments already had their cost reduced before Inca did. In the pup all the age 3 support shipments cost 500 c.

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I would do this:

  • High priest of Ixtlilton: enable JPK at age II and reduce their cost but HP too. No WC boost. (This card is for Sup)
  • Chinampa: Moved to age IV as “Cocoa chinampa” (idk haha), boost 10% agriculture and become base gather rate of estates to 0.645 (This way they gather at 1.55 with max cards as Europeans)
  • Rechargeable big buttons, adjusted accordingly. They keep becoming stronger for 30min.
  • A lategame bonus for calendar ceremony, any suggestions??

Treaty balance changes for aztecs have to avoid adding cards, they dont have too much slots available and every card is a must. Technologies are a better option

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Didn’t notice this before. But it is really a nice step.

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Well they’re more spammable now with the reduced cost and the previously age4 card that boosts JPK atk & hp is now an age3 card.

If they’ve moved the card then that’s great yeah.

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