Well just look at all of my suggestions. I talked about Landmarks aswell.
Hey there!
So we all know Chinese has big issues and overall doesn’t feel smooth to play due to some poor design.
Here are some balance and quality of life suggestions which would make Chinese much better and more fun to play.
Starting bonus
Chinese start with +2 villagers
Explanation: The Chinese have a worse earlygame economy compared to other civs and are exceptionally vulnerable in Age 2 against attacks. This will speed up their earlygame. They used to start with +2 villagers but this …
Try to change my mind.
The Kremlin acts as a fortified outposts, shoots an arrow with 12 damage every second and can garrison villagers. Ontop of this, it also increases the amount of wood dropped off at town centers and lumber camps around it by 20%.
Meanwhile, the Barbican of the Sun acts as an outpost, shoots a small cannonball with 25 damage but only every 3 seconds. Villagers can also be garrisoned in the Barbican. In terms of dps, this is much worse.
Even against early Knights, which ha…
Dynasty buildings in general should stay unlocked. Makes no sense to lose access to them. You can’t tell us the villager suddenly forgot how to build villages in Yuan Dynasty even as they keep walking by and hiding inside villages from enemy raids.