Oh boy Aussie_Drongo made a video about this forum and you guys

Non-argument. The mold in bread is a bad mold (yes, there are different types of mold, go figure)

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Sorry for being that narrow minded person. I’d prefer treating my likes more seriously. So let’s not continue on this anymore. This is merely different ways of using forums. I can now fully see that.

Also, physicians still do not eat bread with molds, and they don’t produce penicillin from bread with molds.

Let’s go back to the “majority”: how does the ~10 people here represent the majority?

Seriously. Do you really even read the post you are defending?

That depends on what is decided to be the majority.

Is it the ‘majority of women’?
of men?
of posters?
of viewers?

Specify the majority of

I never saw this :stuck_out_tongue:

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The majority of the playerbase of course.
I also think it’s the responsibility of those who claim to be the majority to define what majority is, not those who object to that.

I never said you were, I said this behaviour is.

This is an assumption that I do not treat mine in a serious manner.

But they still grow mold to harvest penicillin, which is the point. Mold is otherwise pointless to human life, if not hazardous.

Change the topic as often as you like.

10 people here, still dominate the discussion. It is a sample population.
Go over the full 5k game population, and you will see mosty agree that USA was a bad addition, and that they are poorly designed.

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Then the majority is the amount of people against the USA in this thread

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By “seriously” I mean I prefer to only like posts that I fully agree with.

I even made a full conclusion about the previous topic, and this is the very topic that I started with. How am I not allowed to change to that topic?

You went on a tangent, posted a bad example involving public defecation to shock people and entice an instinctual reaction, and now retreated back to teh original topic because you were beaten out of the tangential one.

I captained debate teams.

You are allowed, but that just shows your arguments have proven to be flimsy.

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Now it’s your responsibility to do the poll, otherwise this would be another non-argument.

Imagine how many players would actually search for the official website of the game? Then click into the forum? Then have the motivation to post on it?
That’s actually several layers of strict filters. You may not feel that because it looks natural to you and to me as well. However, for most other games I play I do not even look for the official forum in the first place.
“People here” is already a very restricted sub-population and not a representative slice of the playerbase. Would you think it has the same demographics as reddit? ESOC? Or aussie_drongo and any other aoe3 streamer’s comment sections? (even that is different between different streamers)

That originated from different ways to treat likes and replies and I have already acknowledged that. You can claim victory on that one.

No need, the amount of likes anti-USA posts get, prove themselves.

It is a response to your argument, not an argument in of itself.

Sample population.

But that is what bothers you, is it not? That there is a place for dissent in here, that one opinion is not backed instantly and thouroughly, just because you want it to be.

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The amount of posts on this forum.
Even on the subreddit that is a totally different demographics, and that’s why our friend is crying “why is this not downvoted”.

You captained your debate team by throwing conclusions about the population without any statistics?

You keep broadening the sample size. We only care about posters within Pro or Anti USA threads, not the whole userbase, that would be silly


Ad hominem
I only object to what I believe as stupid arguments or non-arguments. And I’m not bothered at all. Even if I’m bothered, that does not justify your throwing out conclusions without evidence at all.

May I also ask what your opinion was on the fire pit? I read in the fire pits description that spirituality was an important part of culture/life and that it also was done sometimes with dances.

I searched for this and sites like wikipedia stated the same, is this true or is the fire pit actually insulting?

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What you believe.

Are you not?

I am just following in your example, so you see what it sounds like.

No I have always been talking about the entire playerbase. If you are implying this forum or this thread only, we’re not talking about the same thing.
And so does

And you are definitely talking about the universal truth.

This forums is still a valuable sample population. You may want to discredit this notion, but I fear you will prove unsuccessful.

More like a wide consensus.

I will tell you unversal truth, once I get it from God, firsthand.