Old Prussians Civ Concept

Similar roots. But also were reasons which made this country independent not like Transylvania. Moldova - Wikipedia

As for the Old Prussians, it seems to me that the general concept illustrates this faction well, in relation to what I read in the book about this tribe. Their army was not as backward as many people believe. Because in addition to hand-to-hand infantry, archers, javelin throwers and slingers, they had cavalry, crossbowmen and siege engines, they were able to win some battles with the Teutonic Knights or repel the expeditions of Polish princes. In addition to defensive settlements, they also built wooden blockades and fences in the field - they helped in arranging ambushes on arriving enemy troops.They traded mainly in leather, amber and honey. According to researchers, they were on the threshold of reforms that would unify their system of government, which could accelerate the development of this tribe into an efficient nation on the Baltic Sea.


Yes, I also think that a Nordic DLC could work (from the Vikings you add the Danes representing the Kalmar Union in the 14th and 15th centuries and the Swedes representing the birth of the House of Vasa in the 16th century connecting with the Swedes of AoE 3)…and finally you add the Baltics fighting the Teutonic Order in the 12th century…

Yeah, that’s why I feel like an AoE in the 20th century could still work…the last European colonies were becoming independent in the 1970s and the last colonial enclaves in Asia, like Hong Kong and Macau were given to China in the 1990s…then you have France’s overseas territories like French Guiana and French Polynesia that are still part of France…

Like the Balkans or Northern Europe or even dividing Spain into the Basques, Castile and Aragon…

Yes, in VaV in Ragnar in the east of the map and in Mstislav in the west of the map…

I suggest to renamed ,Teutons" to ,German Empire" and add new faction (maybe with Dlc with Old Prussians) - Teutonic Order with own campaign, units , bonuses , buildings and wonder. This Dlc could contain new campaign for faction without this area for example Magyars or Vikings ( Reworked to Danes for example . Norwegians and Swedes could be added later ). What do You think about that idea?

As potential story for Teutonic Order’s campaign could be -Lithuanian Crusade - Wikipedia

Cinematic movie about potential hero of Old Prussians Campaign - Herkus Monte

Teutonic order and German empire are both political entities,aoe2 does not have political entities as civilizations.

What about italian faction in game for example?

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Italians ingame are all the italian city states of northern italy.If we had genoa venice milan as different civilizations ingame then you can have something like the teutonic order.

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There’s something to it. As for the Teutonic Order, they became very independent as a strongly managed, militarized and separated state from the rest of the Germans. They were talented diplomats and politicians. They were able to seek support from the Pope and other Germans in terms of money and soldiers, but they decided about themselves. In the game they would have their own units, bonuses, buildings, hero and campaigns, wonder and so on. They have a lot of potential here. They would generally be a faction of great soldiers and builders (especially castles). While in the proposed Old Prussians campaign the player would fight against the Teutonic Knights with some success, still being unable to save the nation, the Teutonic Knights would have a different path. Their campaign would begin with defeating the Old Prussians as the first stage. Further missions would involve fighting against the Lithuanians and Poles. The finale would be shortly before the defeat of the Teutonic Knights at Grunwald, which would be described in the campaign’s epilogue animation.

Yes, two DLCs of Northern Europe, I would change the name of the Teutons to Germans and the Vikings to Norwegians, I would add Saxons and Prussians in one dlc and Danes and Swedes in the other…

Yes, the German campaign of EE2 started with the Lithuanian crusade in 1250, it could be a prequel to the campaign of Algirdas and Kestutis…

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Very good ideas. After potential Asian , American and African Dlc’s Europe can get still many new content packs. For example Switzerland , Rus factions like Novogorod , Muskovite , Slavs renamed to Kievan Rus , Teutonic Order, Old Prussians , Moldova , Wallachia , Austria , Serbs , Croats , Venetians , Papal States , Sorbs (White Serbs). AOE 2 DE still could be supported for many many years. Pity that V&V Dlc was bad but i hope that Devs will add more scenarios to this content and they will back to standard faction pack Dlc’s.


Interesting short clip about Old Prussians.

Calendar of land of Prussia and Old Prussians rise and fall too. chronology

Maybe this would work as a uu unit for them?

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Interesting idea! I must think about implement that to main concept in the first main post.

My concept for Old Prussians Civ in AOE 2 DE. (Updated here cause ci don’t have possilbility to edit main post cause is too old)

Sources :


Old Prussians

Old Prussians, Baltic Prussians or simply Prussians were a Baltic people that inhabited the region of Prussia, on the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea between the Vistula Lagoon to the west and the Curonian Lagoon to the east. As Balts, they spoke an Indo-European language of the Baltic branch now known as Old Prussian and worshipped pre-Christian deities. Their ethnonym was later adopted by predominantly Low German-speaking inhabitants of the region. The duchy of the Polans under Mieszko …


Old Prussian language

Old Prussian is an extinct West Baltic language belonging to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European languages, which was once spoken by the Old Prussians, the Baltic peoples of the Prussian region. The language is called Old Prussian to avoid confusion with the German dialects of Low Prussian and High Prussian and with the adjective Prussian as it relates to the later German state. Old Prussian began to be written down in the Latin alphabet in about the 13th century, and a small amount of lite…


Example of Old Prussians writing (Considered to be the oldest known text in their language).

Prussians - History, Conquest, extermination of ancient Baltic nation


Deep Baltic – 2 Mar 16

The Old Prussians: the Lost Relatives of Latvians and Lithuanians

The Latvian and Lithuanian people have the Old Prussians to thank more than anyone else for their existence.



Kriwe Kriwaito (Latvian: krīvu krīvs, Lithuanian: krivių krivaitis) or simply Kriwe (Latvian: krīvs, Lithuanian: krivis) was the chief priest in the old Baltic religion. Known primarily from the dubious 16th-century writings of Simon Grunau, the concept of kriwe became popular during the times of romantic nationalism. However, lack of reliable written evidence has led some researchers to question whether such pagan priest actually existed. The title was adopted by Romuva, the neo-pagan movement i…


Prussian Crusade

Crusaders: Baltic pagans: Allies of Prussians: Allies of Prussians:


Prussian uprisings

The Prussian uprisings were two major and three smaller uprisings by the Old Prussians, one of the Baltic tribes, against the Teutonic Knights that took place in the 13th century during the Prussian Crusade. The crusading military order, supported by the Popes and Christian Europe, sought to conquer and convert the pagan Prussians. In the first ten years of the crusade, five of the seven major Prussian clans fell under the control of the less numerous Teutonic Knights. However, the Prussians ro…


Prussians - History, Conquest, extermination of ancient Baltic nation



Prussian mythology

The Prussian mythology was a polytheistic religion of the Old Prussians, indigenous peoples of Prussia before the Prussian Crusade waged by the Teutonic Knights. It was closely related to other Baltic faiths, the Lithuanian and Latvian mythologies. Its myths and legends did not survive as Prussians became Germanized and their culture went extinct in the early 18th century. Fragmentary information on gods and rituals can be found in various medieval chronicles, but most of them are unreliable. …

Prusowie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Pruski Horyzont: Prūsai (Prusowie) cz.1 - Pochodzenie Prusów. ( in Polish)
Prusowie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Pruski Horyzont: Prūsai (Prusowie) cz.2 - Prusowie i ich życie (in Polish)
Prusowie - Dzieje, podbój i eksterminacja Bałtyjskiego ludu (in Polish)
Armia średniowiecznych Prusów (in Polish)

Lauks – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Życie codzienne ludności bałtyjskiej na terenie Prus i Jaćwieży w średniowieczu » Strona 3 z 4 » Historykon.pl (in Polish)
Co stało się Prusami i Jaćwingami po krzyżackim podboju? ( in Polish)
Pruski Braveheart - rp.pl (in Polish)
Czy pogańscy Prusowie naprawdę byli barbarzyńcami i prymitywami? | CiekawostkiHistoryczne.pl (in Polish)
Romowe – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia ( in Polish)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media//files/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2-s221-237/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2-s221-237.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiltvabuomIAxVpSPEDHXJWBdQQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2xg2jZndlNmlv9YmrZJwA- Scientific study on the Old Prussians military ( in Polish)
Kingdoms of Eastern Europe - Prussia

Old Prussians Emblem

Old Prussians Missile Units & Fortress Defender Civ (Updated)

Team Bonus
+1 to attack points for missile units.

Civ bonus
-2 to melee attack points for enemy attacking Old Prussians base (the mysterious pagan people are terrifying to attacking enemies.
“Lauks Defenders”** (Old Prussians historically did this)
In times of critical danger, male villagers, thanks to the player’s decisions, can get battle clubs and fight to defend the tribe (this option is not one-time). Lauks was an administrative unit of the Old Prussians. When there was a defensive war, it provided additional recruits. Option available in Town Center. Fighting Peasant Melee Attack 3

Unique units :

  1. Kāryas- Armed with a axe, having a light wooden shield, dressed in a bear skin. Nice attack skills but a little poor defense. But it’s cheap.
  2. Old Prussian Hunter - Fast shooting with a bow , good attack but also poor defense. Dressed in white shirt , wolf skin on the back and have woolen trousers, blond haired. Like the Immortals in the Glory of Greece expansion, this unit can be switched to melee combat. These guys are used to fighting in difficult conditions.
  3. Kriwe - pagan sorcerer and priest (he can fighting , healing friendly units , when he is close friendly units have little bonuses to statistics). He fights with a stick called a krywule.

Wonder : Romuve - sacred grove a place inaccessible to anyone but the elite clergy.

Unique buildings

Perkun’s Temple (pagan temple of the Prussians) - training and upgrading of the fighting priest Kriwe, you can hide and heal troops in it. The unique feature of the building is the attack bonus for neighboring military units of Old Prussia thanks to their belief in Perkun (the most important god of Old Prussians).
Cost 145 Wood , Build Time 30 seconds , Hit Points 1600 , Special Bonus : Gives nearby friendly units +2 to attack points

Beehive - a structure that is an additional source of food for the faction (Old Prussians obtained a lot of honey for their own use and trade) Cost 15 Wood , Build Time 15 , Hit Points 215

Unique Techs:

The art of skillful fortification - Defensive structures of this faction are 30% more durable in terms of points (Old Prussians built difficult castles to conquer)

Knowledge of Natural Resources - Villagers obtain resources by 2 more efficiently (Old Prussians were great at obtaining resources (for example amber), over the centuries they learned to obtain them on their lands)

Available units and their improvement ( there are no gunpowder units)

Fighting peasant ( when we use in Town Center ,Lauks defenders" option)

Militia → Man at arms → Long swordsman → Two handed Swordsman → Champion
Spearman → Pikeman → Halberdier
Kāryas (unique unit) - available since second Age. Cost : Food 45 Gold 25
Training time 19 , Hit Points 42 , Melee attack 5

Archery Range
Archer → Crossbowman → Arbalester
Prussian Hunter (unique unit) - available since second Age. Cost : Food 55 Wood 25 , Training time 22 , Pierce attack 5 , Attack Delay 0.30 , Hit points 34
Skirmisher → Elite skirmisher
Cavalry Archer → Heavy Cavalry Archer

Scout Cavalry → Cavalry → Hussar
Knight → Cavalier → Paladin

Siege Workshop
Battering Ram → Capped ram → Siege ram
Mangonel → Onager → Siege onager
Scorpion → Heavy Scorpion
Siege Tower

Old Prussian Hunter

Perkun Temple (replace standard Monastery)
Kriwe (unique unit) available since Age 2 Cost : Gold 60 Training time 40 Hit Points: 75 , Melee Attack 10
Special Bonus: Gives nearby friendly units +1 to attack points

Fishing Ship
Transport Ship
Trade Cog
Galley → War Galley →Galleon

Mercenary Ships ( 50 percent more expensive than in other factions, do not require the ,War Galley" technology because they are only purchased).

Fire Galley → War Galley → Fast Fire Ship
Demolition Raft → Demolition Ship → Heavy Demo Ship

Tech Tree

Building technologies

Town Watch
Town Patrol
Treadmill Craneb

Economy technologies

Hand Cart
Double-Bit Axe
Bow Saw
Two-Man Saw
Horse Collar
Heavy Plow
Crop Rotation
Gold Mining
Gold Shaft Mining
Stone Mining
Stone Shaft Mining

Monastery technologies

Herbal Medicine

Military technologies


Iron Casting
Blast Furnace
Scale Mail Armor
Chain Mail Armor

Missile / siege

Thumb Ring
Bodkin Arrow
Padded Archer Armor
Leather Archer Armor
Ring Archer Armor
Heated Shot
Murder Holes


Iron Casting
Blast Furnace
Scale Barding Armor
Chain Barding Armor

Dock technologies

Dry Dock

Miscellaneous technologies

Feudal Age
Castle Age
Imperial Age

Missing technologies

Block Printing
Parthian Tactics
Siege Engineers
Bombard Tower
Plate Mail Armor
Plate Barding Armor

Unique technologies

Knowledge of Natural Resources - Villagers obtain resources by +2 pieces efficiently every time. Cost Food 125 ,Gold 85. Time -45 seconds. Available since Castle Age
(Old Prussians were great at obtaining resources, over the centuries they learned to obtain them on their lands)

The art of skillful fortification - Defensive structures of this faction are 30% more durable in terms of points. Cost - 250 wood , 140 stone. Time - 60 seconds. Available since Imperial Age
(Old Prussians built difficult settlements to conquer)

Campaign and main hero

, The tightening noose" - main hero Hercus Monte Herkus Monte - Wikipedia

The story of Herkus Monte, who starts an uprising against the Teutonic Knights to save his people, preserve their culture and identity. The brave and courageous Herkus turns out to be a good commander and is able to win victories. However, the power of the order turns out to be stronger and stronger. In the end, Herkus is beaten and then captured and hanged. The Old Prussians become subordinate to the Teutonic Order and lose their culture in favor of rapid Germanization. A sad and melancholic campaign ended melodramatically, I think it would be interesting.

I didn’t want to do a detailed evaluation of numerical statistics because I’m not that skilled in game balance. However, I would be happy to see if someone developed my idea. It seems to me that the forgotten and interesting faction of Old Prussians could be added to the game someday.

Old Prussians people

Old Prussians Warriors

Old Prussians People

Old Prussians People

Very Old Perkun Temple viewed by people in the 19th century

Herkus Monte ( Very brave Old Prussian leader who fought with Teutonic Order agression).

Old Prussian tribesman (XI-XIII century)

Viideo about Old Prussians

We already have a Prūsai temple in this game, based on Romuva temple in Sambia (Königsberg area). This could be a wonder for this civ.

Below I will present Prūsai Babas, which most likely served as shrines - these figures could be used as a replacement for the Monastery. This figure stands in the courtyard of the Teutonic Castle in Olsztyn (I saw it with my own eyes).

This is the best option for Prūsai icon based on Romuva faith.

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Yes, but they only based on real Romuva. The Old Prussians faction would have a larger and more impressive facility of this type. This one here is small and poor to be honest. For the Old Prussians and similar peoples, it was something very important, so it should be more impressive if Devs add this faction in far future.