It’s impossible to come up with something more grand for Prūsai - most likely what I showed was the most impressive object in all of Prūsai (this is not a reason to create fantasy buildings or, worse still, assign Prussian buildings to Prūsai). Perhaps it would be easier if it were not limited to them, but also included other Baltic peoples such as Latgalians, Curonians and Samogitians.
You have some right in Your oint. Old Prussians have potential to be nice addition with they mysterious , wild and pagan culture. Romuva definitely should be as wonder of this faction.
Just like the Slavs, they did not build impressive buildings - with the difference that a whole lot of fantasy was created about the Slavs (mainly by 19th century Russian Pan-Slavism artists), but not about the Balts.
Besides, I know a little about Prūsai, because I live on the old Masovian-Prussian border. There are even theories that the polish / masovian ethnographic group that occurs in my area may come from Prūsai - which is doubtful, but it may also be true.
When Old Prussians were definitely defeated by Teutonic Order some of they people emigrated. Esspecialy they moved to Poland. Some of them were knights and after some time even nobles. For example Prus (herb szlachecki) – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Why not just make the unique monastery the pagan shrine building and make the wonder a teutonic order building to represent them being overtaken by germans.
This not make sense. Like for example idea of Aztecs faction with they own culture temples and european style church after they defeat from Cortez. Old Prussians should be represented in game in status before conquest by Teutonic Order knights. Every faction in game should be consistent
Slavs have a 17th century building built in finland as a wonder huns cumans mongols have made up buildings so a wonder is not a huge deal.
This is nonsense. If something wasn’t their work then it shouldn’t be presented that way. If you want to do something like that, then you better give them something Lithuanian - at least they were related.
I thought the same thing.
Kizhi Pogost is a very Russian Orthodox building. It is true that it is located on Karelian land but it is a Russian heritage. However, nomadic people, for obvious reasons, could not have very magnificent buildings due to their lifestyle - besides, they were conquerors, so one can understand these plundered ruins.
Prusai. they were neither conquerors nor great builders. Let’s not kid ourselves. If you want to add them, then remember that they are a completely different people from the rest of the European civs. -which could be a way to add “tribal” European civs like Finno-Ugrics or pre-Christian Slavs. This would open the way for pagan counterparts of the Monastery, Gord instead of Castle or a new type of Wonders - legendary places of worship.
Interesting informations about Old Prussians and Prussia as land in general.
That’s all from me when it comes to suggestions and materials for this faction (the concept in the first post was improved in one of the last ones). I hope that the general idea will interest the Developers. The balance I propose is just a loose proposal. I hope that the setting and the idea will be at least considered someday. But right now, the important things are DLCs for America, Africa, Asia, other European factions and finally DLCs from the Chronicles subseries. The game may still receive new content for many years.
Viking still dont have a proper campaign so one more european european dlc is inevitable.
If you look at the dlcs for de all the civis that got added showed up in campaigns so prussians might make it,they show up in the lithuanian campaign.
There’s another option. Someone maybe wonna use this faction in mod. For example with more detailed Central/Eastern Europe - Bohemia , Poland , Danes ,Germany , Lithuania , Hungary, Teutonic Order , Old Prussians , Rus , Mongols , Moldova , Wallachia , Ottoman Empire, Crimean Khanate.
Interesting. It would be nice to see something little similar in AOE 2 DE but based on the real story of Herkus Monte so it must be melodramatic.
And people say I spam when I bump civ concepts without nee or updated content…
Maybe not for everyone, what I post is spam. You have been critical of everything on this topic from the very beginning, so you will probably remain so until the end.
Senprūsija / Old Prussia – Skyforger Site with some core informations about Old Prussians civilization.
To Newcomers : If you are interested, at the end of the first post there is a poll about the possibility to add this fact someday to the game. The concept of civilization from the first post is not valid. The updated one is located a dozen or so higher. Contains proposed buildings, technologies, units and bonuses for this faction. There are also sources of knowledge about this extinct Baltic nation. There is also a proposed campaign in which Old Prussians led by Herkus Monte fight against the knights of the Teutonic Order.
Of course, I am open to any suggestions regarding changes, e.g. in balance or any other ideas about what this faction should look like. I also know that adding it may take 3-4 years because the game currently has different priorities regarding new factions. Nevertheless, it seems to me that one day this forgotten pagan faction of brave and mysterious extinct Balts would be a nice addition. The fate of this people is somewhat reminiscent of another extinct nation, namely the Sorbs (Western Slavs).