Overdue Poll: Most wanted Native American civ?

Problem with the Muisca is that tehy were wiped out very quickly, and never reciverred, like teh Aztecs, while the Mayans and the Inca at least tried, and revolted.

Now that I think about it … why not include the Mayans? There is a misconception that they disappeared before the arrival of Europeans, but that is a lie, the only thing that disappeared were the great cities of the classic (Tikal, Calakmul, Palenque, Cobá, etc.), but in 1500 during the post-classic Mayan, The restructuring of new cities that were growing little by little was being promoted, for example, this is Zaculeu.

You can even see a ball court in the back and an undiscovered pyramid.

Obviously these cities were not as big as Tenochtitlán, but in itself Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in Mesoamerica of all time.

I mean … they weren’t small towns


Personally, I prefer the Jivaros, mainly because of their global influence, the Tupí are also a good option because they are Amazonian and would attract a market as large as Brazil.

The Muiscas were an interesting civilization, they were even initially the connection between South America and Mesoamerica by sea. Although it could fit in AoE 3 I see it more coherent in AoE 2 (especially since they influenced to create the myth of “El Dorado”)

The Mayas would also be a good option, although the erroneous idea that the Mayas suddenly disappeared is widespread, the truth is that the Mayans coexisted with colonization for centuries. It is known that the first defeat of the Spanish in America was against the Mayans.

This could be an interesting addition (video in Spanish)


thanks for the video, it’s sensational, they actually talk about Zaculeu! In fact, there were several Maya kingdoms and confederations, so it’s hard to even decide which one would best represent the Maya. Now I am more convinced that they deserve to be in the game.

I can name at least 4 kingdoms:

The Mam kingdom (Zaculeu)

The Mayan kingdom Kaqchikel


Nojpetén (The last to fall in 1697)


Tupí is just the name given by the first european explorers in the atlantic side because of one tribe, the Tupinamba (could have been Potiguara, Tobatí, Paranaygua etc)
When we talk about Guaraní, is an umbrella terminology to aply to all the “ava ñe’e” speakers with the same cultural, religious and socio-economic way of life
The Guaraní and Tupí speaks almost the same language with insignificant differences, culturally they are the same (with the differences related to tribe to tribe) and share the same history about their origins and why they split from each other
So, if they wanted they could name them “Ava” which is “people” in their language or stick to Guaraní that means “Warrior”
For that matter is that there should be a option to stick to a traiditional forestry way or the Jesuit Missions, that involves gunpowder and have the military Tercio-like organization
Take a look to the post friend Guaraní Civ

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I think a Tupi would be a better fit for a playable civ. They covered large lands.
Jivaros are too small for their own civ. I think that they could be cool Minor Nation for that.

Would it be possible to make a common civ for Tupi and Tapuia?
They looked alike. They even decorated their faces the same.

Maybe so, but since there were only 4 highly developed civs in the Americas (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and just Muisca), each of them could be presented. It is AoE 3 that can present the natives in a cooler way.

Native Americans from Latin America DLC - Tupi, Mapuche, Muisca and Mayans.
It would be great :slight_smile:

So they could do a new civ - Ava or Guaraní. And it would be a civ containing both Tupi and Guaraní :slight_smile:

That map is very out of date, many ethnic locations do not match more modern studies.
In any case, the Jivaros may not have had a territory as large as the Inca Empire, but it was a considerable territory.

And also they did not expand so much because they are a mainly warrior people, although their violence has decreased considerably in recent decades, they have always been recognized for their violence and survival capacity in the fight against other tribes and against the Amazonian environment.


There were actually many more civilizations developed in pre-Columbian South America. The most interesting (for me) are the Chimú, Chankas and Chachapoyas.

They could be ideas for the future, I consider that for now America is well represented in AoE 3 and for now I prefer to prioritize Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Napoleonic wars … and add it to the civilization of the Jivaros :sweat_smile:

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Muisca belong to Age of Empires 2.


They are more suited to AoE 3 as this game focuses on colonization and also presents the natives in a better way. In AoE 2, the most famous natives of the Americas are enough.

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No because the Muisca had a lot of history recorded before colonization, just like Mayans.


But I think it’s fun to be in AoE 3.

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Replaced better with the Selknam or any other indigenous tribe that isnt used in the “Wars of liberty” mod hahah

I’m from Chile myself and I would love to see the Mapuche given some love as a south american Civ, they held off the Spanish and even the INCAS for a long long time. OP tribe indeed.


That is highly debatable, I lean more towards evidence from chronicles and archaeological evidence, for my part I believe that the arguments that the Incas came to Chiloé Island are valid: “Túpac Yupanqui, the Inca advanced beyond the Maule and the Biobío, reaching up to the Chacao Channel, observing from the shore the Island of Chiloé, the “end of the world” and, without interest in conquering those lands, he returned to the government of Tahuantinsuyo, after his long absence”. (In addition to the fact that the Incas did not annex native peoples who practiced canivalism)

If you speak Spanish, you could read this research.


And of course, there are also other sources such as that of Felipe Huaman Poma, where he explains that the Incas defeated the Mapuches due to the appearance of a “pestilence”.


Inca campaigns in Chile (according to research)

Distribution of the territories in the Tawantisuyo (the larger a territory, there used to be less population density). You will see that many names of those territories remain to this day.


Had an interesting conversation with a nice man on Reddit. Despite the legacy of playable Pueblos in video games, apparently the current Pueblo authorities are unfortunately against any depiction of the old Puebloan languages in video games. Allegedly, their old language holds particular religious meaning in their culture and to depict such a language in a video game would be viewed as desecration.

Source: Knowing history: Behind Civ 5's Brave New World | Polygon

So Puebloans peoples appear to be out :frowning:

But that narrows it down at least.

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Wish the tribal marketplace civs were playable.

They are playable.
The Tribal Marketplace is how the Huds and Lakota gather Coin.

Playable to the extent that a game where the map is greyed out when you load in is. In terms of nr 20 the civ they replaced iroq with is so much worse due to tribal marketplaces that with what could be considered a good boom in the remake you’ll be losing vs 12-13 civs with a good matchup against 1-3 if we’re being generous and the rest prolly being even at best in spite of a couple of buffs which accompanied the de changes and this is from being the 6th best civ in nr 20.

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Hi, I know it’s been a while. But I wanted to talk about one aspect. I understand that AoE 3 has many limitations and it is not a 100% historical game and there are some historical errors such as for example in the description of the Inca Kallanka the “Battle of Machu Picchu” is mentioned when such a battle never really existed and even Machu Picchu ( old mountain) was really a country house of the Inca Pachacútec. There are also other errors such as those existing in the geography of the game, I know that they simplify the geographical areas of the continents so it is understandable, however there are some geographical errors that become very grotesque, in my opinion the most representative of this case of the map from Araucania. They have given it too large an area and it occupies a geographical area that deserves to have its own map: the Atacama desert.

Map in AoE 3 DE

Real map of Araucanía in the 16th and 17th centuries

I understand that the areas of America have several geographical areas but the Atacama desert is the driest nonpolar desert in the world bordering other South American deserts.

atacama desert

My point is: many artistic licenses have been taken on the maps of South America and I would personally recommend dividing the Amazon into several mapas ( How it happened for the Pampas map). And diversity could be given by adding Amazonian civilizations (major and minor civilizations). This would give more realism and diversity, including in a better way to one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. And in addition, other interesting regions of the American continent could be added, even in AoE 2 there is the Atacama map.


Yes, please we need an official “black forest” map on AoEIII


Would be cool with European maps.