I was thinking about Drummers in AOE III , as you know we already have the Military Drummers upgrade in arsenal for some civs which increases infantry speed by 10% but we don’t have a drummer unit in game , so maybe devs can add a cheap drummer unit (Tabalchi) for Persian civilization in future which can increase the infantry speed in his aura & makes some fun noise
What do you think ?
Drummers are a neat idea, but I do not know how you would make them work. They obviously would have to be weaker than Daimyo, auras would not stack, and perhaps be cheap and only have a very short radius.
Could be sent in by a card, taht allows you to train them at a Barracks style building, so they are not just a bloat mechanic, but are actually built around a strategy.
Well my suggestion is :
Drummer (Tabalchi) is a cheap & low hitpoint unit which can be train at persian barracks (Sarbazkhane) with build limit of 5 (for example) & they take no pop cap , each Tabalchi can increase the infantry speed in his aura by 3% (so 5 of them will increase the speed to 15%) .
What do you think ?
Better ideas ?
It can be fun unit which makes some noises in the battlefield .
If a hero’s civ in the USA has the “Inspiring Flag” ability, other civs may have Drummers. This unit could function similar to the US civ capability. Since the USA has this capability, other civs may be similar. We already have a ready unit in the game - you only need to give it this ability. Another unpaid vessel in this game is the Flag Bearer. Maybe there should be a possibility to train a group of units in the Barracks and in the Forts: 2 Drummers and 1 Flag Bearer - these units would work identically, it would just look more cool. It would not be possible to train these units separately and there would be a training limit of 1. This group could be called the Ensign Regiment. It would be expensive and the units would have a lot of HP, but they couldn’t attack.
It is getting to the point where everyone has auras, except teh European civs, though.
It think it would be OK.
I was just browsing AoE3 mods and got inspired.
This mod adds nomadic civilizations, but I was most interested in one detail.
These Outpost-like siege machines look awesome.
If there was a nomadic civ in the new Asian DLC, I think it could use such a unit. It could transport units and train them at the same time (similar to Galleon).
They look like the European outposts
I don’t think asians used such a thing
But still pretty cool
I think Turko-Mongols (working name) civ would make sense in AoE 3 and could be an interesting civ. They would have a wide selection of cavalry units. Due to the fact that they were nomads, they would not have a large number of buildings:
Town Center
Yurt (home)
War Tent - combination of Barracks and Stables
Castle (same as Chinese and Japanese)
Stupa - would work much like a Monastery
Wall - without the Bastion upgrade
Trading Post
Trade Depot - a building that combines the Storage Pit (from AoE 1) with the Market.
Due to the fact that they were nomads, they would not be able to build buildings like Rice Paddy. In return, they would have a farm building similar to the AoE 1 Storage Pit. This building would increase the resources of surrounding trees, animals, mines and berries.
I don’t know if this civ would have Docks. After all, they were inland nomads.
It could be the only Asian civ without a Consulate. Possibly the civilizations to choose from in the Consulate of this civ would be the Ottomans, Persians, Indians, and Chinese.
Kingdoms of Shona (Zimbabwean people):
Kingdom of Mapungubwe (1075-1220)
Kingdom of Zimbabwe (1220-1450)
Mutapa Empire (1430-1760)
The Mutapa Empire was looted and weakened by the Portuguese in the middle of the 1500s so they fit in a Medieval Game and as a minor tribe in aoe3.
The Mutapa Expansion happened in the late Middle Ages.
Burmese (Toungoo and Konbaung dynasties), Austrians, Danes, Persians (Safavids and Qajars), Omanis, Siamese (Ayutthaya and Chakris), Poles and Italians (based on either Piedmont or Naples)
Potential civ bonus: all buildings support 10 population, but cost 50 more wood, as you said, the base of this civ shouldn’t be loaded with buildings, and I think a bonus like this would encourage that type of play because they won’t need to make lots of houses, also it would be interesting to do a trade post start with this
( assuming you start with 200 wood, you would want to chop an extra 50, because with this bonus a tp would be 250 wood, and support 10 pop.) this wouod actually be historically accurate as well, the Central Asian nomads sat in a prime position along the Silk Road, so I think encouraging trade posts with a bonus like this would make a lot of sense. As of cavalry units, there are so many options, I would like to see a cav archer ranged cav unit, a cheap, weak cav unit like the Cossack, a powerful heavy cavalry like a meteor hammer, and maybe even something like hand cavalry with a ranged attack, just like how Sweden gets, obviously the units wouod have different names and looks, just giving examples of the types of units they can have. Infantry will probably be less diverse, just a hand inf, musk, and archer/ skirm unit. Consulate options could be, Russians, ottomans, Chinese, Indians, I don’t think Persians wouod be a consulate option because Persia isn’t a civ (but if they added Persia into the game as a civ I could see it replacing china as a consulate option)
I think Turko-Mongols civ should have the Cavalry Archer exclusively - in its place, the Russians and Ottomans would get new Unique Units. Spahi could replace the Cavalry Archer in the Ottoman civ - Spahi immediately trainable in the Stables.
Perhaps it would not be very creative, but the Russians could get Boyars - Ivan the Terrible fought with them for influence. I think it would be a much more interesting Unique Unit for Russian civ. More interesting than the Cavalry Archer.
From the Chinese civ they could take Steppe Rider, Keshik and Iron Flail. Of course, in place of these Chinese units, the civ would have brand new Units. These could be units that are currently Mercenaries: Manchu and Iron Troop.
Turko-Mongols civ would take a Home City Card from the Chinese - TEAM 2 Mongol Scouts. Once used, this civ could train Mongol Scouts in Town Center for example.
The Mongol Rider, which is currently the treasure guardian version of the Wokou Horseman, would become a trainable unit - thanks to the Home City Card.
The Turko-Mongols civ would pay for its multitude of cavalry units at the cost of a small number of infantry units. I think this civ could only have:
- some pikemen
- Crimean Warrior with saber and shield
- unit with firearms
Turco-Mongols are from the Middle Ages, they do not fit in AoE3 at all.
In AoE3’s timeframe, all the big nomad empires were gone, and were being swallowed up either by the very peoples they once conquered, or their own now settled cousins,
There is absolutely no point to a nomadic Eurasian civ, because there were no empires to choose from, and their period of imperial glory was solely in the Middle Ages.
Persian scholar that can be trained at mosque and can build Madrasa
Abilities :
Acquaint : Allamah can use his small aura near villagers , each villager can generate small amount of XP within Allamah’s aura for short period of time .
Small Persian building which generates XP & offers some useful upgrades .
I really don’t agree with having the Cavalry Archer be exclusive to one civ. I prefer that more than one civ have it. Perhaps the Cavalry Archer can still be given to the Persians.
That’s a good idea for the Persians to have their unique cavalry archer just like the Japanese does.