Persia civ suggestion

I think Gatling zamburak is better name :thinking:


google led me to Wikipedia who said that gatlingguns where indeed mounted on zamburak, however worth pointing out the articel isn’t super good on it (says 1850, the gatling was invented in the early 60s).

i think it is a little early to draw the conclusion on whether or not it will mean persia but i certainly cant find other examples currently of it (except the afghan camel core, which i assume is british).

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By adding united states civilization & their gatling guns in 1st DLC , I think its also possible to mount those gatling guns on camels & introduce new gatling camel (gatling zamburak) unit . But I don’t think they come with any African civs. Maybe they come with Persians & Afghans in future .


And maybe they can actually be proper Artillery, instead of what TAD did with Zamburaks.

Zamburak was a small cannon mounted on a Camel, and the beast had to sit on it’s belly for the weapon to fire.
It was not at all like a horse-mounted Dragon Gun or Carbine, which is what the Dragoons supposedly use.


2 new maps that I really want to see if they add Persian civ in future :

hormuz island

(rainbow island)

This beautiful Persian island in Persian gulf has rainbow mountains - red soil - red water and many Portuguese forts & castles


Beautiful mountainous region between Russia & Persia . It was part of the Persian empire before the Russo-Persian wars


This map is awesome. A bit hellish atmosphere :smiling_imp:

I love this map :heart_eyes:
I think there could be two Caucasus maps - North Caucasus and South Caucasus.

  • North Caucasus and its Minor Nations - Circassians and Ingush

  • South Caucasus and its Minor Nations - Georgians and Armenians


The soil of Hormuz has a high concentration of iron oxide that gives the landscape a characteristic reddish hue


According to another user, the one you labled final civs is simply the beta access for the pre-release.

That just proves that the Gatling Camel icon is leftover from the original game and not something new.

I said these are just predictions.
I said I hope they add one more DLC after african expansion.

Thats true , I never said gatling camel is something new . Aussie drongo in his video said that it might be new unit for upcoming African civilization. So I searched & fined out that it was Persian unit in King’s Return mod .

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But AoE3 never had Gatling Cannons, and now they are in DE.

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AoE3 got Gatling Canons in The Warchiefs. The Gatling Camel is probably a leftover from TAD.

What’s the meaning of TAD ?

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So you think gatling camel can be interesting unit for AOE III DE or its ridiculous ?

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Yes they are left overs from TAD, I had seen the unused icon of gatling camel in game files.

The Asian Dynasties Expansion


Oh thank you very much

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I hope we can get Armenian, Georgian and Steppe units from them

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So, I know people have talked about this before but I want to give me input on how I think Iran/Persia should be added to AOE3DE. 1, they should be an Asian civ, with a consulate that lets them ally with England, Russia (their two historical colonizers, or at least attempted ones), the Ottomans, and the Portuguese or Dutch (due to their presence in the Persian Gulf). They could represent Safavid, Afsharid, and Qajar.

The two units they need to have that jumps out to me are the horse zamburak, which Nadir Shah used extensively against the Ottomans and Mughal Indians. It could be like the Indian one, but cost 2 population and be way stronger.

The other unit should be a Qizilbash infantry unit. The Safavids were founded by Azeri tribesmen gathered in a religious/fraternal order sense. The Qizilbash could be heavy infantry, wearing their distinctive red cap, and have a saber and shield, they could be a slower, but more damaging Rodelero, just thinking with the game’s balance, they could do something else entirely.

But Iran should have cavalry archers, which were the bulk of the Safavid army, before transitioning to Ghilman, who were resettled Armenians or another minority. They can be the Safavid musketeer, their answer to the Janissary and the Sepoy.

As for wonders, I was thinking the Shah Mosque of Isfahan, Chehel Sotoun (palace where they conducted foreign affairs), Eram Gardens, and those are just ones I can think of off the top of my head.

What do you guys think? What would you like to see added? I’m super happy that the devs are still updating and still throwing content into this great game! I wish it had all the love AOE2 is getting.


Bro I have a question :
Why you created this topic about adding persia in here ? Here is the AOE 1 DE forum . You need to create this topic in AOE 3 DE forum . I already created a topic about adding persian empire as new civilization to AOE III DE . You can go & check it :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think the Infantry units should be Ghulams and Jazayerchi, and Qizilbash should be some sort of Lancer Hand Cavalry, taht is weak but affordable in numbers, with a Divsar expensive but very strong Hand Cavalry as a secondary option.

Maybe Persians should have ony 2 recruitment buildings, like Chinese, one for Archaic units, and one for Gunpowder units.

Maybe something like this:

Archaic Barracks:
-Qurchi Swordsman (Saber and Buckler Hand Infantry)
-Gholam Archer (Archaic Bowman)
-Qizilbash (Cheap Lancer Cavalry)
-Divsar/Savar (Strong Hand Cavalry)

Gunpowder Barracks/Castle (Toopkhaneh):
-Jazayerchi (Skirmisher)
-Tofangchi (Musketeer)
-Zamburak (Ranged Cavalry)
-Zamzama Gun (Heavy Direct Fire Artillery)

Tupch-Bashi would be a good name for an Explorer upgrade card, since they were the Royal Artillery Commanders of the Persian Empire, perhaps with an aura that affects Artillery RoF.