Persia civ suggestion

Toopkhaneh is perfect suggestion for unique Persian military building :ok_hand:t2::+1:t2::ok_hand:t2:

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Wow, nice effort, seems this post did a lot of the work for the devs already!

While the USA dlc made sense from a hype/user base point of view, I think that with the impending addition of the African civs, Persia now seems like a gaping hole in the AOE3 roster, especially since Persia clearly had a much longer and thorough impact over the AOE3 timeline than the US. Moreover, between the Asian civ mechanics of wonders/export/consulate, the religious mechanics of the Ottomans, and the architecture resembling that of the Indians, it seems like a lot of the needed ingredients are already in the game. This is on top of Asia not getting a new civ in the DE yet.

As for the gatling camels, I think it would be great to have them as a Persian unique unit, akin to the Great Bombard for the Ottomans, or the US outlaws. I really enjoy how AOE3 doesn’t always stick to the script and adds some units that, while historically authentic, are often overlooked. The Ottomans barely used Great Bombards (which obviously needed way more than two horses to be transported) but they are just plain fun (without destroying the historical context).


Toopkhaneh could be a military wonder, a sort of super Dojo that can train Infantry and Artillery. Maybe it can also act as a capitol providing Explorer upgrades?

Toopkhaneh is persian word for artillery barracks or artillery foundry
Sarbazkhaneh is persian word for barracks
Toop or Tup = Artillery
Sarbaz = Soldier
Khaneh = House - Building

I don’t think so my friend
As you know asian wonders in AOE III are real historical buildings like Forts - Palaces - Castles - …

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About persian explorer , I think we need something a bit new & interesting :
Name : Qizilbash explorer/hunter/officer
Description : Persian hero unit that moves fast & uses his shamshir to engage enemies.
Abilities :

  1. Throwing grenade
  2. Tupchi Bashi : improves nearby artillery units
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It does mean that, but it’s the name of a specific thing, not a generic building. That qualifies it as a wonder instead of a standard building.

Glad to hear your opinions about persian explorer too :slightly_smiling_face:

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And about the explorer’s 2nd ability I should say that tupchi bashi means : The commander of the artillery corps


I don’t really want to see Horse artillery & Mortars in Persian artillery foundry (toopkhaneh) but I think falconet & culverin is must units for them because in reality they had access to european cannons like Russian cannons - Portuguese cannons (we still have many old Portuguese cannons in our museums) - British cannons - …
If they get factory they can have access to heavy cannons too .
I hope their explorer can improve their cannons with his Tupchi bashi ability’s aura (Maybe speed - range - rate of fire or max damage :thinking:)

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I like the idea of a new type of officer instead of a generic monk like the other Asian civs. Honestly, I think the asian civs should have military officers instead of monks, the idea of monks as leaders of the colony doesn’t make much sense. I like the artillery aura too, especially if they are to be an artillery civ.


Tupch-Bashi should definitely be an upgrade card for the Explorer, that gives him an aura that benefits Artillery units, like the Indians can get one that benefits Elephants.

As for the name, since Qizilbash is already a unit in most suggestions, perhaps he should be the Qurchi, which was the Shah’s bodyguard, and would make sense he has command of a colony/town.

Also, sems to fit the Saber-wielding Explorer role.

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I personally prefer to see the Dervish as their explorer, it’s more in line with the rest of the asian civs, since their explorers are all monk-oriented.


I don’t know much about Dervish but I know they have popular dance & they go to unique building called khanqah . What about his weapons & abilities in AOE III ? What do you think guys ?

His weapon is Tabarzin

His dance is sama

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People are speculating as if this game was a Total War by CA (that’s mainly SP game, so balancing, although have a MP community, is not that important)

First AoE III shouldn’t get a lot of civs, the homecity concept make the civs very hard to balance

Second, the game is not so profitable. Aussie Drongo speculated that they even lose some money, just to hype the fans for AoE IV.

Anyways, I will be happy if AoE III still gets support by the years, but remember, there’s a company behind this that it’s ruled by profit and cost rule.

My top picks would be, after Africans, Persia civ (not a correct name) plus some SE Asian civ. Maybe Poles also. And European maps and European historical scenarios (plus of course, historical scenarios from everywhere)

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the game is absolutely profitable.

AOE 2 and 3 gives about 15 euros per sale they make, assuming aoe 3 has sold about 600k copies that is enough for development based on the assumed team size (2 years of 30 people).


It have sold so many copies? There’s some data behind? If it’s true, it’s great (but usually people don’t buy DLC so much)

History buffs, which are these games main playerbase, are usually people with money, in their 30s and 40s, with a steady job, and starved of Real Time content for their hobby.

Age of Empires games do really well with both college students and 30-40 year old History buffs, both of which are interested in historic gaming and scenarios (also Alternate History).

I can asure you that AoE1-3 DLCs will sell, and basically just print money, because if there is one thing middle-aged HBs want, is more content for their games.


different sites give different ideas for steam owners, low end seems to be 300k while high end is about a million.

add in Microsoft store/gamepass and you can add a few more people (idk 25-50% of steam seems reasonable)

however keep in mind the game still has room to grow, how do i know this? because the 2007 version has millions of owners, and there are still people playing it.

it also indicates that the people owning DE are the most dedicated fans, meaning that any DLC is likely to sell fairly well.

the game still has room to grow and it is important to realize that the 2007 version already payed for the development of DE several times over.

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History buffs = well-to-do? When was this pattern noticed?

well, then I’m glad that the game will be supported :slight_smile:

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