Please don’t nerf the tea export

Good, you shouldn’t be able to. The Old Han Army shouldn’t even be available at the Blockhouse. It should just have Castle units and be for defense.

then you will find that there is only FF for chinese. and then you will say: chinese ff is so lamer, ff shouldn’t even be available for chinese!

It makes the other consulate options more appealing. They reworked most of the other consulate allies when they added Tea Export but Russians were so good that they were the only ones picked in age 1. Going with Germans to pump out cheap banner armies in age 2 is also viable.

Germans is useless in age 2 now… since it was nerfed into 15%

France is useless, and there is no reason to build a consulate early just for 7% hitpoint of British

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so if there’s no buff for other consulate, chinese will choose to ff all the time.


In my opinion, nerfing the FF strategy and callbacking the German ally or buff the French ally is a good idea. That can provide the Chinese with some other alternative choices, but not only FF.


Our players want every civ with various strategies and more build orders to play. That’s real RTS. @vividlyplain


Wow ,don’t expect this comments could be replied by the Dev team

Don’t worry , no offence at all only a little jocking, we love your game ,that’s why we are here

What we really fear is following the old path of Blizzard,and the weaken is tipiaclly their solution,may be that’s the reason i’m saying the last comments

This Civ is too abnormal ,its’ critical mass effect is much larger than any other civ ,so it will be really hard to adjust ,we totally understand.The big huge team almost abandon this civ, but you guys are still here.

We are really happy when you add new ideas on those old civ , you should be proud of your creation,please don’t deny them because of the balance problem .We will always support you walking on your own path .

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Not with that new export income, the card was basically nerfed into irrelevance. If the blockhouse was the problem then just make it more expensive and leave it there.

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blockhouse is just 250 wood, and chinese have to pay 225tea to buy it. it’s too expensive now. just you can see, japanese only need 100 tea to buy a barracks or stable. and fort, factory just need 600 and 800 tea to buy them.


100 for a building that builds one type of unit is one thing, but 225 for a barracks + stables + artillery foundry + outpost is another thing


Then I suggest you give a suggestion to the dev team to raise the war academy to 400 wood, because it is barracks + stables. Raise the village to 500 wood, because it is 2 houses +0.75 tower +0.5 livestock pen. Raise the castle to 600 wood, because it is a tower + 0.5 barracks + artillery factory


… sorry i really don’t know what i can say if you feel koxinga fi is powerful… maybe you will say Year of the Dragon is too op tomorrow…


hey don’t knock it till you try it. koxinga + mandarin merc army into crow spam is a satisfying play

also wood cost for a building is separate from the export cost from a shipment

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no way, it’s really a BAD card. not to be worth a hair

It won me a game in the tourney good enough for me

how about have a 1v1? show me the power of koxinga

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sure im drunk atm but name is Coffeeco so add me as a friend and we can play 1430 elo