Please remove all the nonsense censored words!

Just wanted to mention.
A few days ago I made a sarcastic “diss” review of Ornlus new “State of the Civs” Series on youtube.

I took it down myself as people didn’t see the sarcastic aspect.

But none of the “intentionally toxic” things I said was censored. Meaning IF someone wants to be toxic here he can totally do so.

My proposal is that instead of immediately exchanging the words with “###” you don’t immediately publish after someone made the post. Instead, if the post contains censored material, you give a message “Your post contains speech that violates the Microsoft policy.”. Then the passages which shall be censored are marked, giving that person the opportunity to change that OR write a request to whitelist these words.
And a post is only then visible to public when all the censor reclaims are solved.
So it’s up to the user himself to change it up in a proper way if he wants his post to be visible.

Most words have synonyms and there are pages in the internet where you can look them up.

The problem isn’t really that there is the censor (despite censors never work, but I can see why you want it in), but it’s more HOW the censor is implemented.
Everytime I now write a post, I have to fear that key parts of that post are censored. So I immediatly need to check my post afterwards for random “####”. And for no real reason.It’s really awkward.
And I would like to edit my posts myself, just tell me what’s wrong in your eyes and I can rephrase it. I don’t really care. I just don’t want to be censored like that. I have a brain, I can use it to correct myself. And I feel treated like a bot who isn’t capable of reflection and adjustment.

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