Cosmetic DLC.
Do you like cosmetic DLC?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Have you bought the cosmetic DLC?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Did you buy it or would you buy it, even if you don’t like it or don’t care?
- Yes, because I know that’s how I support the game.
- No, it’s not worth it.
0 voters
There is a free one for those who don’t know:
Playable content, but without civilizations.
I’ve always thought that the areas we need to cover in the game could be covered by DLC, even if it doesn’t come with new civilizations. That is, the areas that the game has already, but that feel incomplete, for example South America that could have many more natives and many more maps with new terrain styles and biomes.
Note: It is not that I am assuming that there will not be new civilizations for South America or elsewhere, it is just as an example. Personally, I think that the Mapuches could be in the future in the game as a playable civilization.
Would you buy a DLC with no new civilizations, but one that grants new maps, new natives, new treasures, new fauna, new flora, and new mercenary and outlaw units? (Assuming it’s cheaper than a DLC with civilizations)
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Would you buy DLC that brings campaigns?
- Yes
- No
- Depending on what the campaign is about, maybe yes or maybe no.
0 voters
Would you buy a DLC of historical battles?
- Yes
- No
- Depending on what the historical battles are about, maybe yes or maybe no.
0 voters
What other concepts could work as DLC, but without civilizations? comment…