[Poll](Updated) Which civs would you like to see in the game? (All popularly requested civs included)

Obama will be the ruler?


== Donald Trump ==

Make America Great Again!


cause half of them which named peshmerge(terorist) wants our lands. other half loves turkey and hate than pkk

So very cringe, very cringe

It’s irony. I just wanted to present the nonsense of adding the US as a civ.

I know it’s stupid, but this is how Americans want to present themselves - as the only good in the world and perfection.

And you have to remember that this game is created by who? Americans.


While in AoE 3 they make a bit of sense, in AoE 2 it would be just sci-fi.

And I’m afraid they can do anything for the extra $$$.

US as a civ would be a great addition, o any game that starts in the 19th century, when American Imperialism started.
Before that, it would be inapropriate.
Specially when the game has had them for years, as a Revolution option, and it still is the most common one at that.

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Slave owners who wanted to be free :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I really don’t know what that means anymore.

Maybe it will be a DLC about the American Civil War?

Campaign about it. Texas, California and CSA revolution for civ Americans. A few natives from America?

Adding the USA would mean that Brazil, for example, should appear in the game. And if Brazil is also Mexico and Argentina. The creators stepped into a mine by themselves.

This campaign would be a really cool part of the Eastern European DLC.

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If you ever go to Bulgaria, don’t say this, for the sake of your own health and safety LOL.


My guess is that I might outrage Bulgarians this way, but I am simply stating the facts.

They are Slavic Turks :slight_smile: - I don’t think it’s offensive, just true.

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I think that the Balkans are probably better for you to avoid lol

Calm down. Being in the Balkans, I want to admire their culture, architecture, landscapes and regional food :slight_smile:

Only an idiot would go there to insult the local people …

It sounds a bit like a threat …

Lmao haha. I’m not from the Balkans, but Bulgarians don’t like association with Turkey (due to historical reasons between the two nations)

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Hahaha :joy:

I know this :smiley:

Bulgarians are Slavic Turks. They are now Slavs, but have Turkish roots.

Complicated as all of Eastern Europe :sweat_smile:

I am sure you meant Turkic roots and not Turkish :slight_smile:

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Right :wink:

Thanks for correcting me :smiley:

More reasons to add bohemians and poles.they too are like bulgarians unique.