[Poll] Will the devs ever care to balance the newest Unique Unit, the Flaming Camels?

even halbs don’t trade 1 for 1 with paladins, or heavy cavalry in general, or elephants for that matter.

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It counters Fire Ships, so no. They are used in the whole game. Obviously in the middle of the sea Galley micro is a better option but in closed corners they are better against Fire Ships. Also you can retake the water with good explosions.

This is not outlandish, Petards are commonly used in closed maps such as Arena or Black Forest

Just give Indians or Vikings Flaming Camels. We wouldn’t see them…

Burmese or other civs have WORSE eco than Khmer but they are picked to counter them.

But they cost no gold

rarely. it mostly devolves into galley wars.

yeah but we don’t even really see fire ships all that much in late game.

you can, but only in the early game. in the late game they opponent is just going to out mass you if it has gotten to the point where you’re relying on surprise demo ships.

so less then 20% of all team games, and 1 in 9 games on 1v1 maps (and that includes games from before the prefered map update, so who knows how much lower those numbers will get)… and how common is commonly? i rarely see them in either. maybe 1 or 2 to burst open a wall, but that isn’t “common usage” thats 1 or 2 per game, from time to time.

its almost like people don’t like suicide units.

and camels only cost 30 gold.

food for thought. in your paladins vs camels video, the camel player came out ahead over 10k gold despite using head on engagements. that doesn’t include all the upgrades or tech cost for the paladin too.


You make 100 of them: 3000 gold

It’s much better to make Keshiks or HCA out of 3k gold, because Flaming Camels are still useless and we never see them in the game.

People would use them if they were good even if they are a suicide unit.

you were the one who was trying to rely on mike empires videos. i’m just stating facts.
600 camels (18,000 gold worth, 18,500 if you include the tech) killed 379 paladins. which comes to 28,425 gold worth of paladins alone.

really? tell me why demo ships don’t see common use outside of feudal age then?
why don’t petards see far more use?
people prefer a non suicide unit.

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I won’t repeat myself. I’ve already discussed that people USE Petards and Demo Ships while Flaming Camels are never used even against Cavalry.

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they use them. very very rarely. maybe 1 in 5 team games will see less then 5 petards made.
maybe 1 in 10 1v1 games will see less then 5 petards made.
demo ships are never seen outside of feudal unless as a last ditch all or nothing effort.
camels have already proven to be cost effective.

let me repeat myself - PEOPLE DON’T LIKE SUICIDE UNITS. the only way you would ever see them used is if you buffed them so MUCH that not only were they insanely cost effective, they were insanely supply efficient too. if i could throw 2 camels at 5 paladins and watch them win. i’d use them. outside of that? very doubtful.


very very very very very very very … rarely maybe 1 in 100000 team games when you see Flaming Camels

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A suicide unit is basically holding a “shoot me down” sign.
Happens in every Strategy game, even the turn-based.

The only 2 ways for suicide units to be successful, is if they are inexpensive and rushable (SC2 Banelings), or have another survival mechanism (Bomb Truck disguise in C&C Genrals, MAD Tank Mammoth Armour class in C&C RA1…).

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this game is a proper game, and is not supposed to be filled with ‘memes’

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Just because a unit can’t make up the body of your force doesn’t make it useless.

Send three flaming camels against a single paladin in an enemy force and you’ll kill that paladin and heavily damage the ones near it. You’ll have subtracted resources from both sides, but more from his side than from yours. Repeat this process until you have more resources in units than him and pow, you win.

This does become less practical at higher tiers of play, because players get better at micro and are able to divide their forces to avoid the damage, but it’s perfectly viable everywhere but the best of the best.


If you don’t understand why no one uses Flaming Camels, why they are still a meme unit from all these months, then there is no point explaining over and over

What a funny way to say you don’t have any good arguments.

Flaming Camels are fine.


Go on youtube and search flaming camels. You will find TheViper, Hera, Nili, T90 and DauT vidoes where they each use them.
See for yourself. The arguments.

this game is a proper game, and is not supposed to be filled with ‘memes’

People make Heavy Camels and crap Tatar Halbs over the fine, effective, meta Flaming Camels. 50% of the players have not created a single Flaming Camel yet

Every single test thus far has shown nothing but them being cost-effective against their intended targets. There is nothing to complain about, here.

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Cost effectively never used over Tatar Halbs and Heavy Camels

Maybe because it’s locked behind the imp UT, a point which Tatar games rarely last to?

There are legit problems Tatars have like meso Eagles and Goths but you guys are obsessed with stuff like flaming camels which nobody cares about in actual games because of the nature of the game and that’s why no one takes these threads seriously


No, it is because it is a suicide unit, and those are almost never used anyway, since they attack just once, which makes them too “all or nothing” for regular Meta play.

Flaming camels are fine. Any buff would almost instantaneously put them to the OP region.

Sure you don’t want to make them a lot, but they are probably Tatar’s best counter to elephants. Like most things in Age of Empires, unit combinations are good. SO having flaming camel with either (i) HCA, (ii) Steppe Lancers (iii) Camels (iv) Keshik, is a pretty decent combo.

The video of them against the war elephants was funny, along what some others were saying, it proved the opposite, that we shouldn’t really buff them. Very few units in the game perform as well against elephants.