Poop Lord has been banned from ranked for 167 hours

Epicaricacy is unbecoming, and debasing.

[Mod mode off]

I personally don’t mind him that much, I’m more annoyed by PL’s excessive self promo on AoE 2’s subreddit as well as several streamers Discords.


That’s assuming it’s not an automated ban based on player reports (because people who rage-quit may report opponents without actually checking if they did anything against the code of conduct). I can easily see players angrily putting in a report after losing to an off-meta strategy. And since Pooplord is constantly using off-meta strategies, he would get a good number of those reports. It’s easier to blame an opponent’s unusual strategy for a loss than it is to examine the weaknesses in your own response.

The counterplay would be wonder victory (as that forces an opponent to come out and attack you). Unfortunately, ranked games don’t have wonder victory because there is currently no way to enable wonder victory without also enabling relic victory (which is highly unbalanced).

For Pooplord, normal gameplay is a meme strat. These strategies generally aren’t as strong as “normal strats”, but shake up the game enough that the game plays very differently (and may catch an opponent off-guard, especially if they don’t have experience dealing with the meme strat).

The problem is if he play normal strats he would be much higher elo. He is 1700+ in 1v1. But he insist on playing meme strats and stay at 1200-1300 elo. He is clearly not playing to win, he is playing to troll. His aim in playing ranked aoe2 is to troll, make fun of, and waste time of much lower rated players than him. And he has fun doing that consistently and he also make content out of that. Now do you see why he is banned?


The ultimate point of the game is to have fun. And the point of ranked is to have a game mode where you have about a 50% chance of winning. Constantly playing ranked games with a handicap doesn’t really affect the balance unless you change/drop the handicap (though I assume he does change the handicap, given that he used many different meme strats - I don’t think he ever drops it though).

There is also the question of whether his strats impact the fun of his opponents. I personally think facing an unusual strategy (like a Persian Douche) can be a lot of fun. But not everyone is that way.

Unusual strategies are fine. Stop calling PoopLord’s strategies ‘unusual’ or ‘unconventional’, or ‘off-meta’. They’re not. They’re strategies to waste the time of everyone in the game that’s not with PoopLord.


TC dropping or tower rushing are ‘unconventional’ or ‘off-meta’ strategies, nobody should be or has been banned for this behaviour. They still allow the player using them to win

camping the middle pond on oasis with cannon galleons isn’t. you cannot win with it once your units on land are dead, this is griefing and banning someone for would be very much appropriate.

Pooplord is toxic for the chat he frequently writes to his opponents. so any ban for him is too small if you ask me.


Hiding your last vills in the corner to just delay the loss is terrible game play. Doing the same, but for your last military is the same. If you start a game with this as goal, as way to win (you dont defeat the enemy, but they just give up because of you are hiding the last units), then that is just toxic game play.


It depends, so we need a qualified online judge for this case, unfortunately there isn’t one.

IMO, the keyword is premade team . It is grief on purpose if the whole team picked Spanish and took pond in the first place instead of fighting for advantage on land.
If it is not premade team, one player want to use pond for fish trap and defend it with cannon gallery, it is not grief. In this case, we need to change the victory condition, the player who lost all buildings should be defeated.

If this were Starcraft 2 Poop Lord would be celebrated. People not only accept, but anticipate meme strats being used against themselves constantly. I think the main issue is that AOE players are typically more sensitive and don’t like coping with the realities of playing an online game.


Training Cannon Galleon to protect you fishing eco is one thing. Training them when the only thing left for you is your pond/lake, is another thing.


I think its time to change some rules in this forum so being dumb on purpose is forbidden. Would make the user experience much better.


It is less likely to happen in non-premade team because the players who lost everything would usually resign. But it is really not grief if they still have potential to rebuild.
The grievers in premade team won’t resign 1 by 1 , and a well planned grief strategy is hard to counter. For example, 4 players all picked Spanish to spam cannon gallery. I am sure you can see the difference in order to tell it’s grief or not.

It also happened on water maps, one team won water but can’t land, the other team got land but can’t build dock. Some players eventually got bored and resign before they can beat each other.

Then maybe he should move over there where he’ll be appreciated.

Good meme strats are celebrated in the AoE2 community. Being an ass is not. Youpudding, Hoang, and others have gained “Legendary” status from their unorthodox strats, and nobody is reporting or banning them or their imitators for being different. Viper and T90 both have collections of videos of them “trolling” or executing meme strats or handicapped games. The Turd Man’s only “contribution” seems to be seeking out less skilled players and being as annoying as possible to them.

BTW I personally enjoy meme strats, sneaks, and generally unorthodox ways of approaching the game, going for them quite often. When I’m able to pull off something surprising, I occasionally get accused of cheating or threatened with being reported, but nothing has ever come of it. The only time I ever got a temporary ban was when I intentionally stalled out a lost 4v4 by scattering surviving units to the four corners of the earth, spamming taunts, and constantly setting the speed to casual (in a lobby with “lock speed” unchecked). The ban was absolutely deserved, and I learned my lesson. “Poop Lord,” it seems, is determined not to learn anything, but to remain anti-mature.

There have been several threads on Reddit in the past few months talking about how much people don’t like playing with him.


Well, since you already said it’s a grief strategy, we can then say it is a grief strategy, right?


Where did I say it is ? one player cannon gallery isn’t unbeatable at all, how come it is grief ?

So turtling in a little pond with turk and spanish cannon galleons and drag the game to 20 hours, until opponent resign, is the way to have fun?

So that is the reason why he is only looking for lower skilled opponents? And in his videos he talk like opponents are dumb and are supposed to be on same level as him. The reality is his meme strats doesn’t work at his own level and he is seeking much lower rated players with a premade team.

Not just pooplord, the whole team should be banned.


Yeah, the opponents are usually low elo players. But I guess that in of itself isn’t bannable, because even though smurfing is (?) a lot of players do it. The Chinese players are sort of infamous for it, too. Not sure if that gives them more views on Douyu or something.

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If you smurf quietly without publicity then you probably won’t be noticed. If you smurf every game, with troll strats, stream it, upload it to youtube, and trash talk to lower level opponent every game, that’s just attracting attention. He is asking for a ban basically.