Poop Lord has been banned from ranked for 167 hours

Honestly I don’t really understand why people compare it to Persian douche or something like that.

It is literally the same as hiding villager with 100 layers of stone wall every game, from the start.

It is not fun to me at least.


I’m also one of those wierd guys who play games to have fun primarily. Winning is secondary. Ban me too I guess.

That video btw is not trolling, it’s called cheesing and exists in all RTS. Playing unconventional should not be bannable.

Trolling would be more like hiding all your units so game can’t end or typing toxic stuff in chat.

Guess who does that. I’ll give you a hint: a guy who got a 167 hours ban


This is exactly what he is doing all the time by camping on a lake untill the enemy resigns out of boredom. He isnt trying to win, he is only trying to delay the loss as far as possible so the enemies get bored of him not playing. He does this combined with trash talking and being toxic in chat.


If he does that in ranked or just being toxic in general it’s no wonder he got his ban.

TC dropping is fine however. It’s an easy win if you know how to deal with it.


I think you need to step away from the draconian method acting book. “Being dumb” is subjective on your part, rules need to be made objectively.

I only found out who Pooplord is in this thread. After reading others comments and seeing his own youtube page, it became very clear why that guy was banned.
Then, day after day someone steps here, decide to ignore everything people said Pooplord has done, what he himself posted on his pages and take only this final video where he claims, without ANY proof, he got a 167 hours ban for one game. Those defending him a) are pretending to be dumb to avoid the real cause behind his timeout or b) are talking about things they have no idea just for the sake of speaking.

But, ok, “being dumb” is subjective. Let’s take an objective parameter to draw the line: those whose reading and comprehension skills are absurdly poor should not be allowed to post here. What if every existing and new account need to do a reading and comprehension test to be allowed to post anything? If you fail, you can still read, but cant reply, if you pass, you can read, reply and create new threads. Im 100% sure we all would be much happier.
Btw, for those who cant understand sarcasm and irony, Im not being serious in this last paragraph.

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People who defend poopderp only watch him on twitch and never had a multiplayer match against him.

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I’m not defending Pooplord. I don’t care for him personally, I only think that a ban like that should be motivated, expeccially if you want to make an example out of it!

Since the last drop has been a meme strategy, it’s right to suppose that something like that could be punished by moderators. It’s a sort of “legal precedent”. I just want to know if it’s the case.

And BTW I never had a match vs Pooplord, but I met more toxic player in the rank ladder, but I’m not going to report everyone of them.


No, it’s not. Try to write an answer telling us why it should be right to suppose that and you’ll find that you are wrong by yourself.

You should. No one is getting a temporary ban for one report. But, if yours is one more in a pile of reports, this is a sign someone doesnt behave properly.

Suppose that Pooplord has been banned for 10 different wrong behaviour, not only for using a strange strategy.
But the last drop was that one, so it’s legit to suppose that is part of the motivation. Unless some moderator explicitly tells us that it’s not the case.
So if I’m a player that likes to use strange strategies, I should be aware of the risk behind it. If there’s no risk, just make it clear. If the ban had 9 motivation and that game and that report are not bond to the decision, just make it clear.

A written regulation would be even better.


I already regret being sarcastic about the reading and comprehension test. It is really needed.

Imagine, just imagine, if there IS a written law about what you should NOT do and HOW a ban is decided. Its not a bot counting how many reports one has like happens with Alt+F4 (I really wish I dont need to explain why).

Oh, my… you had a horrible start here… You are assuming that using a strange strategy is a wrong behavior.
It. Is. NOT.

Now you are assuming that a) a bot judges who deserves a ban or b) devs work 24/7 to check reports. World’s Edge must have a huge list of employees to work so much on that.

You can submit a request to appeal a ban. Why do you think PoopLord made a video victimizing himself? He knows he is wrong and will lose it, so he rather make some to fall for his bait and come say non-sense ad eternum here.

You can submit a question to devs asking is this or that is forbidden or not, did you know that?

Yes, you should before trying AGAIN to play yourself a fool.

Enjoy your reading: https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047397872-Why-did-I-get-banned-in-game-


I think your behavior here is as toxic as the player for who you have so much hatred. You are quite offending me while not being in the position to give me a real answer, since you are nor a moderator nor a dev.

I never spoke about “bot judges”, and never told that devs work 24/7 on report. I hope they don’t, btw, and that’s why I don’t report every single bad behaviour I met in the game, since I want devs to fix more important aspect of the game such pathfinding :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe you should be the 1st one to do the “read and comprehension test”

I wrote “Suppose” just to make clear this was an assumption.
The facts:

  1. There was a video posted by Pooplord where, after a team game ###### -sort of strange/meme strategy- opponent ask teammates to report
  2. Pooplord have been banned for a long period after that game
  3. Pooplord is known for many things that could hurt opponents, and meme strategies is one of them
  4. Pooplord did not use verbal abuse or any other behaviour during that game
  5. Pooplord even appealed to the ban using the submission form you posted, never got an answer

So, just to make things clear:

  • I don’t believe Pooplord was banned only because of that game
  • I suppose that game was part of the motivation behind the ban
  • since in that game Pooplord had no bad behavior except for a meme strategy, I’m just asking how much somethink like that could affect a ban decision

Since Pooplord is quite known in the community, he could be used as an “example” to discourage bad behaviors, and I think the week ban has to be seen in that prospective. A little more trasparency could help in this sense.

If that game did not affect the decision, just tell us.
If that game affected the decision, but not for the meme strategy, just tell us.
If a repeated meme strategy could be punished, just tell us.

I’m not going to appeal for Pooplord ban. It’s none of my business.
I just want everything to be clear, apart from personal likes and dislikes about the Pooplord.

I dont hate him. I hate people trying to defend him pretending he’s a cool person that dont teases his opponents, griefs and play the victim when he faces the consequences for his own actions. You are very good to get Im teasing you with my sarcasm, but you rather believe that a game Pooplord has done nothing to might be one of the reasons for a 167 hours ban. If I kindly answer someone else in another thread and then get a temporary ban here, will you believe I got it for my last answer or for being rude to you?

Why devs that work with coding would check reports? Its probably part of PR team, not coding team.

People might dislike meme strategies, but its not anything that breaks a code of conduct rule. You asked if there are written rules. There are. Period. Stop assuming something outside them could be the reason for someone who frequently breaks very clear rules.

It doesnt make ANY sense for that game being part of the reason behind his ban. There’s enough transparency in what makes the ban hammer to fall in someone’s head, but people still rather make up conspiracy theories.

Why answer such a silly question? Then everyone will start to require public answers for their misdoings?
And why are you so afraid of being banned for a meme strategy? Are you using them very often? If you are, and still didnt get a ban, shouldnt you assume it wont give you a “go do something else for 167 hours”? People are using meme strategies on the ladder since DE was released, how many made videos about being banned for it?


why do you think that? just because it was the last game before the ban, doesn’t mean it had anything to do with the ban.

if I hurl abuse at another player A in a game, finish the game and immediately queue up again, and A only reports me after I am already in the next game, then there is no way that I could get banned ‘in time’.

any system that relies on human interaction will take time to enforce.
any automated system will just be triggered by number of reports.
most likely it’s a hybrid system, where if you get enough reports a human will intervene. so possibly the moderators saw that he was getting tons of reports, went through a few of his games, saw he was toxic ## #### and gave him a ban.


there is written regulation, and it makes it clear that off-meta strategies are welcome.

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You don’t get banned for playing off-meta, otherwise Rubenstock would’ve seen multiple bans by now for all the times he TC dropped others with Persians.

People who get banned usually like to use this argument as an excuse tho while the real reason lies somewhere else, whether it’s leaving early or flaming in team chat.


yeah 1 report does nothing, what if the entire premade team report 1 player ? or someone talk to all players to report 1 guy ?

How many of you do I need to be rude with so you all go read the rules for banning?
Im not even being paid for being rude, this is so sad, I could be rich already

give me a link plz, when i google aoe2 rules of banning on google chrome, it led me to aoezone, steam community, reddit. none of them got a list of reasons.


btw, I only want to talk about the bans, I know nothing about Pooplord and I dont want to discuss him