Possible New plot solution on obtaining Lakota and Haudenosaunee coins

But I think that was before they acquired horses or not…? Plus there are already cliffs in the game.

Well, all these unique features are still base on a common structure.
I saw many comments of more accurate Lakota you shared, but less for Haudenosaunee.

I’m still working on the Hauds concept. I’ve made their villager cost wood instead of food and turned their Town Centers into a unique building called a Longhouse, which supports 50 population and has a build limit of 4. Trying to give it a unique aura to boost farm and estate gather rates near it. The house is being turned into a little wood hut that spawns a tree every couple minutes, with a lot of techs to reduce that timer and a build limit of 5.

I made the Lakota heavily centered on hunted food. The Hauds, on the other hand, are going to be heavily centered on wood.

Creo que el comercio de pieles debería funcionar como los santuarios o como plantaciones.

Similar a los santuarios japoneses produce un goteo de recursos, (oro en este caso) más un extra dependiendo de los animales cercanos (fuente de pieles) quizás con un límite de construcción.

Similar a las plantaciones produce oro por aldeano trabajando.

It is more or less what I propose. but you can do both tasks at the same time, that is, food and skin trading. 5 villagers would work in the fur trade while another 5 would work in food choices.

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When environments are low in sodium, animals often visit places rich in this mineral and others. From a scientific point of view it makes sense at least.

I don’t know if I’m wrong, but the Lakota abandoned agriculture once they opted for horses and became nomadic hunters.

Perhaps agriculture could be present in the early ages and later become a hunting-focused economy, but assuming that farms or crops are rarely built in the early stages of the game, only a hunting-based economy would make sense.

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You are absolutely correct.

In the fast-moving gameplay of AoE3, I personally believe this is a bad idea. I did, however, make a concept for AoE4 for the Seven Fires that embodies this design philosophy of moving from agrarian to nomadic as the game progresses. Read through it if you’d like some more ideas about the Lakota.

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I have new ideas.

When a new cheap building named Hunting Hut or Hunting Blind is built on top of a mine, the mine cannot be gathered by any player, but this building does not gather coin like Mountain Monastery, but only provides a wide LoS.

Tribal Marketplace, on the other hand, will be changed to be a normal building that can be built anywhere and doesn’t automatically disappear, but will cost more (perhaps around 100 wood) and have a limit (perhaps up to 3). The game starts with a Tribal Marketplace Travois.

Tribal Marketplaces will automatically trickle coin, but initially it is very meager (perhaps around 0.1 per second). As long as the Lakota/Haudenosaunee player has more existing Hunting Hut in the game, the basic trickle rate of Tribal Marketplace will be increased (perhaps around +0.3 per Hunting Hut, up to +1.5). Additionally, tasking Villagers on the Tribal Market can also increases the coin trickle rate (perhaps around +70% per Villager).

The whole mechanic will be similar to Japanese Cherry Orchards and Shrines, however here the “Shrine” (Hunting Hut) does not provide any resource income, while the “Cherry Orchard” (Tribal Marketplace) provides unlimited coin income.

The Lakota/Haudenosaunee players should actively build Hunting Huts, just like the Japanese players are actively building Shrines. Opponents will try to destroy the Hunting Huts on the mines, so the players have to protect as much as possible to maintain the coin income, just like the Japanese players protect Shrines to maintain resource income.

The player’s coin income rate will be slower than that of miners from other civilizations, just like the Japanese berry gatherer will be slower than hunters of other civilizations, but it will also be easier to protect Villagers from raids.

I think this way would be the easiest way to improve without losing cultural sense, without too much work for development, without overcomplicating the mechanics.

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I think the way they went was half hearted its still mining now with extra steps making them needlessly clunky. I’d have prefered just some visual change that kept the gameplay the same.

Alternatively a rework swapping coin for furs and tying the Hauds and Lakota economy around fur trade would have been pretty interesting.

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Not sure what the MASSIVE push to have this a fur trade is all about. So, put that aside.

Point is you say these tribes didn’t mine and had no need for it. FALSE.

Have them mine the mines as others do, no hut. Instead of an estate/plantation recraft the building to look more like the longhouses and make them jewelers huts. Up to 10 villagers can then make jewelry at the hut. Mechanics of buildings and villagers for doing this is already in game.

Native Americans have made jewelry with mainly silver and some gold since the mid to late 1800’s. Stones, shells, turquoise, leather and sinew were incorporated with silver and gold for much of the jewelry. Granted jewelry making started (from all reports I’ve seen) in the southwest. It is stated that this started with the arrival of the Spaniards in the late 1800’s, however, the Aztec’s made jewelry long before the Spanish arrival and passed on this practice to Central America and Mexico and many believe from finds in Arizona jewelry has been made there since the Hohokam era. This knowledge of jewelry making was passed to all tribes in North America.

There is the history. The main pieces are in game already. So again, not sure why there is a massive push to transform this into a fur trade?

Plus, In my opinion, requiring the buildings directly touching the mines is a bug. Those types of things do not fit every scenario, even the campaign scenario where you have to destroy a command building in a fort in the south of the map. There is a mine with a cliff on the north and west side and trade route to the south and east side and playing the Black campaign it is the only mine I could not mine and that is a scenario directly from the game manufacturer.

Are you talking to me or the developers?
The fur trade is here to stay. The point is how to implement it in a way that makes sense.


There might be hope for reverting it for Iroquois. They don’t have the same taboo against mining that Lakota do so it would be reasonable if they just mined normally. It might make for an easier time coming up with a solution if a unique coin gathering mechanic is only required for Lakota.


I was just posting to the full forum. Fur trade is not in the game at the current time, so, it’s not even here to state “is here to stay.”. And I’ll just leave this forum if it’s just going to be people hitting their own heads against the wall over and over for no reason.

The Lakota have a whole thing about why it’s taboo, tied into the religion of the culture. The Haudenosaunee are more ambivalent in the whole matter, but with them, it comes down to “they never did, and never had reason to, and never had much opinion on the matter.” In their case, instituting mining is more akin to a historical inaccuracy than breaking a cultural taboo.

Sorta true. A few specific cultures did that, but it was never something the Lakota did. The Lakota still avoid making traditional jewelry with mined ores like silver or gold. The only ores that gets used much in Lakota jewelry are copper and iron, and that’s more because of availability - they’re easy to get your hands on for the Lakota. Otherwise, tradition still demands it be made largely with bone and beads and sinew.

Because the devs implemented it, and they’re not likely to remove it anytime soon.

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Just wondering where everyone is seeing that this is already in game as I was just in the game a couple times today testing a random scenario generator that I’m making?

BTW, my wife loves the silver neckless she picked up in South Dakota last summer. Sure glad I can see how much a taboo really costs.

Gonna be clear, but there’s a huge difference between traditional jewelry and what we make for tourists. We don’t sell art with value to us.
Source: Me, the Lakota Native from Pine Ridge.

People shorten “Tribal Marketplace” to “Fur Trade” a lot and use the terms interchangeably. It’s just shorter to type, and Fur Trade tends to be the more popular term for it, especially in usage involving potential changes to the entire concept.


We could also just let the Sioux gather coin again like normal from mines?
The whole reason they made the stupid fur trading place was because some woke 20 some odd year old “Lakota ancestor” told them that they didn’t mine rocks because they’re too good for that and aren’t imperialists damaging the earth like the white man…

You really think the Sioux had estates? Give me a break, its a game. Bring back the freaking mining. All in the name of wokeness we had to add a really annoying game mechanic… so dumb…


Lakota. The Lakota don’t gather from mines because of religious beliefs in the culture. A solution needs to be found, but I think the answer lies in giving the Lakota a different economy from other civs, not putting a bandage over the problem.

Would you rather the Japanese and Indians had normal economies as well? Because I think the diversity adds depth and strategy to the game. The Lakota could be similar, if the devs were creative enough with it.


pretty edgy post to put immediately following a post from a Lakota explaining everything you just complained about


I think that will never happen. That’s why this forum exists. XD.

Just because you endorse someone doesn’t mean you’re getting preferential treatment.

Of course the current “mining” method is absurd, but since we can’t revert it back to how it was before, it’s better to find an interesting new mechanic that at least doesn’t seem so absurd.

We can’t blame anyone for this because that’s how the world works now. I guess the developers also thought similar things to what we think, but they are not the ones conducting the orchestra.