Potentially good Bulgarian idea(s) to help the civ have more options

Not a bad suggestion, although a bit boring :smile:

But more then that I do think they fall of in Mid-Imperial and would need something like the Siege-tech discount as well, it doesn’t need to be drastic, around 30% would be a balanced figure I’d say.


  • build siege workshops 66% faster

would be a fun bonus. This is not an eco buff and requires some skill to make use of but it could be used for some very aggressive forward plays. You could try, with very few vills, to build a workshop right in the opponent’s base and put a lot of pressure on their TC…

Some other ideas towards better bulgarian’s siege besides tech discount

  1. rams/mangonel/scorps/all siege bonus damage against some certain unit/building (maybe they can lose siege engineers to compensate)
  2. rams and siege towers can transport some more units (this fits with their infantry theme)
  3. siege engineers free
  4. rams/mangonel/scorps/all siege units have +1 PA
  5. one siege upgrade free (i.e: capped ram, etc)
  6. Bulgarians receive some stone per stone building destroyed (walls maybe shouldnt count).
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I don’t see how fully/mostly upgraded skirmishers, halberdiers, hussars (with highest dps), cavalier with fast attack, konnicks, bagains, siege onager, siege ram, cavalry archers, siege ram, and krepost struggle with “options”
The only thing they miss is crossbow and their castle age is strong without it. They’re a post imp nightmare because they have most upgrades on all of their options and specific power options that doesn’t match up to the power options of other post imps. Halbs + bagains + siege is impossible to chew through once theyre there, full konnicks is always hard to stop, I’ve seen someone mainly go pure hussar spam and push on 2 fronts from pocket in an arena team game.

Options are DEFINITELY not their issue.

Yes, I mentioned siege ram twice. With bagains and halb it’s that big of a deal :V


who said they struggle with options? :confused: but having options =/= s-tier civ

bulgaria isnt a bad civ, they could just be better than they are… maybe its too soon to say and the pathing has done it already

I agree with this. I think the issue is more about getting to the point where those options become efficient enough. I feel like Bulgarians are missing a bit of an economy bonus to help them ramping up.

More like their eco bonuses are tied to situational units (militia line) and castle age buildings (tc discount)

Id take away the free militia upgrades and give them a small boost elsewhere. Maybe 10% faster non farm food gathering.

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5% because of the Indian shorefish nerf

or villagers work 5% faster (expect farmers)

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That steps on Japanese, Mongols, Britons, Indians etc bonus. It’s a cop-out bonus. If you’re gonna give them a food bonus, make their units cost less food since no other civ gets that. (It’d step on magyar stable hussar, but Berbers do that too and have even cheaper hussars)

Some civs are just Castle Age peak civs/need Castle Age to get in to their strengths. Berbers are like that, Celts are usually like that, Huns can go either way but theyre strongest in early castle age. That’s not a bad thing. And for Bulgarians, that’s not even entirely true; in feudal age they have bloodline scouts with faster working blacksmiths if you wanna committ to forging, and probably the hardest-to–stop M@A Tower Opening in the game; at least goths have to research M@A and have no stone bonuses, and are pretty lackluster in castle age by comparison to bulgarians. Then aformentioned their post imp is unbreakable.

Concerning militia line being situational, currently in a meta where they’re more viable than ever though you still only want to go for them with a handful of civs.
Bulgarians is definitely one of those civs.
Kreposts aren’t as strong as castles but plopping a barracks down next to one virtually decimates the chance of it being ram rushed down; since longsword is free and they mass so easily, pairing them with kreposts is fine.
Not even to mention the viability of massing swordsmen and sniping TCs in castle age while defending with Kreposts. I’ve done this a handful of times with Malay and Bulgarians.

Militia line is situational for most civs but when it comes to civs like Malians, Bulgarians, Goths, Slavs, who get excellent bonuses to go for them, and usually a standard eco to help afford them, they become increasingly more viable.
Konnicks is almost always the better option because they’re more versatile but the tradeoff is that they take much longer to get in to since they require a massive economy.

So, I don’t think they need much if any eco buff at all. They have some of the best defensive synergized bonuses in the game (Krepost + cheap tc helps them boom under pressure) and that’s enough imo. Kinda like Byzantines; good options, amazing defenses, no real eco bonus. They’re just trickier to play since they take time to get into their strengths and working with their composition options can be daunting against some civs. Late castle age and imperial age is where they shine though, and given that they have a pretty fair feudal aggression option and some of the better turtling options in the game, I don’t think it’s impossible to get there with them in normal circumstances.

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maybe just take away fish too

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Steps on byz as well. Imo it also doesn’t scale well. It wil either be too much or negligible. And affects the later game more than the early game so doesn’t help Bulgaria.

Tons of bonuses step on each others toes. Since so many translate into “moar wood”

ROFL really? Celts have two buffs from the get go. Huns have an amazing one from the get go. If free housing from the start isn’t one of the most impactful early game bon bons(since half the people here cant seem to spell bonus) wtf is? Probably one of the worst comparisons you could have made.

There would be something wrong with the game if this wasn’t the case… But just because something works to some extent doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. A lot of civs “really shine” in castle or imperial… But a lot of civs don’t care because they get map control and kill you before then. cough aztecs cough

Or while you’re turtling celts boom like bosses and murder you with far superior eco and siege. Or Frank’s boom like bosses mass better cavalry and kill your siege with bbc. And so forth.

If UTs could be gained from kreposts yall would have more of an argument but atm Bulgarians still need to build undiscounted castles just to get their konniks to do some decent dps. So it throws half the whole eco buff out the window.


I guess this is part of the problem. If we were to buff them without removing the free upgrades the situations where you would have used them might become too strong…

But if we don’t buff them they remain lack Lustre. If we remove the free upgrades they lose a piece of their identity…

I thought part of the reason they only get 2hs is due to the free upgrades… (besides the bagains stack)

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No! Their free MAA upgrade is their most fun and unique feature. And it is a great way to make up for their lack of archers.
On Arabia I always play 21pop instant MAA and have them in the opponent’s base before they finished building their ranges/stable. Sometimes before they finished building their barracks.
Taking that away from them leaves them with even less options…


What if they receive extra stone at castle age? Or free stone mining upgrade? Too much stone, maybe?

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This. You need those UT. Well, you also need trebs in imperial. At the end you always need a castle, so doing fast imperial with a krepost is not that worth it

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It is very fun, but it is only useful in early feudal or in imperial.

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First of all, I like the removal of paladin and the change of stirrups. Makes their Konniks more unique and the go-to late game heavy-cav unit.

From there we can go on with Bulgarians for sure.

I think that they can get an additional tech as well. Ok, they have the more standard amount of three, but I would not count the bonus: “Can build Kreposts” as real bonus, because that a thing is available in the techtree should not be taking a spot in the bonus page. We also dont have Indians: “Can research Imperial Camels”, it is just there to give it a quick-look for what makes Bulgarians special.

The most heard idea for another tech would be: Siege Technologies cost 50% (where in my case I would include SE), which ofc would not make their siege stronger but as they have a really full SW with only lacking BBC they can use some ressources saved here. Especially since their eco bonus only hits in castle age and allows more like that they can tower rush without much draw back or save stone for kreposts etc. Its very unlikely that bulgarians go FC 4 TC early on in castle age, just because the wood cost hinders them.

In my view, the tc bonus can also be reduced to 25 stone per TC which means 1 tower and 2 TC in castle are possible without stone-mining. Due to only having aggressive feudal age bonuses they really need to get on the train in castle. And with walling being meta and towers nerfed their m@a trush is not the best option currently. And with lacking archers they had no change in DE meta so far, maybe they will change with the new pathing

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Well, there is no reason why teuton barrack units need this buff anyway. It was introduced with +1 to balance out missing husbandry on paladins and giving halbs more stand in defending attacking horses, but next patch they really doubled- down, in a horrible way, and gave cav and inf +1/+2. Ofc bagains is ridiculously bad compared to free teutonic bonus on halbs and champions, but thats more on the side of that silly bonus that was just a desperate move to make teutons after the 10th patch finally C-Tier. Its not like they have a UU with a lot of melee, they dont need that feauture on their champions as well while bulgarians have to pay for it and get it only on their 2hands.

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Maybe instead of +5 should be +6, or +7. Weaker but really tankier. A teuton champion is stronger with almost the same armor. 2 points of difference but 10 hp points of difference too.