Profile icons of Spain

It’s a perfectly reasonable line, most british people of the time would have said far worse. Not to mention what latin american natives would have thought of the spanish. Calling them dogs isn’t worth being a snowflake over and crying about discrimination and your black legend bs.

The problem is not that. It offends us that we are the bad guys in the movie when it is not true. Do you really believe that 600 Spanish faced thousands of Aztecs with a few firearms?

They did it with the help of the peoples who were subjugated and enslaved by the Aztecs

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Ah, so for calling us dogs nothing happens but the natives can’t dance in a bonfire?

And it’s not just that, it’s all the black legend in the game

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Vou escrever na minha lingua nativa (português) para garantir que a tradução não mude o que quero dizer: Como o Haveliko falou o que me ofende é que os espanhóis (muitos brasileiros e até mesmo portugueses descendem de espanhóis, minha cidade no Brasil por exemplo tem o nome de Toledo) são sempre os inimigos nas campanhas e nas batalhas históricas, além da conotação negativa que fazem do catolicismo, dentro do jogo no compêndio da Holanda por exemplo diz que “infelizmente por conta de acordos de casamento ela ficou sob dominio católico espanhol”.
Como os anglosaxões protestantes se sentiriam se por um acaso fosse feita uma batalha sob perspectiva espanhola, por exemplo o cerco de Cartagena e no final Blás de Lezo dissesse “vencemos os hereges!”?


We wouldn’t care because it’s a game and not everyone is an entitled social justice warrior arguing about being insulted over their centuries old legacy of slavery and genocide lol and it’s likely what they did say in real life so what’s the issue.


Wouldn’t really care. For the following reasons:

  • Cartegena was over 300 years ago
  • Many Catholics of the time would have considered protestants to be heretics, regardless of right or wrong
  • It’s a game
  • It is funny

You can’t tell a good story without an antagonist and every hero needs his villain. Movies taking place in the 16th-17th century wouldn’t be the same without evil Spanish

Personally I would get a kick out of my history if I were Spanish. I always preferred bad guys like the Decepticons and Cobra from GI Joe. And the history is so distant that it wouldn’t be like cheering on Nazis.

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The Spanish are the ones who made the least genocide and the fewest slaves of all. The villains are the English but they turned everything upside down.

If you are not able to reason that, you have a problem haha

That’s why I don’t want to create a topic about the compendium of Spain because history is written like that and if the game has been made by Anglo-Saxons…


The most, if not all, were villains, at least a fair and equal treatment for all civs.

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Sure turks and pirates are worst than spanish

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But you must admit that there is a raw deal in a game that pretends to be historical and at the same time wants to have a political correctness.


Eu entendi o que voce quis dizer, sim realmente para ser épica uma batalha o adversário deve ser durão. Mas o problema tem uma outra parte: Toda vez que tive uma conversa com uma pessoa protestante a cerca de religião, a conquista, a inquisição e as indulgencias sempre são a primeira coisa que trazem para debate. Essas menções negativas soam como um ataque.


Não se trata de entrar no mérito de julgar como certo ou errado, ou melhor ou pior, se trata de equidade, se existe todo um respeito para com os indigenas, porque não pode haver respeito não apenas a comunidade hispanica que é grande mas também a catolica que é ainda maior?


This is a good point. Ensemble Studios clearly understood history and how to appreciate it but they didn’t shy away from depicting a more colorful fun interpretation of history a la Braveheart if they thought it would make the game more fun while still respecting history. You could feel the passion through the screen when watching interviews with Sandy Petersen or Bruce Shelly.

Comparatively, FE clearly has some history buffs on the team but overall the history part of AOE is far less of a priority for them, but when they do depict history they do so with strict deference to what they perceive to be the academic and cultural authority-of-the-day. This is palpable in the product itself: The new FE compendium entries are often soulless and technical.

There is a distinct contrast of spirit and heart between the ES years and the FE years. Both styles are valid, of course, but the distinction can be felt.

Tranquilos colegas esto se puede aclarar de manera pacifica ejem, es verdad que es molesto que a España siempre la pinten como la mala de la historia y simplifiquen sus hechos históricos, pero ya dentro de un juego que estereotipa demasiado muchas civs (como los rusos que hacen spam como locos y no ganan si no es por números) no creo que sea motivo de demasiada queja, yo soy un chileno y si en algún momento (que lo dudo realmente) agregasen a chile y su explorador tuviera una skin de huaso me daría igual o si dijeran algo malo de diego portales (persona que admiro históricamente hablando) por que seamos justos en estos tiempos los medios de entretenimiento están pasando por un periodo de censura moral y simplifican demasiado las cosas y dejan la historia como un juego de buenos y malos cuando la historia es mas de escala de grises, yo por mi parte se que hubieron españoles malos estaba claro que los habría, aunque las leyes de burgos y el mandato real pedía que todo español tratase a los indígenas como sus iguales ya que eran súbditos del imperio español, incluso el mismísimo Cristóbal colon después de traer esclavos de américa fue encarcelado por la corona española, habían malos tratos y contrabando pero eso era mal visto por las autoridades y si eras encontrado eras enjuiciado y castigado por ello, no diré que todo fue un camino de rosas durante el periodo del imperio español, pero sin duda alguna nos dejo un legado bastante bueno, solo que nuestras naciones no supieron aprovecharlo y decidieron imitar el atrasado posicionamiento ilustrado francés, por eso y mas razones, podemos dejar de matarnos en los comentarios y estar tranquilos colegas? estoy seguro que tenemos mejores cosas que hacer que pelear en internet como… bueno… no se mirar como se seca la pintura


You wouldnt care cause you arent attacked continuously. Spanish history has been abused for years on media.

In USA this late years people has been taking down different statues of historic Spaniards while they dont know that half of their country was founded by spaniards.


I don’t think you can say spain commited the least genocide and had the fewest slaves lol they enslaved most of latin america, in peru alone the spanish were responsible for millions of deaths, practically eleminitated the enitre indigenous population. Spain were in fact the 3rd most active in the slave trade.
The British are no more villains than spain, it’s just ex-british colonies were far more successful in general and Britain remains relevant as a global power where as spain and all it’s colonies remain largely irrelevant and in poor economic state.


Fuente? dime la fuente colega, estudios arqueológicos han demostrado la falsedad de tus palabras, lo que dices no es mas que una falacia sesgada por la propaganda protestante anti-católica, entonces como explicarías el fuerte mosse? o que el virreinato del Perú fuera tan leal al imperio español que tuvieron que obligarlo a ser independiente? o que tal del indígena Antonio huachaca o agustin Agualongo? o de los tlaxcaltecas o zapotecas? tus palabras se desmoronan fácilmente con hechos contrastados y plausibles, incluso el primer presidente de las filipinas se arrepintió de independizarse de España su nombre era Emilio aguinaldo, no me vengas con esas tratas que yo te las contrarrestare con fuentes y hechos.


jajajajajajaj really?
What is there in South and Central America?
Mestizos (indigenous mixed with Spanish)
It shows in his skin color and in his features.
In the US what is there?
Whites (English) and Blacks (African slaves)
And 4 indigenous people who have not extinguished them to justify themselves and teach them to the world.
If you can’t think of that on your own, you show how smart you are haha. So stop always putting a comment against any issue related to Spain.

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I’m not going to go on forever with this discussion because it’s futile arguing with spanish nationalists, go and look at the war of independence 1811-1824. Spain tried to reclaim control a few times, notably battle of callao. They didn’t recognise peru as independent until 50 years later.

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I am well aware of mestizos, I live in south america. Let’s not go into how much of that ‘mixing’ was through choice while under spanish control and forced to work for spanish land owners who were gifted the land of the natives by spanish leaders.
I haven’t said that the US is innocent of genocide or slavery, I’m well aware of it’s extent but it’s far from a case of the spanish are innocent and the british are guilty, let’s not forget the british fought to abolish slavery. Also most of the spanish colonies were not freely given independence like australia or canada etc spain just could not control them due to the distance and the war back home.