Queue Dodging Timeout Feedback

You don`t have to wait at all. Just go to the lobby and play your Arabia or Arena with the like-minded people. Matchmaking system is for those who want some challenge and are ready to play any map from the current map pool (and yes, you can ban the maps you really suck at)


since the last months the ladder was just for getting stomped against smurfs, and now they are cheaters too.

and sry but bro. why dont u go to loobies? and let the big boys play rank.

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I have a life or not is none of your business

Because i enjoy matchmaking system. It helps me find equally skilled opponents extra fast, it adds the thrill of unknown (unknown map, unknown opponent). Not to mention the thrill of actually losing or getting something (elo)

Did i answer your question, big boy? I enjoy match-making as it is now - i play it. You dont enjoy it - well maybe its just not your cup of tea, go give lobbies a try. Devs dont make you play maps you dont want to.

Honestly ranked should be designed for random maps rather then picking

we enjoy the MM system too. So? let people enjoy the map they want. Elo its irrelevant at the end of the day.

Especially since ELO is irrelevant to you. Seriously have you even tried the lobby? IMHO it suits you better. You can enjoy the map you want with players you want.
Yes that choice comes at a cost - you`ll probably have to wait for other players who want to play the same map as you, but that little wait is nothing compared to the time of being banned (and rightfully so) for queue dodging.

Well for one i think elo should matter but elo should be determant of all maps not just one or 2 second of all there are still 2 issues to fix first is the smurf problem and the second is to make lobbys a place were people who want to play arena arabia or whatsoever only that it should be rewarding

How many times someone should explain you that lobbies do not work properly to convince you enough to stop suggesting this nonsensical offer?

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Yes on infinite waiting time. If two players are not compatible then they will not be matched. This isn’t any different than a 500 elo player and a 2k elo player being the only two queued in the current system. They would not pair for an enjoyable match, so its better to wait for someone else to queue.

It does require enough of a player base to still find matches, but the fact that Alt-F4 was working for so many players indicates that there are enough around to find the matches they want to play. All it takes is for the matchmaking system to decline incompatible matches so the player doesn’t need to force close the game.

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Good then. Let dev implement infinite waiting time and see how community respond. I can’t wait to see the result.

No no, its only infinite if there are no compatible matches. Any system is if you think about it.

To put it another way “infinite bans” would simply be splitting the single queue into a queue for each map, and letting players choose to enter 1 or up to 7 simultaneously. Multi-queue is already a feature, this would just extend it to various maps. Obviously players with no map preference/bans would experience a much shorter wait time than anyone who wants to play exclusively one map. That seems like a fair tradeoff.


I’m good with whatever matchmaking system game currently have so I don’t have much incentive for immediate change. As such I have no idea what infinite waiting time should be. To each of their own. I guess.

Man, the phrase “implement infinite bans” should just be erased. It causes so much confusion, because half of the community is talking in programming terms where “implement infinite bans” is an absolute DISASTER statement for team games. The other half is talking in lay person terms where it means “implement some solution that in some way or another allows for players to queue up for as many maps as they are willing to play and then they get matched somehow some way.”

SOOOO many of the arguments would be cut almost completely out of here if the non programming people just stopped using that phrase and said what they mean. It’s almost sickening how many times in this thread group A are explaining WHY “implementing infinite bans” is a terrible idea, and then the original person retracts their statement to say something like above:

  • To put it another way “infinite bans” would simply be splitting the single queue into a queue for each map, and letting players choose to enter 1 or up to 7 simultaneously. Multi-queue is already a feature, this would just extend it to various maps.

How about we all Lead out with that one. And leave off the "to put it another way, “infinite bans” would be … because what follows is not “infinite bans”, it is “multiqueue into 7 map specific pools”

A lot of us are worried the devs will read “We want infinite bans” and they will interpret it literally and just literally change the variable thinking “how bad could it be??” and then it will be a disaster and it will be 2 months of an absolutely dead team game scene. 1v1 will survive, and probably thrive after everyone who doesn’t like arabia leaves to Age IV or lobby. But team games would straight up die.


I am back because of a 30 min time out, because I left the game not to play in the same team with a player I reported two days ago because of in my opinion racist trash talk. I am fine with the time out, but not with playing together with reported players.

Wouldn´t it be nice to have the option to have the opportunity to block players for team games? I mean 1v1 I don´t care, I would just quite. But I am a bit sad for my other two team members.

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Most of these already have been reported but to sum up my experience in the previous weeks:

First time banned for immediate teammate drop. Couple of hours later the same. The third time it happened I played on til min 5 to not get another one. But hey next time I played the countdown got stuck by 0 and after nothing happened I left and got banned yay. And the last time I played when I was in queue I decided to have a snack before next game so I left and got freaking banned bc of that before any match were found.

That’s simply not acceptable. So byebye playing aoe until this dumb feature gets removed. The only thing that got fixed was nomad start but nothing else.


I do actually love the change. Queue-Dodging seems to happen way less in 4on4 games than before.
I myself have not been punished by the system yet and 4on4 is a better experience now. But there seem to be more people afk than before, maybe to avoid the dodge-punishment. this should actually be handled the same as a dodge… (but i understand that this is a little tricky, because leavers will then queue a view vills or do just as much as needed to not be punished by the system)


Like i said i think the main insentive should be to only punish severe dodgers and not the entire team and making rm into a non ban random mode instead of the majority club of arabia or arena or i dodge

No estoy de acuerdo con el castigo por evasion de la cola , propongo que debe ser maximo de 10 mins en todos los casos