Queue Dodging Timeout Feedback

its an english forum but well i mean every map should be accepted and queue dodging is more of an distraction and cause anger but i played it 20 years ago and 8 years ago when the 2013 version came out and i could play every map i want and nobody complained

yea i feel like implementing infinite map bans would leave everyone happy. i find it hard to believe that more then like 1% of players would be upset if we got infinite map bans

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but then again it was stated multiple time why infinite bans would cause more chaos and solve less so honestly no infinite bans are not an option as it diminish the true meaning of ranked rm thats already stained and dont get me starrted with how much it would shake up queue times

Why should the true meaning of ranked Elo be based around Arabia? If someone wants to climb the ladder playing only Islands that’s fine with me. What is the concern, that an arena clown would qualify for an open map tournament? I’m guessing they would not win if they are truly a one-trick pony. Currently there are many Arabia/Arabia clone one-trick ponies climbing the ladder, since its easy to use your 3 bans on the 1-2 closed maps and 1-2 water maps.

Having full map choice would only increase queue times for those using several bans. For anyone that does not ban maps the queue times would be exactly the same. This means players could choose between shorter queues or more map choice. We can each make this decision for ourselves, no reason to mandate it across the whole playerbase.

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What’s the true meaning of ranked atm? A lot of people only play arabia and are horrible on closed, hybrid and water maps. So that’s okay while being only good on of these not including arabia is not okay?

I mean I see the general argument but then there shouldn’t be any map bans. A lot of people would be forced to play maps they don’t like (in addition to all those who already face that situation now) and I imagine player base would shrink further.

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i think the general argument is that it would make more sense if its not insentivise either one tricking and too much adaption but infinite map bans would make the queue a nightmare for everyone who enjoys variety and random map would make it a nightmare for everyone who wanna play specific maps i think the main thing is not that its not wrong but plainly refusing playing maps that are atleast try worthy and then maybe have an different expierence on it its fine. oh and btw i think the whole thing with the punishment for alt f4er atleast in my view seems justified because dodging really ruins a good part of the game expierience but how they handle it is something wrong where i can sympjathize that people who are punished beside the actual person who dodged

infinite map bans or some sort of equivilent is the best answer to the problem. i can accept something like an arabia que or an arena que. but the argument that que times a nightmare is just false. you will have complete control over que times by the amount of maps you ban for people who dont ban any maps que times will stay the same and for people who wana play a specific map get much shorter que times (cause currently its like 20 hours each que)


but the algorithm still needs to find comparables and if the pseudo infinite bans sways people to play more maps and leaves the 25% of arabia only to a lower margin of finding maps

Well there is different approaches to let people play the maps they want. Firstly more map bans won’t work from a technical perspective so when people demand that what they really mean is a redesigned matchmaking that finds matches based on map preference. A first solution for instance could be implementing that without adding more or map bans or any map bans at all. That already would be a huge improvement. Adding infinite map bans would kinda be the radical version of that system. Another alternative would be ranked lobbies or more specific queues.

That’s not true imo. The current system with map bans is more so. For if you don’t happen to prefer arabia or maps that many people seem to feel neutral about (e. g. gold rush) chances are good your opponent bans your favorite map so you can’t play it. If you at the same time ban arabia you’ll probably play a map that nobody really wants to play. A system that doesn’t allow any bans would be so much better for people preferring arena, hideout, nomad, four lakes and so on.

In short what we have now neither satifies the competitiveness argument nor does it let people play what they want. The worst of both worlds so to speak.


the competetive aspect would be if the maps are random and or there are no bans but i agree there is no need for infinite bans also most people who play arabia only are not satisfied with ranked lobbys because they say lobbies are broken and rather break ranked rm @Davyman3583

When will they fix this bad product?

Good point bro, you shouldn’t have to take a 30 minute timeout if the game crashes during loading.

If the game crashes - do something about it. Report a bug, update your video drivers. Try starting a test skirmish game every day before going to multiplayer. Don`t make other players suffer because of your corrupted system environment.


played several thousand games with no issues. coddling this sub par solution isn’t helping anyone.

Well if you have one crash per thousand games that is negligible. Any multiplayer game is susceptible to crashes. Don`t you think 30 minutes wait once per 1000 games is not that much a price for stopping the alt+F4 abuse?

EDIT: 1 per several thousand games


One crash every thousand games?

I played TGs last weekend, one of my very first games after patch, the server crashed before loading screen, I know it was a server crash because my premades also got disconnected, and we all got a 5 minute TO. The irony, mind you, is that there is actually a trick to dodge the penalty, which we know (and which apparently you don’t know, since you naively believe Alt-F4’ers get punished in this patch), but the trick only works if you intentionally Alt-F4 and here it was a server crash, so we got royally pwn’d.

How strange is this forum. On one side we have the bug report forum filled with people complaining about unjustified penalties, but apparently most of those are salty Alt-F4’ers (strange, when a true Alt-f4’er can just delete TC to dodge the penalty). and on the other side, you guys who apparently can play 100s of games without a crash, claim that the queues are now much faster, yet you don’t even know that people can just delete TC to dodge penalty, sure, seems totally realistic.

My only guess is that some people here don’t play the game yet still feel entitled to comment. If you would at least be coherent, you could say that you like the idea behind the patch, but don’t say that Alt-F4’ers are being punished, or that queue times are faster, that is OBVIOUSLY false, because Alt-f4’ers are NOT being punished in the current iteration of the patch, they can still Alt-f4 like before, they just have to delete TC instead of Alt-f4’ing. The delete TC trick was published here within hours after the hotfix and I’ve seen people do it in ranked day 1, so anyone claiming that “queue times are faster” must be hit by severe placebo effect.

Right now the only people who are being punished are the ones who don’t know about the TC delete trick, aka people who legitimately disconnect, likely due to TG bugs. The server crash I described above is not a rare instance, I’ve got it in previous patches. This particular crash was reported here within days of after the hotfix Bug: penalty received for a game that did not start , it was probably reported before but nobody cared because one would just requeue and forget about it. The forum is filled with similar reports of bugs and crashes, I talk with friends who play this game and they also get the same bugs, I have no idea how you can think the game is stable. On top of game bugs, at every new patch one guy has to alt-f4 because he forgot to re-enable mods which reset after every patch (reported since November 2019 and still present for some reason, and no sorry we aren’t playing a 1-hour long match sandbagging and wasting APM looking at those large trees just so that someone can enjoy 5 min less time in the queue), several ones have got crashes in the queue due to consulting tech tree crashes (keeps re-appearing patch after patch despite devs saying they have fixed it) and then about 1/10th of the time when we get a game someone in the opposing team drops within 30 seconds.


I like how you try to talk for the majority eventho people that alt f4 and cheat the system by griefing others are the minority

Also if they fix the elo problems you might not need to dodge but still if you alt f4 you grief and deserve to be punished for it

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Alt-f4’ers are not punished, they can just delete TC to escape the penalty. Do you even play this game?

This is hand on heart the WORST addition to the game. Its so bad that I have reactivated my microsoft account, reset the password just to complain about it.

I actually think that devs are delusional. We are not “dodging lobbies” we are dropping from lobbies because of technical issues and random errors in your new matchmaking system.

I constantly get random no good errors like 0xffffff when match making is counting down.

Im on LTE if that matters, so I suspect that your new matchmaking system can’t handle the occasional dropped UDP package.

Still I think its so UNFAIR that I have to wait 30 minutes to try again now, because of technical issues that could be avoided by more robust coding (Like not using UDP in a lobby browser. Use UDP when you DONT CARE ABOUT DELIVERY or the message is TIME SENSITIVE. How time sensitive is a “player picked civ” or “player is ready” package in a lobby context?!)

I feel like this only punishes us that has technical issues with the matchmaking system. Technical issues which in all honestly shouldnt be there to begin with. Don’t tell me that my internet connection is more than capable of streaming 4K, playing AOE2, CS:GO, EFT and many other real time and FPS games, downloading with 140mbit/s but somehow it isn’t good enough to recieve a few update packages in a lobby / matchmaking context?!


and that should be punished too and yes i do play the game