REALLY nice screenshots of aoe4!

Castles sometimes look too small in this game. Sometimes they’re hardly even taller than the stone walls.

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The water in aoe 3 and aoe 3 de looks way better.


Sometimes? Are you suggesting that the castles change sizes midgame? Lol

Hi there! , since my most popular topic are a little bit outdated with 1080p pictures i talk to my friend to get some great 4K screenshots :D, also please don’t hate graphics here , I know that many players want to complain , please if you want to complain go to the main graphic topic , thx <3.

Also see the another topic:

It is just me or the grass is stunning ! :smiley:


I hope AOE4 will be so good that T90Official stops casting AOE2 and switches to AOE4. He’s kind of my favorite caster


It looks great, really. Converting the beautiful 2D visuals of AoE II into 3D was a tricky challenge and I think they mostly succeeded.
But I can’t get over the stupid and inconsistent scale of buildings (they should all be based upon the walls’ scale IMO).
Also it’s very disappointing that those kite shields are the only accurate elements when it comes to arms & armors. The rest is either fancy, clichés or anachronisms (Asian civs have mostly 18th-19th century equipments).


Thanks again for these great pictures.


Developers, take my money.


Looks really awesome!


what do u mean by saying

What do u mean? Read books and watch some basic history videos on youtube.
To be frankly, until 17th century Europe was way behind in terms of science and technology. The Chinese introduced gun powder guns etc. Then the Mongols used it passed it future descendants. Then later Europe was introduced to gun powder weaponry. The Brits were offended by the Manchu’s, bcse they sent a letter saying you guys have outdated weaponry and no match for us. Then the Brits started Opium War or known as Drug war. It rotted Chinese government bcse they were addicted to it and is the main reason why China have strict regulation for it.


I am talking about clothing and armor design.


I really like the art style, the colors, textures and crispness looks good. The best picture is the first one, as it seems to be from a time when buildings were drawn to scale… There the units look like the doors actually fit, and the market could and should let units path through it.

Then the rest look like units will bump heads on the doors and the piddly towers are so underwhelming.

I think if they were going to change the scale of the buildings really should have redone them so that the buildings would be smaller but still have features to the scale of the units. Its not ideal but makes it look like they would belong together. Instead they just shrunk the whole thing and its a poor compromise for me.


Doubtful and I hope he doesn’t. Unless Age4 is a supreme success and overshadows Age2, I won’t stop playing Age2

In 1 stream he mentioned something like that he might be casting tournaments of AOE4 or maybe some games once a week depending how the game turns out to be. But focus will still remain on AOE2 so u have nothing to worry about. Of course I cant remember his exact words but it was something like this

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I won’t mind some Aoe4 casts, as long as we get Aoe2 as the usual

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t90 had stated in reddit post saying if aoe4 ends up good he will start mixing aoe4 content with his aoe2 content.

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The same goes for armor.
European armors were too heavy and limited mobility.
For that, the lightly armored army would simply go around it to interrupt its supply or attack its cities much more efficiently. Speed is power. The faster, the better. And the gun powder guns easily penetrated any metal armors during that time.

Hah, no. This is a classic myth. Even full plate armor weigh only about 20kg, which is nothing when spread across your entire body. Soldiers/Knights in full plate could still easily run, jump and all the usual stuff. There are some downsides to wearing full plate but encumbrance is not one of them.


can u give us a link? Cant find that T90 post about AOE4

“Here’s some great art in this style you don’t like. Now you like it, right!?

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