Request: Make Goths Okay Again

Thanks for your answer.
That’s why Goth maybe should get supplies for free to make them better in feudal and early castle age.

Good that you bring the main UU melee counter units up.
The price for the units with my idea {Stats fully upgraded: Health(HP,) Attack(A), Attack Rate(R ), Melee Armour(MA), Pierce Armour(PA), Speed(S), Creation(C )“c” if only from castles, Other Bonuses(B)} (Main unit function):

Champs: 33f & 15g {HP: 70, A: 17, R: 2.03, MA: 3, PA: 3, S: 0.99, C: 8, B: +8 vs Eagles +7 vs buildings}
(Strong and gold efficient unit. Weak to archers, gunpowder, high melee armor and scorpions & onagers)

Huskarls: 44f & 30g {HP: 70, A: 15, R: 2.03, MA: 2, PA: 11, S: 1.16, C: 5, B: +10 vs Archers +3 vs Eagles +7 vs buildings}
(Anti archer & Raid unit, countered by strong melee units & gunpowder and scorpions & onagers)

Other counter infantry units:
Jaguars: 48f & 30g {HP: 75, A: 20, R: 2.03, MA: 5, PA: 5, S: 1.1, C:c 12, B: +11 vs infantry, +10 vs Condittiero, +2 vs Eagles +4 vs buildings}
(Anti infantry. Weak to archers, gunpowder and scorpions & onagers)

Samurai: 48f & 30g {HP: 80, A: 16, R: 1.92, MA: 4, PA: 5, S: 1.1, C:c 6, B:+12 vs Unique Units +3 vs Eagles +5 vs Buildings}
(Strong infantry, Anti UU. Weak to archers, gun powder and scorpions & onagers)

Axemen: 41f & 25g {HP: 70, A: 16, R: 2.03, MA: 4, PA: 4, S: 1.1, C:c 12, B: Ranged +5 range, +2 vs Eagles +4 vs Buildings}
(Ranged infantry, Anti units weak to melee attacks. Weak to high armor and long range units)

FU Champs: 48f & 20g {HP: 70, A: 17, R: 2.03, MA: 4, PA: 5, S: 0.99, C: 14, B: +8 vs Eagles +6 vs buildings}
(Strong and gold efficient unit. Weak to archers, gunpowder, high melee armor and scorpions & onagers)

(Stats taken from probably made some misstakes when calculating the fully upgraded versions)

Jaguars are and will always be a great counter to Goths since Goth is an Infantry civilization and Jaguars is anti infantry unit, the best Goth can do is likely to use hand cannons or Champs with a cost of 33f and 15g vs Jaguars 48f & 30g, Goths could produce twice the champs and a lot faster then Jaguars so maybe not a complete overrun…

Samurais should also be a decent counter and should be countered the same way as jaguars and since they are weaker in almost all aspects then Jaguars they should be easier to defeat with champs.

Axemen are interesting with their range and is a match-up more dependent on numbers and micro since ranged works in a different way then units without range.

FU Champs Will have the extra melee armor that will make the units stronger but since they are 25% or more expensive they should get outnumbered and loose against Goth champs.

Sure Goths would become a bit worse late game compared to today with their champs costing 2 gold more, but they would still be the cheapest low gold cost power unit over other civs. Huskarls is similar to all other gold units (that also is counter units to infantry) hard to afford late late imp.
But i think if the late late game is he problem then they still have the cheapest Halbardiers (missing last armor upgrade), Elite skirmishers & Hussars(but neither fully upgraded either). Maybe Goths don’t need to be strong late imp?