ROMAE AD BELLUM - (RAW:E) Rome at War Expansion Concept

We have our First Patch for Mare Nostrum. (Download this version if you have already installed Mare Nostrum version of Mod and want to patch).

Patch v71094.0.0-v71094.0.1

Patch Notes:

  • Bug fix (fishing ships can build fish traps again), a small text fix
  • Nerf to Quad/Quinqeremes (-1 ship armor)
  • Parthian Tactics updated to match the base game change

We have another Patch available to those who had the latest version of Mod released on September 25th 2022 v66692.2.1. This was the Full Version of the Mod pre Mare Nostrum. This includes the new graphics, strings, Icons, techs, etc to bring original R@W Mod up to current version.

Patch v66692.2.1-v71094.0.1

If you have never downloaded the mod and want to try it out, download the Latest Full Version of the Mod (fresh install).

RAW v71094.0.1 Mare Nostrum Full Version

If you have any issues or wish to the track the Mod’s progress and development, please join our discord. We are an active community and happy to troubleshoot any issues with Install, gameplay, or even just coordinate a friendly Multi player match.

Please also share feedback and suggestions. We would love to hear about your experience with the mod. What did we do right, what should we improve on, what would you like to see next.

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Is the Rome at War DLC based on Romae ad Bellum? Or are you working with the AoE2 devs for this DLC?

There is no Rome at War DLC. We are Rome at War. You’re referring to Return of Rome. Just pointless nitpicking.

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Sorry, my bad, that’s what I meant. The new AoE2 DLC, is it based on your work?

Its based on aoe1 its a full port of that game on to aoe2.

I see, so it’s not a Romae at bellum port :frowning:

I know this is a hard question, but, do you guys think you will be relevant after that? Knowing that the average AoE2 players will have an ancient era equivalent wihout the Rome at War mod?

Excited to share another SOTL video has dropped about our recent Naval Overhaul. @SpiritOfTheLaw1, many thanks for showcasing the new update on your channel! Really great stuff as always.


Wow…It has even boarding ships with animation and everything, I thought it was technically impossible in the Genie Engine by the limitations of the time, not even AoE 4, much less the AoE 3 that fits with the context of the piracy of the eighteenth century have that and are more modern games…excellent work…


is it updated from the MS mod server? downloading from in game is faster for me for some reason… as bad as it sounds.

Romae ad Bellum Mod team is happy to announce another big update to the Mod: Masters of the Horse. We are adding two new cavalry focused civilizations: the Armenians and the Scythians.

Full Version with new Civs (NON-HD Compatible)
RAW v73855 0 1 Masters of the Horse

With this release we are also very excited to offer NON-HD compatibility. The standard full version mod is now packaged with SMX x1 graphic files. This should make the download faster and restore full zoom range for players. For folks that enjoy playing in the Ultra HD settings (myself included ;)), we are hosting a separate graphics only DL to install with current version.

UHD Graphics:
UHD Graphics for Release v73855.0.1 Masters of the Horse

See below details of the civs included in latest release. Happy Holidays!




is it just me or are the new civs not work right?

Have you installed the mod correctly, and chosen the datamod before starting a game?

yes but the unique units are the ones there suppose to replace

What do you mean? Can you explain further, or provide examples?

I was trying out the Armenians and it had the gentiour in the archery range and the fort made camel archers.

You didn’t select the datamod before starting the game then.

Interesting…hunting camps that create deer and town centers that can pack up and move…It reminds me of the Mongols of AoE 4…

right a always forget that :sweat_smile:

Yeah, it really doesn’t help that it resets after every game, I wish you could toggle the settings to remember the datamod you used last.